I respect this game for both its originality and importance in inspiring an entire genre. It is the blueprint for so many other games. My rating may be low but know that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the game and what it accomplished.

I was hoping this would be the FF7 remake I was looking for in terms of being more faithful to the original but that's not really the case. That's not the reason this rating is low tho. This being a mobile game with monthly story releases and typical unfavorable mobile game features really holds it down.

Final Fantasy 1 was the first game in the series and brought new ideas to the genre but 2 didn't bring much. 3 brought summons which impacts the series but outside of that it wasn't impressive and this is where a pattern of "oh no the 4 crystals are in danger" becomes obvious. 4 and 5 also do this plotline and it honestly was getting a bit old. They did have unique ideas and were good (heck 4 is among my favorite FF games) but it felt like they were scared to really go all in. 6 rejects tradition. It not only cuts away from that repetitiveness but also embraces a new era of actually having a interesting story. The previous protagonists and party members weren't particularly that interesting outside of a few exceptions like Cecil (the protagonist of 4) actually had great character development. 6 doesn't necessarily have one main character but rather gives you many characters that all have depth to them. On top of a larger more interesting party it also has a much better villain. Kefka is intriguing from the start, is very effective at getting what he wants, and is overall just really rememberable. He gives off a iconic laugh as he commits mass genocide. This game is so much better than what came before and even rides above most that came after. The visuals, QoL, and most of all music are top tier for SNES. While it might not have some features that a few other games have like monsters in the overworld (Chrono Trigger, Mother 2, and a few others have his) it still aged very well and that feature in particular definitely wasn't a necessity in the era this released in. Something unique it does have is many party members have a extremely unique ability like a transformation, stealing items, copying abilities, etc. Almost all 14 characters (including optional) feel super unique and gives you so loads of customization unmatched by most RPGs at the time. There's tons of amazing SNES RPGs out there and this one is definitely among the best. If you're a Final Fantasy fan or a fan of older RPGs then this is definitely a game you should try.

The actual game:
Very generic 30 minute long horror game that isn't that scary.

The developers / development:
Was made by very greedy devs who lied about the prices of chapters (they doubled the following chapter's price), they support NFTs, and overall they just come off as very money hungry for a less than half baked product. Also they went out of their way to bully a random kid.

How can a game have so much charm yet no charm at all at the same time? In a way it feels cute and is presented well but in other ways it feels lifeless and straightforward. It's not a bad game but even with multiplayer I found myself bored of it after a few hours.

Initially I didn't realize this was a sequel that simply used the same name but thought it worth visiting. The story is most certainly a sequel albeit the goal is vaguely the same. The level designs make this game feel like it's essentially a reimagining of the original. A lot of level concepts are reused but different. Even the bosses are the same but a few have some new moves.


This is one of those games that I think is designed with very casual gamers in mind or people just in for a calm experience. It's a short and simple game that is easy to get into.

That being said I don't think this game is for me. I love cats and sci fi but the gameplay is a bit too uninteresting for my taste. I would've preferred either a little more action or if there was just simply more to do. The gameplay loop is essentially just walking from point A to B while avoiding very few enemies. It wasn't really satisfying.

The only people this update benefits are people who plan to NEVER pay any money at all on the game; which are also probably the people who will play the least since now you barely get anything without paying real money constantly. Any long time fan gets DRASTICALLY less rewards in the long run even with getting the first battle pass free. The item store and way to get rewards feels so unnecessarily greedy now which makes my enjoyment of the game fall drastically. It's still fun to play but it's simply not the same.

Also this change made my boyfriend sad which makes it even worse since I got this game to play with him.

This game has great gameplay mechanics, power ups, charming level design, and so much more. Easily the best 2D Mario games ever made. My only complaint is the lack of boss diversity. I still can't believe I just streamed this game for 17 hours until I got 100% completion on the day it released.

