Priority Backlog? Recommending me games? I'll take both!

Why do trends one at a time when you can do both at the same time?

I've tried to do a priority backlog for a while now, but every time I try I fail spectacularly at choosing a bunch of games to play before others, so I just play whatever I feel like without really any particular order or preference. However, it's time to put a end to that, time to do a REAL priority backlog... or rather, time for you to make it for me!

I know that sounds stupid, but it wouldn't be a Deemon related thing without sounding dumb! Recommend me whatever you like, whether they are games that are on my backlog and you think I should play first, games that aren't on there but you think I may really like, or just games that you really like and want more people to play, every recommendation is welcomed!

Still, I'd appreciate recommending games that I have already on my normal backlog and you think are worth it, and also, the only rule I'll lay down is that each person can recommend one game, so if there's a series you'd like to recommend as a whole, select one game and if I like it I'll probably play the rest!

Having said all of that, let the submissions begin!

Katamari Damacy Reroll
Katamari Damacy Reroll
Recommended by @Drax


You can check out my review of it here
Recommended by @ZapRowsdower


You can check out my review of it here
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

You can check my review on it here
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario Galaxy 2

You can check my review on it here
Wild Guns Reloaded
Wild Guns Reloaded
Recommended by @DeltaWDunn


You can check out my review of it here
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright

You can check my review on it here


AI: The Somnium Files
AI: The Somnium Files
Recommended by @PitSolitayrh


Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Recommended by @Lead07


Classic Game
Classic Game
Recommended by MendelPalace


Crash Team Racing
Crash Team Racing
Recommended by @BrightGalaxy


Recommended by @AlphaOne2


Dishonored: Definitive Edition
Dishonored: Definitive Edition
Recommended by @FallenGrace


Environmental Station Alpha
Environmental Station Alpha
Recommeded by @Rogueliker


Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
Recommended by @moschidae


Into the Breach
Into the Breach
Recommended by @faea


Live A Live
Live A Live
Recommended by @Bells


MirrorMoon EP
MirrorMoon EP
Recommended by @bad_news


Mother 3
Mother 3


Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds
Recommended by @cowboyjosh


Recommended by @LordDarias


Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank
Recommended by @MegaTheRealOne


Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Recommended by @Clearin


Sam & Max: Save the World
Sam & Max: Save the World


Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Recommended by @NOWITSREYNTIME17




10 months ago

Cross Code, no question about it... assuming you don't mind a longer game at the moment.

10 months ago

@AlphaOne2 Game length is no problem, specially considering I've been playing shorter games for a while now. Thank you so much for the recommendation, I'll add it right now!

10 months ago

You’ve got some good stuff coming up! Doom is your priority, obviously, so you can hold your head high and call yourself a gamer. Into the Breach is great for short sessions or times when you might have to pause the game at a moments notice (I often play it when I’m waiting for stuff, or just before bed. Great on an iPad if you have one). When you need a break from Doom you’ll play Outer Wilds and that should keep you busy for a little bit.

10 months ago

@cowboyjosh At the moment I'm only accepting one game per person, and since Doom was already recommended, would you rather recommend Into the Breach or Outer Wilds? Eitherway, thank you so much for the suggestions and even saying a WAY for organize my playtime, I really appreciate it!

10 months ago

Outer Wilds for sure; there’s just nothing else like it.

If it helps slot it into a schedule, it’s basically completely non-violent, so a good palette cleanser if you’ve been gorging on killfests (like your first priority, Doom ;)

10 months ago

@cowboyjosh Perfect then, I'll add it now! Again, thank you so much, and don't worry, Doom will be indeed a VERY high priority.

10 months ago

My suggestion is Wild Guns Reloaded, a faithful yet great remake of one of the best SNES games.

10 months ago

Dishonored Definitive eddition for sure. Amazing mid length interactive sim in a steam punk world.

@AlphaOne2 - Great shout out on CrossCode. I love that game despite a few flaws.

10 months ago

@DeltaWDunn I had no idea Wild Guns even had a remake, but it does look really promising! I already wanted to try it out, so this looks like the perfect opportunity. Thank you!

@FallenGrace I had it in my radar for a long time, and I'm really excited to try it! Thank you so much for the suggestion!

10 months ago

I’ll say Chicory: A Colorful Tale. Not long and a lovely game!

Also since it’s picked already second Outer Wilds for sure, really nothing like it

10 months ago

@Lead07 I actually started that one a lot of months ago but never finished It properly, time to correct that! Thanks for the suggestion!

10 months ago

I'm gonna recommend Resident Evil Remake. Unless you've played the Gamecube version (since it's the remaster that's on your backlog). If that's the case then my vote is for A Hat in Time

10 months ago

@Clearin Nope, I haven't touched the Gamecube version and I've wanted to play the Steam remaster for a while now, in fact It is the horror Game I want to check out the most right now, so your suggestion adds even more reasons to finally beat it, thank you! A Hat in Time is also a really good pick, but for know, RE It is!

10 months ago

well then *I* will be the one to recommend into the breach!!
awesome game, it's one i genuinely love in a genre i've always had a lot of tension with

10 months ago

@faea The hero we needed...

Seriously now, I've only heard good things about it and I'm super excited, it really looks like a ton of fun. Thank you so much!

10 months ago

digital devil saga

10 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 This one is really intriguing, I basically know nothing about it, but it looks really, REALLY interesting. Thank you so much for the recommendation!

10 months ago

@MendelPalace Never seen this one too but I'm curious about it. To the list it goes, thank you for the suggestion! :D

10 months ago

After removing a handful of games from my priority backlog list due to not feeling like getting to them yet, I definitely understand why its taken so much time for you to make one. My recommendation would be Crash Team Racing. It's a great and fast kart racer. Imo it is still better than any Mario Kart game.

10 months ago

@BrightGalaxy That one was actually already recommended to me some time ago on the site and I've had it on my radar since then, everything I've seen about it looks a ton of fun. I'll add it right away, thank you so much!

10 months ago

Maybe a long rpg isnt the best pick but if you have a wiimote and a sensor bar i would recommend Fragile Dreams

10 months ago

@moschidae I do in fact have both of those things! I don't know if it's a rare or expensive game, but it looks incredibly unique, even for the system, and I do love some post-apocalyptic setting from time to time. And do not worry about length, as I said before, I've been o a short game streak lately, so more recommendations of longer games don't bother me at all! Thank you so much for the recommendation! :)

10 months ago

Fragile Dreams is definitely a very unique game with a lot of heart, im pretty sure its a kind of rare find nowadays. I hope you enjoy it if you get around to it

10 months ago

MirrorMoon EP is cool

10 months ago

@bad_news Added! I LOVE how it looks, the visual style has a ton of personality. Thank you for the recommendation!

7 months ago

You should definitely play Environmental Station Alpha, an great Metroidvania with definitely the greatest post-game content ever (though be prepared for a lot of puzzles in the post-game)!

7 months ago

@Rogueliker Never heard of this one but looks right up my alley. I'll add it and I'll keep an eye for it, thank you so much!

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