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MyHouse.WAD is such a strange horror game, since it doesnt really use alot of classic horror conventions. It doesnt have any jumpscares, it doesnt have mascots you can turn into marketable plushies, hell, outside of being a doom wad, it doesnt really twist some innocent childhood memories at all. Its really the opposite of current horror norms. And I feel thats why its so great.

Instead of these, my house instils a general sense of dread and unease by bringing in subtle changes and abnormalities, like the basement, which should not be possible in dooms engine, and changing certain sprites and sounds permanently without any warning. After all of this, it just gets stranger and stranger. room layouts change, you see non existent secrets, the house breaks the laws of reality, not just doom, and so much more.

It also uses the sense of familiarity to disarm you, with the house's layout being constantly repeated, be it in the brutalitarian maze, the airport, gas station, hospital, or the bathhouse. Its such a subtle thing you wouldnt notice at first, but it makes the game so much creepier as a result, knowing that no matter what, you are still in this god forsaken house.

Not only that, but the secrets you can find continue to confuse and perplex, with a literal backrooms, a never ending maze that leads nowhere, a mirrored version of underhalls, and random rooms in the brutalitarian maze which do seemingly nothing, all continuing to feed into the idea that this is far larger than what we can see.

This is not even getting into the story, the themes of trauma, grief, and nostalgia, the music, the usage of the medium of a DOOM WAD OF ALL THINGS, and so much more. For a '10 minute map where you go through a dudes friends house', this wad does so much that i havent even scratched the surface

TL:DR, If you love horror, doom wads, fighting shrek, and a game that surprises you at every chance, play this.

In my humble opinion, this is the most well rounded game in the series, with an excellent campaign, great customization, a greatly improved forge, and great multiplayer.

The best story in the series, by a long shot, alongside the most interesting locations. But the level design and AI feel strange, being either too hard or too easy.

take a shot every time colt says "fuck". you wont survive 5 minutes

Words can't describe how good this game is
But numbers can. 4/10

its 3 of the greatest games of all time, in a package that you can find on steam for less than 10$.

Just isnt my cup of tea, unfortunately

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Happiness has to be fought for

Good game with great atmosphere, fun gameplay, great music and graphics, but levels feel boring to play in

Just played it recently, and damn. Its good. The biggest gripe i have with the game is its writing. Its like a flip of a coin whether the next scheduled joke is kinda good, or god kill me why do I live like this. The gameplay is somewhat stiff as well, but the power fantasy is fun and the guns feel different and fun enough. Handsome jack is one of the greatest villains in gaming, hell, even in general. He is so well written, and yeah the story is pretty good. Overall, 9/10. Would recommend if you wanna play something to fill the void in your heart.

Great game with incredible world building, but it feels like it goes on a bit too long. Story is fantastic, gameplay is solid and it still looks great. I recommend it.

Beautiful. Hard as heck, but its fair. Lovely world, with light, but memorable characters. Its essentially dark souls, but in 2d, and with alot more bugs. 10/10

6 great games, 1 great collection. This is one of the best collections for FPS fans, as it contains the legendary original, the record breaking sequel, the beloved third, the beautiful ODST, the gripping reach and the emotional fourth. There are issues, namely the battle pass system isn't the best, but this is great. You won't regret this purchase