402 Reviews liked by Diener

I think it just does not really tell much. I have had gender dysphoria since like... ever, and I haven't really came out as trans outside of the internet.
I get what the game goes for, seeing how much pain it goes into not being able to live comfortably as a female when you have a male body and people associate you with a male. Even then, I think that it is just... not as crazy bad as the game tries to put it with its music and such? Everyone in the story except of a girl was really respectful to the protagonist and she kind of antagonizes them. I see it as a way to emphasize not things like transphobia but instead how the protagonist fails to feel comfortable with herself, which is fine, but I was just expecting something much deeper when the game threw that text of "don't play this if you are dealing with depression" and such.

Just to make my point clear: I think that the game should make a bigger effort to let people who have not experienced gender dysphoria know how it feels. I certainly know why the protagonist feels how she feels, but I think that a person coming to the game without knowing it would not understand why the protagonist is suffering so much from apparently normal conversations. I think that a bigger emphasis on the protagonist's feelings and let her explain how and why she feels would have made for a much better experience as educating people on gender dysphoria, and I think that should be the focus since for any trans person this does not really add anything new or really interesting.

how the fuck is this not out in english yet it is literally the first game marketed as a visual novel. like wtf.

i will not elaborate further this is THE retro pc game 4 me... i used to play this when i was 11 on a CRT monitor at 4 am every freaking night until i beat it and if u wanna talk about some art direction this game is just my favorite.. cant even really put it into words yall im tearing up at my awful new age pc and sobbing rn thinking about the good times when this game was my life...

Me gusto, pero me dolieron esos 140K que me gaste por un mod com texturas HD

Alisa: Fuck me now, Rean.

Rean: Not now Alisa, i need to lose all my money gambling with Elliot, Gaius and Crow

Miento si digo que no me gustó, la historia es bonita y los elementos sociales son interesantes. Nomás siento que me hypearon bien fuerte el juego para lo que siento que es

Al principio me gustó, pero luego no pude dejar de encontrarle problemas como los personajes, la historia e incluso la dificultad. Es un juego que si bien no es horrible, deja bastante que desear.

Voy a intentar ser comedido, porque el mal humor que tengo ahora es intenso. El 90% del juego es una maravilla. No inventa nada, pero profundiza en tropos conocidos de forma adecuada y perfecciona mecánicas de su género. La historia es rica y diversa (a veces bebe de Mass Effect, otras de Code Geass, pero casi siempre de manera elegante) y tanto los personajes (un amor todos ellos) como el enfoque de la trama plantean unas temáticas e ideales muy interesante e incluso necesarios.

Y entonces llega la recta final. Y todo se va al garete gracias a una narrativa torpe e inexperta y por soluciones de guion que parecen hechas por otra persona diferente al resto del juego. La historia, a lo largo de 30 horas, cada vez abarcaba más y más, y en el último arco uno ya empieza a pensar que no va a poder cerrar correctamente todo lo que ha abierto. Pues bien, la mitad de los frentes... o directamente no los cierra o lo hace a medias. La otra mitad lo hace con ideas completamente antagónicas a las que, en teoría, el juego lleva defendiendo desde su primer minuto. Llega hasta a perderle el respeto a los personajes.
Me da igual que algo no me guste, pero me molesta sobremanera que algo me guste mucho y me lo arruinen. Una de mis alegrías del año durante 28 horas. Mi gran decepción durante 2.

el prota de este juego es como los tios de los creepypastas de cartuchos malditos pero llevando el "pero no le di importancia" al extremo

A little disappointed with this after 13 sentinels, one of the best stories on video games, but is entertain

es la wea mas autista y ezquisofrenica que e jugado. Y por eso me encanta !

un dia me desperté y vi un wassap del mismisimo michael jackson no me lo pude creer

Esse jogo se resume a humor sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo humor sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo humor sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo sexo humor sexo sexo fim

Ou seja, é bom.

If you told me in 2021, after watching GV3 and iX2 trailers back to back, that one of my favorite series would critically fumble their story and resort to low budget cash grabs like an asset swapped Suika Game clone I genuinely don’t know how I would mentally process that.

Absolutely creatively bankrupt.