This incredibly laggy, somewhat poor visually, and overall glitchy game is excellent proof of the lack of quality newer games in the Pokémon series has. It feels super rushed and really needs patch updates. I'm also disappointed by the lack of many Legends Arceus features like Conditional Turn Based combat.

That being said it's some of the most fun I've had in the series. Movement options are even better than what Legends Arceus had since now one mount does everything rather than needing to switch between multiple. Ridable legendaries is such a wonderful concept. Having different storylines like gyms, evil team, and titans is wonderful. It's such a great step up from SWSH which was just gyms and literally nothing else at all. SV's story direction is my favorite behind only gen 5 and 7. The final stretch is so cool! I love sci-fi aesthetics so much and it has my favorite final boss in the series. The characters are consistently more interesting than the past few games although I still think gen 7 has the best. The glitches are honestly kinda funny and very few actually hurt the game for me.

The best thing about this game that I absolutely makes it one of the best in the series is the multiplayer. I've wanted a new non-MMO multiplayer RPG for so long and this game finally did so. I loved playing the story alongside my boyfriend so much! I want the series to continue improving multiplayer even further in he future.

I used to prefer the original more but I decided I'd replay this and I think I now prefer this version. I didn't appreciate all the changes the 1st time I played. Here's a list of everything I prefer about each version.

64 Pros:
• Glitches: Invincible ground pounding and BLJing lead to good fun jank like going through King Thwomp or speedrunning up stairs you shouldn't be able to get. You can also get a star in Thwomp's fortress without using the cannon.
• Controls: Movement and button lay out feel a lot better. You're not locked to 8 directions. Slopes feel less janky and you can go up some using a certain jump kick trick.
• Characters: Mario is playable from the start. You don't have to run to a room every time you want to make progression. Bowser's design looks more unique rather than super generic.
• Power Ups: You don't need to switch characters to complete the game. Mario can do anything and everything including using power ups. Has the metal and invisible power ups.
• Outside Peach's Castle: As soon as you drain the water you'll have access to the invisible power up unlocking level rather than needing to unlock Wario to do so.
• Cool Cool Mountain: The bridge doesn't make you slide.
• Jolly Roger Bay: The mist gives it a much cooler atmosphere.
• Lethal Lava Land: Slopes aren't as janky with the shell. It's easier to kill the bullies with ground pounds
• Tall Tall Mountain: Has a secret 4 corner 1 up. You can skip the slide by doing a precise jump off a ledge. Don't need Wario to get a star at the waterfall.
• Snowman's Land: The ice "sculpture" is easier. It's also easier to kill the bully with a ground pound. Red coins are an easy star.

