This game is so stupid but it's also really really funny sometimes

I loved this fun little indie game when I first played it, but it has pretty much been completely outclassed by some phenomenal games of late. But you gotta pay respect to the grandfather of all indie games. The one that started it all. I don't think anyone could play this game and not have fun, not have a smile on their face, and not want to throw their controller through a window when they try and tackle the last two stages.

Really fun game, and really hard for me. Playing this on heroic was probably a mistake since it's my first ever FPS, but I had a lot of fun the whole time. There's a couple things that haven't aged well (the checkpoint system is so bad), the story is hilariously cheesy and impossible to take seriously, but I don't really care too much. Great game overall, and it's easy to see how it became so influential in the genre.

An incredible game that, as I played, my opinion of which changed drastically several times. When I first began playing, I totally got the acclaim this game has received over time. The atmosphere is just... magical. Almost unparalleled in video games. The environments are gorgeously realized, especially thanks to the amazing remaster job, the music is eerie and makes heavy use of synthesized instruments that sounds incredibly alien. And of course, the log entries that reveal information about the world of Tallon IV. It's fantastic worldbuilding all around.

Then I got to the Phazon Mines, and my enjoyment dropped somewhat. The Phazon Mines are by no means bad, or even difficult, but they are stressful. The enemies hit hard and are super durable, especially the Fission Metroids (apparently in the original version they didn't show up here -- I don't know why they would have changed that). The Phazon Mines doesn't pull punches, you need to get good. You can't cruise on by with the combat. And that was annoying at first, but as I got a better grasp on things I didn't mind them as much, but I still think it's the worst area in the game, especially to backtrack through.

Then I hit the Chozo Artifacts quest, and I ended up taking a several month long break from this game. I had just gotten through the Mines and was ready to face the end of the game, and to be hit by the crushing realization I had to backtrack through all these areas was just too much. When I finally came back to the game, determined to beat it and refreshed, I found it much less annoying than I feared. I even went through and 100% completed the items, despite the backtracking being a little tedious.

After going through the whole game, finishing it, I can confidently say this is an excellent game. Is the acclaim it's received completely warranted? I don't know, I've got some issues that I've already been over. It's still absolutely worth playing. I think my experience speaks as to why it's so important to finish games before judging them, and not giving up. You never know what might come of a full experience. My issues with the game lessened the more I played, and a fantastic final two bosses helped place this game among some of the best gaming experiences of my life. I hope I continue to take this approach to future games I play, and maybe you'll be more inclined to do so as well in the future :)

Absolutely phenomenal. Everything from the gameplay, to the environments, to the excellent story and characters, to the music, to the amount of content, is just perfect. I think there are games that are objectively better, but this is (for now) my favorite game I have ever played. It's an experience I hope everyone can have one day. Play this game if you haven't already, it's amazing.

EDIT: I like Xenoblade 2 the same amount, and Xenoblade 3 even more

Great game that's bursting with creativity and fun, but I've played so many fantastic 2D platformers lately that it kind of feels like Mario is just now catching up to the giants that have come out since NSMBU. I'm hoping 2D Mario games continue to innovate and do great things because this is a fantastic reinvention of the series with a lot of potential for the future.

So, first off, I want to say that I loved this game, and it's amazing, and I'm sure it's already been said why. This is the most intuitive and well-designed Metroidvania out there. The visuals are gorgeous, the music is fantastic, the story is pretty good even if you need to seek out particular dialogue to fully get it. Overall, a phenomenal game that deserves the high praise it's gotten.


for me, personally, this game didn't quite hit me like it has for a lot of others. And I think it comes down to the atmosphere. Hollow Knight does a fantastic job creating its atmosphere: of sorrow, melancholy, and dreariness. There's a feeling of death everywhere you go, and it's just depressing to slay these reanimated corpses while hunting for remnants of this lost kingdom, while knowing that you yourself are just a husk, designed to be nothing. While the game has a few comedic moments or characters, it's by and large a funereal game. And I think that works well for the story the game tells, but it was incredibly overwhelming thirty hours into a 100% run, to the point where I just wanted it to be over. To be clear, this is definitely just a me thing, but it's why I can't place this over Metroid Dread as my favorite in the genre. Silksong seems like it'll take a more lighthearted approach, and with so many years to refine this already near-perfect experience, the gameplay will probably be better than ever. I have no doubt in my mind that this game's sequel will triumph over the original and become the beloved game to me that Hollow Knight already is to so many people. But this one is still amazing and you should definitely play it.

Really short and sweet reimagining of a game that probably needed it. Very tight design and would be fun to go through again for a good time if I feel like it. Only downside is some annoying collectables if you're going for 100%.


I didn't understand why this game was so good at first. Then, after a ton of attempts, I finally got it. Addicting gameplay loop, fantastic enemies and boss battles, and a pretty good story that made getting to that ending satisfying from both a gameplay and narrative perspective. For sure one of the best games I've played recently.

Mario goes into a world and has fun but also sees a lot of levels that aren't very fun but are optional but it's still going to decrease the rating a little bit

All the hype surrounding this game is pretty much purely nostalgia. It's got some creative settings but the levels themselves are fairly uninspired and it really isn't that much of an improvement over the predecessor if we're being honest. Especially the soundtrack, like come on, how are you going to follow up a great Mario soundtrack with something that sounds this bad? There's some fun to be had but this game is nothing special and is incredibly mediocre today.

It's kind of crazy that a video game created without any standards or precedents to follow can still be fun and satisfying in the present day. Honestly, it's timeless. But I mean, there's only so much fun you can have with a 15-minute text-based """strategy""" game that basically plays itself and is so easy you don't even have to try.

Some of the sickest ideas and one of the best soundtracks on the Game Boy, completely squandered with some of the slowest, most boring movement I've ever seen in a video game, a terrible framerate that slows and stutters whenever there's two enemies on screen, and some just abysmal level design full of cheap one-hit kills. The tough-but-fair brilliance of the first game is replaced with unrelenting tedium, even for such a short game. Just skip this one, it's not worth playing (but you should listen to the soundtrack though it goes CRAZY).

EDIT: 3/10 -> 2/10 if the game is nearly irredeemable why did i give it a 3???

Gorgeous presentation, predatory gacha mechanics, mid story and kinda fun gameplay. Overall one of the better mobile games I've played.

Very cool and artsy game that I really like