Exploring can be kind of cool and the shrines are fun to solve, but the controls (especially in combat) are way too clunky to be satisfying.

Konami: How many plot twists do you want?
Kojima: Yes.

Pretty mediocre puzzle game with sub-par graphics and a very glitchy temperament. Might be worth your time if you’re a Doctor Who fan, otherwise I’d avoid it.

Tethered Arial Release Developed in Style.

This game is objectively pretty bad. The visuals are primitive, the mechanics are glitchy, it's very short, and the gameplay isn't all that varied. But as a big Doctor Who fan, I tend to eat up anything that the BBC churn out. The novelty of navigating the Weeping Angels, and wielding the Sonic Screwdriver were fun for the duration of the thing.

It's good, but overrated.

Elden Ring is the Dark Souls formula taken to the next extreme. The visuals are breathtaking, the weapons are more varied, and the world is seemingly endless. I just wish that were a good thing for me. The boss fights are cool, but there are too many of them (often repeated anyway) and the size of the map results in less meticulosly deisnged stages.