Great game but Sega have to purchase my 10$ DLC to unlock the fifth star.

Janky mess but its a great janky mess.
Best game of 2018 imo, aside from production values this game puts RDR2 and GoW to shame.

This was not Starfield, this was Starscreen.

I tried to get into this but i can't enjoy it, its a good spectacle of art and visuals but i personally dont connect with it, and the rest of the aspects about it are mediocre and aged like milk. Not for me.

Maybe you should try getting a job

This met all the hype and more.

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After finishing this i have to say Arkham City is still the best superhero game.

Sam Lake is Kojima if he was a good writer.

Good game, but there are some things i didnt like about it, like for example the depths and how boring they are after you spend more than 1 hour there, the enemies who are the same except with different colours and the shrines are bland and boring and huge downgrade from breath of the wild.

But its a good game and i enjoyed making zonai devices to travel the world.

What in the shit.
The only 0.5 star i will give, exclusively for this kino.

The Radiohead of video games

12 Years later, still the best super-hero game.
Lets see if Spiderman 2 can change that.