Throwing a Hadoken in this game is harder than doing an Evil Ryu Sako loop in SF4.

Writing is pretty obnoxious a fair bit of the time but it's a fairly decent FPS, weapons feel pretty creative and have extra abilities that can be fun to mess around with. Whether you could enjoy it depends on how much you can just tune out.

Pure lizard brain "number go up" shit.

Very messy game, some parts are absolutely fantastic and rival some of the best moments in any action game, some things are so bad they feel completely unfinished and baffle me that the actually made it into the game in the state they are. most of it falls into an okay to pretty good middle ground however.

How much you like the game will definitely depend on what you look for in an action game, if you're looking for something with very well constructed core gameplay that can offer a lot of depth and mastery you might want to look elsewhere. If you care more about the big set piece moments and are willing to forgive a few things if some of the bigger encounters are very well done, this could be a potential favourite for you.

Tranzit is the worst fucking map in COD Zombies history.

The level design in this game really has absolutely nothing going on.

Decent Bethesda open world game. Probably has the most solid combat and gunplay of anything they've made and a few interesting quests here and there.

Main issue I had with the game is how many steps it takes to do things in the game. In order to modify weapons you need the perk that allows you take research that upgrade, then you need to gather resources you need for that research project, and then once the project has been completed you need to do another round of resource gathering to craft the specific upgrade you want. It's a tedious process that made me not want to engage with the mechanic at all. Ship customisation and base building also have a similar issue of things locked behind unlocking a bunch of perks that I'd rather invest in things that make me better in combat or in exploring and looting the open world.

Visually the game looks very nice and I did find exploring engaging for quite a bit. Lots of good opportunities to take nice looking screenshots.

People say it's intentionally bad or whatever but honestly as linear 7th gen shooter campaigns go it's one of the better designed ones.

Feels like a mix of Titanfall movement with Max Payne bullet time and shoot dodging. weapons are pretty satisfying and the game is short and sweet with a pretty good pace. There are a few annoying sections like the one where you have to destroy the house that I found kind of annoying.

I can definitely understand why people like these games but I absolutely hate the combat.

A somewhat rough but still solid groundwork for what would become a fantastic series, the combat feels rather basic and stiff compared to later games in the series but is still cathartic with some satisfying animation and sound effects.

The contrast between what people say this game is like and what it's actually like is very funny.

Still a pretty fun game though.

Overhated, basically just colours but more mediocre.

It has I-No in it.