This is the direction Mario games should've kept going in IMO and, I'm glad to see Wonder taking a decent amount of inspiration from this one!

I don't own a switch so I can't play wonder but this is very good all the same!

Going from Majin Tensei to this was like being a Victorian era child used to drinking water with Typhoids in it and being given a glass of Mcdonald's Sprite.

Genuinely an amazing Tactics game, with a really fun story of political intrigue and synths, I'd recommend this one to anyone who likes Mechs or Tactical RPGS!

I'd have given this a 3.5 out of 5 since, the first 3 levels are honestly really fun and well designed, some of the better ones for 8-bit sonic games, but blue marine zone man... that drags the game down entirely, and the last level is very mediocre as well.

Looking forward to the re-make being made that was showcased during SAGE Christmas!

Very Quirky version of Quake 2, basically being its own game or, I guess a side-story to the main game?

Level design is more similar to Doom or other N64 shooters, small closed off levels with limited objectives as opposed to the main Quake 2's sprawling levels.

It's honestly pretty fun for what it is, especially now that you can play through it the Quake 2 Remaster! I don't see why you shouldn't give it a quake romp.

This is as close to a perfect sonic game as you can get in my opinion, the boost stages especially.

So many different paths, so many unique environments, absolutely stellar music. And that's all ignoring how moddable and expandable it is on PC.

There's a reason people still make mods for Generations instead of Forces, it's just That Good.

One of my favourite 2D platformers as a whole, I genuinely adore it.

An incredibly comfy game with wonderful visuals and music, its atmosphere brings you right back to the late 90s with very few of the shortcomings associated with early 3D games, I like it a lot!

It's unfortunate that the bosses are so frustrating tho, they bring the experience down quite a bit.

A definite upgrade over the original Sonic 1! I honestly can't say there's much of anything wrong with this game!

Besides mystic cave zone...

I'd have easily given this game a 4 out of 5 like the original SMT 4 if the realm of YHVH was cut back by like, 75%, it's such an actual chore to explore.

My best recommendation for this game is: if you liked SMT 4's gameplay, give this one a playthrough, and stop at YHVH's realm, you'll spend half of the game's length entirely there and it's Awful.

The game's just really average and short, I have nothing to say on it.

Pretty brutally difficult but honestly a really fun game.

The music is pretty fantastic and the visuals are pretty good for the platform.

The different ninja abilities and the open ended design of the levels are very unique for the series and are really fun.

Glad I got to play this one! Though it's definitely pretty skipabble.

I was really hoping it'd be more different than the original with more levels, but it's undeniably an improvement nonetheless!

The levels are even more open ended and genuinely really fun to explore, and the different ninjas are as fun as ever to use.

I really wish Sega had made a new entry to this series on one of its home consoles but, I'm happy with how it turned out either way!

In the same way that Sonic Rush is the definition of a Dimps game... this is what people think about when they actually say "Dimps level design".

You explored where you shouldn't have? Death pit.

You fell from a singular top path that you've maintained the entire level? Death pit.

You dared to, go fast, without learning the level like it's on your exam tomorrow? Death pit.

This has to be some of the worst level design I've ever experienced in a game, the only reason I'm not giving this game half a star is that, its spritework is really wonderful and it managed to do the impossible in making the GBA's sound-chip (or lack thereof) actually sound kinda good.

One of the best 2D Sonic games ever released, simple as that!