when are we gonna get more giantess ludo...

I can definitely understand why people like these games but I absolutely hate the combat.

Stick to the classic mode, the main single player mode sucks, the objectives are annoying and there's a bunch of frustrating gimmicks.

Definitely an improvement over BOTW, the dungeons feel a lot more like actual dungeons this time and the shrines are more interesting, playing around with all the devices to see what you can build is a lot of fun.

I like all the different abilities, they definitely make Wario feel like a distinct character to control compared to Mario. Main issue I had is that a lot of the rules as to where you could and couldn't hit enemies could feel hard to intuit.

3D Metroidvania with pretty slick movement. the level design is pretty open ended with a fair amount of ways to do something beyond the obviously intended path, was even able to sequence break to get to an area without a necessary power up which I have not done in a game like this before, the extra abilities you gain through exploring the map are a lot of fun to mess around with.

The games combat isn't great however, pretty floaty feeling and the ending was anticlimactic. was kind of hoping for a section at the end to that uses all the movement abilities you get throughout the game but it just ends on a mediocre bossfight.

It has I-No in it.


When I first just got to the end I thought that the game was very good but not quite as good as Mario 3 (I still think I slightly prefer the floatier jump in that game). But after going through the special world I had changed my opinion, It definitely made me appreciate more just how creative a lot of the games level designs are.

I also really how much content is behind secret exits in stages, when compared to the NES Mario games it feels like the player is actually being rewarded for being attentive and finding secrets instead of the warps in the earlier games where your reward for finding a secret was getting to skip content.

Interesting little game, Has a fairly unique premise and a pretty nice atmosphere. does a decent job of making things feel tense especially on the last round. Definitely worth a try especially given that the time and monetary investment is low.

Excellent game. really enjoyed each colossus fight, the scale of some of them is really impressive and each one feels pretty varied in how you fight them.

Was really impressed by the animation as well, the way you get flung around and stumble when a colossus is thrashing around looks really good, especially considering they weren't using any motion capture and were using mostly keyframes and physics to handle it.

Don't let people fool you this version is still bad.

I understand why all the kids are playing this game nowadays. It's because they like to build brown bricks in minecrap.

Moral of the story: Have sex with your aunt.

I'm not a big fan of parries and it has questionable balance but there is a lot to like about it.

The mechanics are rock solid but everything else surrounding it is either bland (like the music) or just completely unappealing to me (like the attempt to turn Street Fighter into a single player open world RPG in the World Tour)