One of those games I got to the very end as a kid on my own, and got my ass kicked at the end and knowing how costly “lives” were in these old arcade games. Knowing I had to start all the way over from the beginning. Feeling unsatisfied from not finishing the game, the journey and, most of all, the gameplay are what’s important here. This is just one of those games that I wish I could re-experience again. It’s off the wall, it’s absurd with its zany cartoony humor, it even fucking introduced me to Beethoven and Mozart??? But most of all it’s got lots of GUNS. AND THEY GO BOOM. And your best pal is a giant booger.

I fucking love Earth Worm Jim 2 ok.

The first video game I felt accomplished and triumphant when I finished it. A true gem and a piece of my childhood I’ll always cherish. My mom knew how much I loved this game that she even threw me an Ocarina of Time themed birthday party. It was such a great time. The game itself feels like you’re playing through a folk tale classic of good and evil, and saving the princess. But I love the aspect of time traveling between child and man. It was a cool concept to experience and figure out with puzzles and monsters with magic weapons. Also while caring for NPCs like they were actual characters, and not just fellow pixels like I was use to at that age. At that time I just saw other characters as other characters, and not characters as companions, until this game. The music is so timeless as well.

Definitely up there as one of my favorites of all time. That final fight made me feel so epic as a kid. It was the first time I felt like I was fighting a real boss. I never got that experience YEARS later until I started playing the Soulsborne games.

Probably the pioneer of not just blockbuster or even platform games, and not just games in general, but games with objective and a linear pathway with a story. This game is eternal.

Kind of dark to be playing this game as a little kid now that I think about it. But hey man, it was kinda cool trying to pin point your missiles to counter the attacking missiles. And loved seeing the explosions. Go figure.

My sister and I adored this game to the end. I remember we bought this on the off chance of it just looking kind of cool by the commercials? But we were still unsure. But us only being kids at the time, we were just dying of laughter, and having a blast collecting collectibles and honey combs, and exploring a wide variety of different seasoned maps. Banjo-Kazooie put Rare on the field, it was an instant classic. It quite possibly rivaled even Super Mario 64. Hell, I would say it’s actually better than Mario 64. It’s that’s good.

I was 5 and this was quite possibly one of the hardest games I ever fucking played in my life. The soundtrack by Jesper Kyd is hot as fuck tho. And supposedly this game was a bit ahead of its time on a technical aspect. Some really smart guys really helped designed this game, and I mean like, real smart programmers. They didn’t need to go this hard on a game based on the Batman cartoon.

Also first review here on Backloggd ayyyy.

I remember playing this as a kid and getting so lost and confused. I never owned it but my aunt had the NES and this, along with the Ninja Turtles NES game and Duck Hunt, and I just played these for the first time at her place. But I always preferred playing this cause I loved hearing the music when exploring and it felt so open world. I also died a lot so there’s that.


The bare-bones of bare-bones. And it’s still fucking fun and can be funny as fuck when playing hella wasted or high with friends/family. The first video game, and what do you know?! It’s not a shitty one!

Another one of those classic games where you can just shut your brain off and just get lost while lining up odd shaped pairs of blocks. As each level progresses faster and faster. I recently watched the Tetris (2023) film and I don’t know how much of it was true, but even if some of the backstory is true about this little puzzle game, and all the chaos it caused, then hooooly shit.

Great game to just chill and play whether you feel like shit, or feel awesome, it’s just such a numbing feeling by looking at your ship, pew-peeing your missiles at the bug ships. And then getting your plane abducted and having it rescued and you have TWO planes. Just so arcade-y and cool. A simple classic. And one of my favorite games of all time.

First time I ever experienced the blue little speedster and probably the very first co-op game I really enjoyed. Me and my sister had a blast and great memories playing this and this made the experience with the Sega Genesis even more memorable.

Never got far in this. Always got lost and the design made it hard for me on the Game Boy when I was a kid. But I always appreciated the design and feel of the levels, it’s a sci-fi atmosphere. The soundtrack, the sounds, everything about this was cool. And was my first experience with Metroid in general.

First time I ever saw blood and gore in a video game and I was like, 4 lol. But holy fuck was it FUN. My sister would piss me the fuck off cause she would destroy me when she was Raiden. I’m pretty sure this was the game that had to bring in the ESRB rating system that we know of today haha. I just remember seeing news reports about it as a little kid and how politics blamed this for cause of violence.

Still the best version of Pac-Man.

The first Game Boy game that made the handheld console worth it. It was this and Tetris that had me hooked on that thing. The timed maps as being little puzzles and trying to get a key to the door, and then getting to the end of each “section” by fighting Donkey Kong and dodging the barrels. Just so much fun.