I'd have given this a 3.5 out of 5 since, the first 3 levels are honestly really fun and well designed, some of the better ones for 8-bit sonic games, but blue marine zone man... that drags the game down entirely, and the last level is very mediocre as well.

Looking forward to the re-make being made that was showcased during SAGE Christmas!

This was one of the first games I'd ever emulated actually and, I very much adored my time with it!

And while coming back to it is a tad difficult with how, very generic it is compared to the rest of Kirby's library, it's still a really fun game that I'd recommend anyone try!

This is the direction Mario games should've kept going in IMO and, I'm glad to see Wonder taking a decent amount of inspiration from this one!

I don't own a switch so I can't play wonder but this is very good all the same!

Frustratingly difficult, generic artstyle, irritating music... I really couldn't care less for this game.

It's difficult for me to call this a triple trouble fan-game, it's more-so an expansion pack for sonic 3 & K, while that's absolutely not a bad thing. It does come at a cost of stripping triple trouble of a lot of its unique identity.

And when comparing the level design of 3&K to triple trouble 16-bit, I'd say the genesis game wins pretty handidly.

Still, this is an excellent 2D genesis-style sonic game all the same, the team did a wonderful job with it and I can't wait to see more of their work!

Going from Majin Tensei to this was like being a Victorian era child used to drinking water with Typhoids in it and being given a glass of Mcdonald's Sprite.

Genuinely an amazing Tactics game, with a really fun story of political intrigue and synths, I'd recommend this one to anyone who likes Mechs or Tactical RPGS!

While I definitely much prefer Bloodlines over this one, this is still one of the best classic Castlevania out there!

Super smooth controls.
Fun level design that's Nowhere near as frustrating as the NES titles.
Absolutely banger music.

It's just incredibly good! If admittedly a bit generic and rehashes too much to truly stand out.

Still very much worth a playthrough if you like Castlevania games!

One of my favourite 2D platformers as a whole, I genuinely adore it.

I'd have easily given this game a 4 out of 5 like the original SMT 4 if the realm of YHVH was cut back by like, 75%, it's such an actual chore to explore.

My best recommendation for this game is: if you liked SMT 4's gameplay, give this one a playthrough, and stop at YHVH's realm, you'll spend half of the game's length entirely there and it's Awful.

An incredibly comfy game with wonderful visuals and music, its atmosphere brings you right back to the late 90s with very few of the shortcomings associated with early 3D games, I like it a lot!

It's unfortunate that the bosses are so frustrating tho, they bring the experience down quite a bit.

It's overhated, but also really average.

Incredibly in-offensive 2D sonic game.