120 Reviews liked by DKZK21



Bonito, trilha sonora incrível e com uma mensagem forte.

a game where the highs are very high and its very fun to play but sadly a letdown from the promise of not just being a sequel to Breath of the Wild but also squandering the potential of so many of the cool added aspects of the game. best music in the business.

Decidi jogar por causa do hype da série e não me arrependi.
É um clássico do jogos 🤓

Metal Gear Solid 2 might not be an objectively flawless game, but every complaint I can think of somehow connects to or gets mitigated by the themes it tackles. The gameplay improves on everything the first game had, the characters are still great, and the story is crazy ahead of its time with how it portrays AI and information access. I like the setting of Shadow Mosses a bit more than the one here and there are still some tedious parts, but as I said before those personal issues don’t hold much weight compared to how well Metal Gear Solid 2 explores it’s amazing narrative. I’m super excited to start the third game and it amazes me that it apparently gets better than this.

This one is on me for not spending more time with it and not wanting to engage with some of the systems present but...

After ~8-9 hours, I am dropping this for now and may or may not come back to it. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and New Vegas are all among some of my favorite games of all time, but this just continues the trend for me that Bethesda is moving in a direction that I don't personally resonate with.

The day after Christmas 2016, I got my PS4. A couple months prior, I finally got back into Playstation gaming after strictly being a Nintendo Fanboy for years. With my PS4, I got the Uncharted Collection, Uncharted 4, Skyrim, Little Big Planet 3 and Final Fantasy XV. I couldn't wait to dive into all these games I wouldn't have even given a chance years before. Fast forward to early April, I decided on a whim to pick up Persona 5 only a day after it came out. I knew almost nothing about Persona besides my one friend always recommending the series so I took a chance, and ended up loving it. Fast forward to May 2017, I pick up NieR Automata. That one friend who recommended the Persona series, would also show me gameplay of the original NieR. At this time I was still in the middle of playing Persona 5, but knowing I took a chance on that and was loving it, I took a chance on Automata as well. I didn't start it until June and didn't beat it until August of that year, but from my memories of 6 years ago I remember absolutely loving it. Fast forward to today and I decided I wanted to replay this game finally. I was wondering all this time if I'd love this game as much as I did back then, because 2017 was my absolute favorite year ever...at least that timespan of like April-August and it could have clouded my judgement. Well my thoughts are complicated but as you can see by my score, I do indeed still love this game overall.

When I first started this, I decided to replay it on hard. It had been 6 years since I played it but I figured I could do it. After dying 10 times in the super long intro, I decided to bump it down to normal. It might be a skill issue but I didn't find it fun to die in 2 or sometimes even 1 hit. I played the entire game on normal and I don't feel bad, I just wanted to have fun. Though tbh, on my first playthrough through Route A...halfway into it I kinda wasn't having much fun. My main issue was, I kept comparing every little thing to Gestalt which is the consequence of playing this immediately after that. I kept missing the main cast of that game and just wasn't digging Automata's cast much. By the end of route A, I was disappointed in the game...and disappointed in myself for feeling this way. I absolutely adored this back in 2017...did I change? Was I too cynical now or something?

My main reason for being disappointed was because my favorite aspect of Gestalt, the cast, was not even comparable in this game I felt. My favorite character was 9S and his best scenes don't even happen until the later routes. The cast of this game is solid I'd say but doesn't come close at all to Gestalt's main cast, at least for me. That was my main hangup during route A, and is still even now the biggest downgrade this game has compared to Gestalt.

During route A, even though I was disappointed by the end of it, there were still plenty of things I liked about the game and several improvements compared to Gestalt. The combat for one is definitely improved overall. Yes the combat is not on par with something like Bayonetta or DMC, but it's still flashy enough so that it feels good. You have two weapons at once and it feels good to switch between both. You also have these Pods that act as the Weiss of this game. You can switch abilities with them, and some of the abilities are straight up ones from Gestalt which was cool. Same with the weapons, some of them were ones from Gestalt so you know I had to use my beloved Beastbain. I also really loved the movement in this game compared to Gestalt, dashing around this post-apocalyptic world...especially in mid-air on top of buildings, god it feels good.

Speaking of the post-apocalyptic world..this a bit of a running gag in my discord server that I have a major hard on for it. And that's correct, I still absolutely adore the world in Automata. The world is not as fleshed out as actual open worlds, but that's partly why I love it. I think the world is the absolutely perfect size for a gaming world. It's small enough where I don't find getting around to be a chore, even if you can fast travel...and big enough where it's fun to actually explore and take in the amazing locales. Goddamn I love the aesthetic this world provides. The starting area is a ruined city overgrown with plant life and that aesthetic is like my #1 aesthetic now thanks to this game. You also have a massive desert with a whole city half buried in the sand at the end of it. You have an abandoned amusement park full of celebrating machines. There's more ruined buildings on the coastline. There's a forest area that leads to a grassy castle. Right before that area, you go through a little shopping center that's full of overgrowth. There is no area I dislike going to because every single one has such a cool aesthetic which really does it for me. The world/setting of the game was my absolute favorite aspect when I first played (besides the OST) and even now it's still probably my favorite aspect. If there's any single one thing that this game destroys Gestalt on, it's definitely its world.

