Games I would recommend to people

9/10 Games that I'd actually recommend to people if they want a game from a particular genre. If you think a game is awesome but its not here its probably because I cannot in good conscience recommend it. A good example is The Wonderful 101 which i find tiring to play or Astral Chain with its cop stuff. An incorrect example is a Team Ninja game those things are 8/10s AT BEST.

Obvious ¯\(ツ)/¯ , its actually a 10/10 but I recommend it.
Including expansion, less annoying than classic monster hunter with abundant resources while maintaining the high skill ceiling for returning players.
Proof that dumbing down your game for the Witcher 3 crowd (FFXV) is not the way you make an excellent game. Compelling story + Excellent gameplay and successor to this list's ugly duckling LR:FFXIII
Improves on the excellent Action RPG combat of the previous game in the trilogy, and a faithful reproduction of the Art Direction of the original game.

An exceptional adventure for the most part though much like with the previous game it falters in the final chapter(s) when introducing a big spectacle final act to a multipart game.
Escort missions best day
Genuinely disappointing when people only play through this game once. :(
Imagine having a gameflow being perfect on paper and perfect in execution. Only problem is the gameflow doesn't make for the best bosses.
Favourite of the series, somewhere between the vastness of Hitman 2016 and the craziness of MGS with a supernatural flair.
Go to great locales and mess with people, could be a little less obvious with its 'cause and effect' design.
The most RE4 you can get without actually playing RE4.
Including expansions, it definitely isn't Starcraft and the balance is terrible, but if you're just playing casually there is a lot of variety in how each race plays.
If the concept of the game interests someone this is hands down the best entry. My favourite open world game, emergent narrative in a role playing game.
Pretty casual metroidvania experience, but that's why it works for me, go places find treasure and smack stuff, in a semi-structured format.
Aside from excellent value it is an excellent arcade racer looks awesome too.
Understated but just excellent design all around.
more like an 8.5 to be honest by virtue of the genre, but it has some great ideas so its something I always come back to.
Probably the only game post-Arkham Asylum that I really liked, that's high praise.
Doesn't sell a grand dream like it's predecessor of a make your own adventure samurai game but makes up for it with a branching narrative with an ever expanding moveset to keep you entertained.
Some people hate the jumping, some tools are broken, but its a tense stealth rougelike that I've completed 5 times so i guess I must really like it.
Story is dumb, but it just has so much variety to distract you.
I struggle to recommend this as people's first Yakuza game because its easily the best of the series.
The story is big and probably stupid, the scenario design is something special though.
A more gamey Harvest Moon so all that money and food you're hoarding can go into roughing up the wildlife.
Hard to tell how balanced this game is for multiplayer, but it has a unique combat system and its a lot fun to mess around in with Bots. Kinda only makes the list because it is one of a kind so if you're interested in the concept it won't disappoint.
Like Yakuza 0 I could say the game is too mechanical or too obvious but it has a ton of options and approaches it won't bug you while playing it.
Probably the only Team Ninja game I'll actually ever like, strong mechanical flow, plenty of customization and build theory. Imagine a TN game without mechanical fluff, it's a TN game that isn't pretentious.
An actually scary game I can play for fun. 3 is good too but the dude's camera is weak af.
I finished this a bunch of times even though I swear some un-swayable attacks cannot be reacted to, it must be good.
Still fun which says a lot considering how far the series has come.
Still has my favourite boss of the series (Nightmare).
Modern Yu Gi Oh is pretty nuts, this is from an age where duels go on longer than 3 turns and you get access to everything in a one off payment.
Focused gameplay, excellent map.
If Square wants to make ARPGs like this I'm all for it. Open objective structure, unique areas with (basic) traversal gimmicks, and combat that is a mix of loadouts, timing and resource management.
I always liked this one, it is modern and the level design is 0% hide in dirt and grass ;)
Picked up in the gameplay department after Assassin's Creed games started to focus more on the story.
Apparently you can get even closer to RE4 than TEW1
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