60 Reviews liked by Ektar

Born to Capeta de Marfim
Forced to Coice do Diabo

Esse jogo é uma piada de internet que acabou indo longe demais.
Level design repetitivo, gameplay toda esquisita e MUITO bugado. Eu perdi as contas de quantas vezes eu precisei me matar de propósito ou resetar o jogo pq a colisão foi de camisa da saudade eterna.

Eu jogava isso bem pequeno no PC do meu tio la em 2009.
Muito foda jogar dnv já adulto.

Carros rápidos corridas fodas

Unfortunately I never quite made it through my original playthrough of this game, and my GameBoy Cart battery has since died, meaning my save is gone forever. I still plan on beating the remake one day, but for now I'll log my thoughts on the original from what I played.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is beyond incredible.
It contains a world so full of life and personality, and somehow it manages to squeeze it all into a teeny GameBoy screen. The graphics, music and story have aged wonderfully, and will instantly charm you in a matter of seconds. It's honestly very easy to forget your playing on such a terrible screen half the time. Not only does this game have arguably one of the best stories on the entire GameBoy library, but also the Legend of Zelda series as a whole. It makes the cast's of games such as Botw look extremely bland in comparison. My only real issue with the game is that there are a few too many puzzles that you could never logically solve without a guide, but that is also true for the majority of older Zelda games. In my opinion this is without question the best 2D Zelda, and an absolute must play GameBoy title.

Olhe para frente e veja a pista vindo para você

This is a delightful game with entertaining exploration, immersive and engaging story, strategic fights, good camp management, balanced gameplay, satisfying character progression, and a devilish yet enjoyable loot system that allows you to loot people's homes. I finished for the second time when I found out that I didn't get the 'true' ending, thus adding a nice replay value.

É tão perfeitim que fica ruim. Nota zero!

Indika is a very short (~4hrs) walking game filled with puzzles and thought-provoking dialogue. Oh, the brilliant voice acting in this game... I loved the emotions that the 'narrator' put into his work. The ending leaves you hanging with questions in your mind. There are many scenes where you can't get what's happening because it's confusing or because it happens too fast.
I also want to state that I dissected the game and they animated every scene; characters are moving even when you don't see them in cutscenes or in the game. And the demon is also a part of some cutscenes, but you can't see it. They put real effort into this game. It's sad that it was short.
The downsides were pretty much the optimization and some less-polished parts of the game.

They had great mechanics and gameplay but choose to butcher it with mindless grinding. Not a big fan

Memorable and unique metroidvania. The reflection and particle effects are mesmerizing and the sound design couldn't be better.

Incredible work. Perhaps the best game of its kind. The map is very detailed and navigation does not become a pain at all. Newly acquired items add depth to the game thanks to creative and fun puzzles. There are no words in the game that can cause storytelling! You are a strange creature trying to survive and progress in the animal world and destroy the source of evil. The graphics are very nice and did not tire my eyes at all. The ambient sounds were great, I felt listened to while playing the game. The game is very reminiscent of Rain World in concept. I didn't like Rain World very much (maybe I should give it another chance, I don't know) but Animal Well was the real game I dreamed of while playing it. If you like this type of games (or even if you don't, you can give them a chance to log in) be sure to play it. This comment was written by a player who left Hollow Knight because he got bored!

There is perhaps only one thing I can criticize about the game; As in almost every example of its kind, we may have to wander through many of the same places on the map. However, since the world of the game is not very big and the producer has provided very nice and clever shortcuts and travel opportunities, this poses a minimal problem. Give this great game a try. It can be taught as a lesson, especially to big producers, about what a video game should focus on and pay attention to.

The poster child of Kusoge. The game with the world's most punishing implementation of fall damage. The inspiration for the much, MUCH better indie hit, Spelunky. There's not too much to say that hasn't already been said.

What I will say is that this game ain't half bad all things considered. I have no interest in trying to beat the extra challenges past the end - Same cave but with more ghosts and invisible items? Yeah no thanks - What Spelunker does offer is some pretty solid precision platforming for a game of its era. Starting at the very top of the cave honestly isn't a huge deal when you can just reset, hit start and be right back at it.

Is it amazing? A hidden gem? Not really. But you could definitely beat this one over the course of an afternoon, and it would be far from a waste of time.

Um clássico atemporal, enquanto jogava havia duas perspectivas sobre a obra, uma visão onde essa franquia já está consolidada e teve recentemente um revitalização, e a outra visão olhando a obra de forma separada sem consta suas continuações e o peso que elas tiveram, e nas duas perspectivas esse jogo se demonstra excelente, onde o hack n slash não entra apenas como gameplay mas como narrativa, um homem consumido pelo ódio e vingança, onde a sede por poder o consumiu, e ainda que o tenha consumido foi o que fez ele tomar o renome de Deus da Guerra, isso sempre abriu margem para uma continuação desse desenvolvimento perfeito de personagem, ainda que a primeira historia seja extremamente bem fechada, onde passamos por altos e baixo, entendemos motivações e os vilões e eh tudo tão perfeitamente encaixado durante a gameplay, que se esse jogo não tivesse se tornado uma franquia, ainda seria lembrado com tanto apreço, vcs DEVEM jogar God of War