Speaking of the OST, it is still fantastic 6 years later. While personally, I do prefer Gestalt's OST by a fair margin...Automata's is still awesome. Back then my favorite themes were all the area themes and while they're still great, I really like a lot of the battle themes now. Grandma Destruction and Emil Despair, obviously because they're remixes of Gestalt songs but A Beautiful Song may be my favorite totally originally Automata song now, it's fantastic. The OST is indeed objectively amazing but I think the reason why I don't like it as much as Gestalt's now is because the songs have way more going on in them while Gestalt's are more simple. Automata's songs are also generally more epic and fast paced vs Gestalt's more elegant sounding songs. I still do love Automata's OST tho and it's definitely one of my favorites ever. Honestly tho I think Gestalt might have my favorite OST ever in any game, at least as of now so ofc that would be hard to top but Automata certainly isn't that far off.

Something I definitely loved this time around was the Gestalt connections I wouldn't have ever gotten when I first played. Like certain lines reminiscent of Gestalt, or really obvious things nowadays like how the desert machines all wear Facade-like clothing. There's a quest in the desert that even has you finding hidden items that were all connected to Facade which was amazing to discover. Speaking of quests, I honestly think they were a lot better in this game compared to Gestalt. Sure, you don't have the amazing banter between NieR and Weiss. However as a whole, I found there to be less fetch quests and more memorable quests that felt somewhat impactful towards the worldbuilding. Obviously, the single best quests are the Emil ones for me just cuz they connect to Gestalt so heavily but that was gonna be a given. Oh yeah, Emil is back...his side quests were awesome as stated before but besides that he's only really here as a shopkeeper which is okay I guess. If he didn't have either of the side quests, he would have been a big disappointment but those salvage his appearance I'd say. Also up to the end of Route A, I'd say the bosses were solid overall but none of them really wowed me besides Simone who was amazing. That's partly because A Beautiful Song plays during it but still. Also Also, I forgot to mention I did do every side quest and of course upgraded all weapons to max. For what you get from doing that, which is some of the best content in the game imo, I think it's worth it.

Anyways, a lot of things have been improved from Gestalt but the big downgrade being the cast hampered my enjoyment of the 2nd half of Route A cuz I kept comparing the two games the entire time. I established this before, so you'd think Route B would be even worse because it's pretty much a retread of Route A except with small changes here and there, kinda like Route B in Gestalt except not nearly as good. Well here's the weird thing, I honestly enjoyed myself more with Route B than A. That's weird because usually people hate Route B from what I've seen but idk I digged it. Maybe it's because I was playing as 9S who I enjoyed a lot more than 2B. Or maybe it was the addition of hacking which I honestly quite enjoy even tho I know many others don't. Idk but once I beat route B, I was definitely enjoying myself more than I did at the end of route A. So I don't get when people say Route B is bad, it's different enough that it's fun to play through again. Then Route C is next and that's where the story has it's peaks...and where the game definitely won me over again.

Route C is totally different from A and B and that's a huge change from route C in Gestalt. There it was the exact same as Route B except with two new endings so Route C in Automata is definitely a big improvement. There's tons of twists, reveals and heartbreak and it's 100% the best route no question. I still don't think the story elements or character interactions come close to gestalt in its ending, but they're definitely very good. I think story-wise, I like it less overall then Gestalt's just because of the inferior cast but it has some really emotional singular moments and so I like to think I love the moments in this game more than the entirety of its story which is opposite of Gestalt. Going into those moments though, and they both happened in Route C, they were the final super boss that you access by getting every weapon to max...and ending E.

The final super boss I knew would get me because of its connection to Gestalt, and they are huge connections, but I didn't think the waterworks would flow as hard as they did. Even more surprising was ending E. I still remembered what happened but idk man it really got me. When that certain part happens and you hear the choir, I broke down. This is THE moment I'm giving this game a 10 for now. I was contemplating whether to actually drop it to a 9, and I still might eventually who knows, but the fact I cried to something that had no connection to Gestalt really...that made me realize I do still love this game even without the Gestalt shit.

I may not be in love with the game's story or cast, and I think the OST is somewhat of a downgrade..however. The combat being improved, the still wonderful OST, my favorite world in any game and the worldbuilding and connections to Gestalt I do love. And so as of now I'm going to keep this at a 10, again I might drop it down eventually but Ending E won me over for now. I do definitely love Gestalt more now as you already know, which is so weird because I once had this at a 10 and Gestalt at an 8 lol. Funny how things change.

