Slay the Spire has the unique ability to make hours of your life disappear in an instant. You’ll finally look up from the screen to find everything around you is dust and all your loved ones are gone, and you’ll swear to yourself that you only did a few runs

I’ll be a dedicated hater of this game til I die. Boring, but well-acted characters, mediocre writing, and a story that’s okay enough to keep you going, but nothing special. The level design sucks, the gunplay isn’t fun, the stealth sections are a drag, and the crafting only gets in the way of the experience. The winter section of the game is the only thing elevating it in any capacity.

Easily the worst game I played last year. It starts out weak, then you feel an air of potential that’s quickly squandered, only for it to further devolve into a huge mess. The story only gets worse the further you go, and all the missions are boring to terrible. Even the side quests suck here.
It’s occasionally pretty, and building your ship and flying it around is the highlight, it’s just unfortunate Bethesda didn’t realize that. I don’t think I can say anything that hasn’t been already said, but don’t waste your time with this one.
On the bright side, this is what got me to finally go play through the Mass Effect series

I didn’t expect to like this game considering its reputation on release, but hey I did. Much of what I loved about 2 is here, with way improved gameplay. The reduced dialogue options are a huge bummer, I really missed the ME2 cast for the large majority of the game, and of course the ending is pretty lackluster. However, the conclusions to the individual storylines and characters were great.
I don’t know what they were thinking with that fisher price ass UI though, such a massive step down from 1 and 2. Also, the Omega dlc is downright terrible

I consider this to be a huge improvement over the first game in nearly every way. I’ve heard the main story itself isn’t quite as compelling as the first but I don’t agree with that, it just feels somewhat inconsequential to the overarching story of the trilogy. The actual premise and the characters and their stories are incredible. This game has insane production value, everything from the sounds, the UI, the cities, the various story missions all feel so well planned out, I was surprised to find out the game was rushed and “unfinished.” Possibly the greatest intro of any game and a killer ending too. If this were the only Mass Effect game, I’d be happy enough with that

A good start, but it’s pretty tedious and not very fun to play. If it were a standalone game, I probably would have dropped it at some point.

This is a fun beat em up, with characters that actually play differently from each other, multiple paths for replayability, leveling up, and a cool plane switching mechanic. Nothing outstanding but worth playing

This review is mostly only regarding the main scenario quests of the base game. Starting this game is an awesome experience, when you’re running around a huge beautiful world for the first time it’s jaw dropping. The gameplay feels pretty tight, but it’s also very simple until you’re nearing the end. The overall art direction, UI design, and sound design carry everything for a really long time, and I mean like 80 hours or so. The story starts out sorta okay, then gets incredibly boring for hours and hours before it finally hits a point where things start getting interesting. The last 20 hours or so of the story are legit awesome, with fun dungeons and an actually challenging boss fight or two, and by this point you’re starting to actually care about the characters. The final battles and cutscenes are great, and while it feels more like the setup for a bigger story, it’s a pretty satisfying conclusion to the main conflict. It’s weird to review an MMO like it’s any other Final Fantasy game, but you can now play the entire base game (and I believe some of the expansions?) as basically a single player RPG so it sorta works. It was a long, mostly dull road but by the end I only felt excitement to get further into it. Is it worth it? I don’t fully know yet, but just experiencing the world for the first time is enough of a reason to give it a shot.

I was actually enjoying this a good bit at first, it starts out with a lot of charm and has some interesting mechanics, but it really starts to drag a few hours in when you need to start grinding. In terms of usefulness, the job variety isn’t very good and by the end there’s maybe 4 jobs total worth using (and you could easily get away with only two). It also has a less compelling story than even FF2 or the Dragon Quest games of the same era. The ending is cool though

A lot of JRPGs these days get flak for being so long, and I agree, but this isn’t one of those games. FF4 has great pacing throughout, lovable characters, and a solid enough story with fun twists to keep you invested. It falls off and drags a little bit in the last few hours, but it’s not a big deal, and the ending itself is satisfying.

I had fun but didn’t like it very much. The story was dumb even for MK, and the Aftermath made it even worse. It also feels worse than the reboot and X, not sure what’s up with that. I like the new art style though, and most of the character designs are a step up from the last game

I’ve played every other mainline game in the series and a handful of spinoffs, but for some reason I put this one off for so long. I was expecting to enjoy it well enough, no less than the bad ones and no more than the good ones, but it surprised the hell out of me. This game rocks so hard. No other game in the series is this open or has these impactful decisions to make, and finding out that certain scenes I got are missable, and that I missed certain scenes only made me love it more. Even though I did for over a decade, this is not one to skip in a series playthrough

One of the best remakes out there, with a better art direction than the original, and it fixes my biggest gripe with the original as a kid: having to constantly pause and switch out your items. I didn’t anticipate tearing up at the end but I couldn’t help myself, this game is just too sweet

The story beats 3’s, but is ultimately pretty bare and disappointing. The return to the darker style and atmosphere is very appreciated. I love the addition of the world map, and it’s cool seeing other players running around, but I very much wish it was easier to actually play with them. I’m a big fan of how this one feels like I’m building up a character from the very start, like 1 & 2. I’ve yet to get a character to max level, but I never feel much of a hurry to, which is a bit of a double edged blade here. Great game overall, i’ve had a lot of fun with it as a pretty casual player, but if you’re a super hardcore ARPG player or expect it to last 1000+ hours, I don't think it’s quite there yet