Nice throwback to Marble Blast Ultra on Xbox Live Arcade. Controls feel smooth and most of the levels are pretty good. Some of the later ones start to drag a fair bit however or have some gimmick that isn't super fun and messes up the flow.

It gains one point for having some good music and that I like Dante and Lucia's designs a lot.

Puzzles in the game are pretty interesting and it definitely makes full use of its pretty limited mechanics in it's runtime. But getting to the ending feels annoyingly obscure.

The pixel art is fantastic and the music is pretty damn good as well. Game feels really frantic especially on the later stages, the berserk mechanic is a pretty cool system for encouraging more risky and exciting play.

I also appreciated how you have to earn some in game tokens before you can get continues, feels like a nice way to avoid the problem of new players credit dumping and making the experience worse for themselves.

Game looks pretty, the climbing mechanics are quite fun if a little too easy, the game start definitely feels quite slow, takes a while for the game to start adding on extra mechanics you have to consider while climbing but once it gets going it does keep variety up.


Better than anything Gearbox made after this.

Action game built around a pretty good feeling basic system of dodge/parry then punish. Main thing that sets it apart is the degree of interactivity with the environment. Feels very satisfying to kick a pile of barrels down a flight of stairs and have it knock down a whole group of enemies.

Wouldn't really be able to rate every ch individually so this is for the entire thing I thought it was very epic.

I started out thinking it was pretty good but the further you get into it and the more stuff piles up I started to find it pretty frustrating, maybe if I had a better organisation pattern from the beginning it would've been easier but so much stuff piles up so quickly it becomes very hard to sort through and by the time I decided to stop playing I could barely complete any orders.

Really good time, played through the entire game in one go. Has all the same charm of the 1st game but the overall level design and pacing of the game just feels improved. More fun setpieces and less obscure crap. Dream sequences don't suck this time as well.

It's an effective piece of horror but I don't know if I would say it's a good game since the gameplay is very simplistic. It's definitely worth giving a go though since it does have a very good atmosphere and the build up to the scare is pretty nerve wracking.

They do deserve a lot of credit for how well they nailed the control for one of the earliest 3-D platformers, game feels great baring a few nitpicks (wall jumps being kinda finnicky, the weird turning inconsistencies and the lack of inertia on moving platforms)

The level design is a bit of a mixed bag however, there are a lot of great stages but a few do kind of fall flat, the swimming focused stages like Jolly Roger bay are just kind of boring, and some of the later stages are fun for being more platform heavy but get a little tedious when you go into them multiple times like Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride what with their more linear. I probably would not enjoy going for 100% but just going for 70 stars is an enjoyable experience.

A little mixed on this one, still a solid game but a little bit of a downgrade from the first game, it's easier and there is more of a focus on hack and slash combat with a combo counter and an expanded move list which is appreciated, but there can be some absolutely tedious enemy gauntlets late into the game and a lot of the level design isn't quite as good as the first game.