if youre left handed good luck playing this on the higher difficulties

one of the best games on the wii u if you can believe it

good gameplay with bad characters, bad dialogue, and a bad story. i have a really hard time giving a fuck about fictional countries' history, geopolitical conflicts, royal bloodlines, etc... or maybe most fantasy stories are just bad at giving you a reason to give a fuck and they just assume you will. who knows

this series gave me brain damage

good if you want to shut your brain off with friends

i hate playing against the "cracked" 14 year olds on adderall but overall its fun with friends

surely pikmin 4 will come out in our lifetime

everyone likes this one the most, but i have mixed feelings about how one day could take anywhere from 15 mins to 2 hours. Pikmin 1 and 3 are nice because if you have 15 minutes to kill, you know you can sit down and play for 15 minutes. The end of the in-game day is a perfect stopping point.

pikmin 2 is still pikmin (which is good) but the inconsistent day lengths make it harder to play for short periods (which is bad)

good game that shows its age. if they remake it with the 3 Deluxe engine it will be perfect

the best of the ipod generation of games

the most powerful story of all time: violence is bad...

it's the best game ever --> you burn out --> you wait 3 years --> it's the best game ever --> you burn out --> and so on