DS Pros:
• QoL: Map on the bottom screen and visually looks better. Red Bobombs were placed around the map that'll show U where red coins are at if U talk to them. You can fast climb poles now.
• Characters: Yoshi, Luigi, and Wario have new unique movesets which spice things up. I find Yoshi and Luigi fun to play.
• Power Ups: New floating flower power ups lets Mario float around which is very helpful in some levels.
• Outside Peach's Castle: Added details like a garden gives the castle a better vibe. Also after draining the water there's now a new slope to help U get back up rather than needing to run all the way to one side to get up.
• Bobomb Battlefield: The star in the island is replaced with find multiple silver stars around the map star and a 2nd King Bobomb fight. The new fighter actually makes more sense than the original did.
• Whomp's Fortress: New land area that doesn't get in the way of the old layout at all, makes 1 jump more forgiving, and adds a new gotta go fast star. King Whomp's redesign looks good.
• Cool Cool Mountain: The baby penguin won't walk up slopes Mario can't climb so it's less annoying and a gust of wind can save you from dying at the bridge if U fall off.
• Jolly Roger Bay: New float power up makes getting the star on the cliffsides easier and less jank. You only need to open 1 chest in the ship so less risk of dying to a random guessing game after trying to get the eal out of the ship which is seemingly easier now. The eal's tail doesn't hurt you so it's easier to get the come out and play star. The cave feels more cavey and has a new star.
• Peach's room: Looks more interesting than other rooms which makes the castle feel more liveky. Also it contains a new 1 star world that plays Sunshine music. It feels like a great addition that doesn't take away from anything. It also contains a cool new spooky poison forest world with a few new stars and a completely new unique boss which you can beat to unlock Mario (who I do feel should be the default character but whatever).
• Mini Games: These are all really fun and are great collectable rewards.
• Bowser Dark World: The new power up is a alternate way to get the 2 earliest red coins but they can still be gotten the normal way. It also let's U skip a large portion of the world however not the hardest part which in my experience is the final stretch especially now that there's a new star here which involves quickly going backwards.
• Garden: There's a new 1 star world in the corner which feels like a nice extra. Also the Boo won't hit U every time U get out of Big Boo's Haunt.
• Big Boo's Haunt: 1 red coins is in a new area that requires using the new power up which makes it more diverse. The new power up can also help U get up to the 3rd floor easier which was annoying before. There's a entire new segment where you have to follow the sound of Big Boo's laugh to find a mirror where you fight him using Luigi who is stuck as your reflection. This is a super cool way to unlock Luigi. The new power up once again helps you get to the top of the roof.
• Lethal Lava Land: New power up can help traverse the map. It adds yet another way to cheese the rolling log star if you want to. The camera and platforms work much better in the volcano. The new silver star locations give U a real reason to use the shell which feels less likely to break now.
• Shifting Sand Land: The outside ledges of the pyramid are wider making them more forgiving.
• Hazy Maze Cave: You no longer need to jump off the lock ness monster's head to get to the center island. It was lowered so U can just get there by swimming through the water.
• Dire Dire Docks: The 1st segment has a small beach area and new enemies making it just slightly more interesting. The whirlpool is less annoying. There's bullet bills in the 2nd half which kinda add to the idea that it's a base for Bowser's ship.
• Wet Dry World: The new power up helps get around the top and over gate to the city area. It's easier to tell the sky box is a city.
• Tall Tall Mountain: New wind that'll help you get up faster and also a new wood path to help U get to the waterfall star area more easily.
• Tiny Huge Island: Wind is less jank. The tiny version of the island has new platforms and a tree that helps you get around a lot faster. Wiggler is 3D now and the roof of the boss room reminds me of Maple Tree way.
• Snowman's Land: Part of the map was altered slightly which I think makes it more interesting. The snowman's wind is less jank. Luigi makes getting past the water area way easier.
• Tick Tock Clock: The new platforms make it sooo much more forgiving and actually fun to play. It also feels a little more aesthetically pleasing.
• Mini Games: These are all really fun and are great collectable rewards.

On the surface it's very much like past 2D Metroid games with a new coat of paint and several quality of life changes. Some bosses get reused but there's definitely a lot more variety than Samus Returns. Avoiding EMMIs is really dreadful.

It has a summary of past games (or at least what you need to know to understand this one) and picks up quick. The game is definitely more gameplay heavy than story heavy but when the story is there is nice. I'm really happy with how it builds off of Fusion and the Chozo memories from Samus Returns. Two ending reveals blew my mind.

Overall my new favorite Metroid. My only complaints are it's fairly short and it was a little hard figuring out where I needed to go a few times.

A very solid rhythm action platformer with nice combat and an art style that transitions into cutscenes well. I enjoyed how EVERYTHING moved to the best of the music, the Xenogears reference, and the brief section where you play as a certain other character. My only big complaint is I wish the writing was more interesting because there wasn't really anything that stuck out to me. I don't feel attached to the characters and the story was mostly a straightforward adventure. I think a sequel has a lot of potential to add even more mechanics and hopefully have a more enticing storyline.

The new stages add nice variety but I still prefer when the game was a one time payment. Free to play results in players getting almost no rewards compared to how the game worked before.