This day has finally come.
That's right -- the day when you and I will meet.

I was always thinking of you,
here with this DS4 controller in my hand.
I never even knew your name
or face until today.

But now I know.
Oh how I love you, Heather.

It's okay that you run funny
with your feet out to the side.
Or that you got killed by a mirror.
Hey, it happens.

You are still a great protagonist.
Your skill rivaling Sekiro,
with a blade as sharp as your snark.
I guess a hair dryer works too, in a pinch.

I knew you'd defeat your competition.
She doesn't even have eyebrows.
Wait, did she really just eat that???

Either way, great job at being cool.
Thanks for letting me play your game.

After all, you and I exist as one.
What I give to you is the same as
what I give to me.

- Stanley Coleman

This review contains spoilers

(Main Game Review 4.5/5)
(Foundation DLC: 3.5/5)

Control was quite a breath of fresh air for me in the recent games I've been playing, with a fascinating physics system and fun abilities to use alongside some fairly challenging enemies I had a blast playing as Jesse Faden in the Oldest House.

My overall thoughts on the story were that it reminded me heavily of the SCP stories and games you'd look at up during the night as a kid. Jesse is very determined on the goal of finding her brother above all else and getting answers for what happened. There's a lot of confusing twists and turns the story takes however it's so rich in deep lore of all these characters and entities you come across that it can be quite overwhelming. However the game beautifully pairs it with a open world like "explore how you want" feeling as you can find and discover even the tiniest secret nook and cranny in the oldest house, I remember I found a secret TV furnace quest by accident and it's entirely down to the player to stumble across it. The actual main storyline is great may I add, the fake credits actually got me and I was extremely hyped up over the sudden change and how it brought you back in.

Enough of the story, I'd like to mention how well Remedy did this gameplay, it's hard to get a hold of at first but as you progress you begin to feel like a rampant god! The abilities are so fun, you can pick up pretty much any object in the area and float around, using rubble as cover as bullets ping off debris and you dash through glass window and concrete barriers, shooting the hiss with a gun that comes with every mechanic you could need when the time comes for it. It perfectly works together and there's a great sense of challenge with the fact that Jesse is quite vunerable and can die quite easily even in the end game. Some might get turned away by the difficulty but its worth pursuing and the optional bosses are great fun. I did thoroughly enjoy my time platinuming it.

My only gripes with this game is the fact that it has some major bug issues at times, with this being the game to crash the most times out of any I've played ever and things like clipping through doors and walls can drag you out of the fun sometimes. I understand this game had a rough start on launch however some of the bug patches skipped past some issues and to be fair I can understand why with such a complicated physics mechanic.
My only other issue would be the actual map itself, it's barely accurate and mission objectives can be entirely off sometimes and it makes you google guides every 10 minutes to get yourself back on track.

Overall I personally loved Control, and I am so excited to see what Remedy does next for it.

DLC Review The Foundation

The foundation carries on from the main story and it honestly answered some questions for me like who the Former was and how involved the Board was with the story.

It did open up more questions too in Controls SCP like fashion and it gave some good fight sequences with a new enemy type which I think shouldve been incorporated to the main game from the get-go. The new environment abilities are cool however I wouldve preferred an actual combat ability rather than a area specific move.

The story in this DLC is alright at best, and I was more just interested in the Former and the astral plane than anything else.
It was quite a long DLC however I didn't mind as I was still having fun. It was slightly tedious getting around though.

I think for a DLC I got for free it's good though honestly had I paid I probably wouldn't have been too crazy over it.

A genuinely fun adventure marred by a ruthless stat system and very strict conditions to raise your pet. However, thanks to the Maeson hack, the game is a much more tolerable (and fun) game to play. Among the many balance changes, they make raising the Digimon a much more enjoyable and rewarding task than trying to brute force everything.

Only real dings I have with this game are it tends to get repetitive after a while with the auto-battles and its lackluster localization leaves a lot to be desired for story/character interactions.

As a whole, this game with the Maeson hack is a massive recommendation and a joyous little adventure featuring some funky critters. Without the hack, its an arduous, but somehow rewarding journey that'll really test your mettle and planning.

wish stamper gets the help he needs

Good story, gameplay got repetitive and the character models were stiff in cutscenes but i get it’s just a refurbished PSP game so im not suuuuuuper worried about it haha

A fun ride, and easily the best super-hero-themed game I've played. It gets a bit repetitive here and there, but it's enjoyable the whole way through and definitely worth finishing. Oddly, the "good" ending I found to be rather depressing. Bring on Infamous 2!

Not bad. However, it feels like a really watered-down version of RE2. It also seems to completely neglect its source material from what I have heard. It's perfectly playable - even fun - but it isn't the series at its best



Look I just like cats a lot in reality the game's kinda mid.