It's not the story that has resonated with me the most, but it is the most 'perfect' story I've ever had the pleasure to experience. The visuals are unrivaled in its medium and its soundtrack doesn't carry the VN as much as it is the VN. Everything about Mahoyo is just so finely-crafted and beautiful that it it frankly impossible to describe it in words. Very glad that more people will be able to experience it with the upcoming arrival of the english translation.

Greatest youtube video I've ever seen

A bit-sized package that contains one of the most beautiful levels I've ever seen in a video game. Can't recommend it enough.

Me cago en la concha de tu puta madre

🔲 My grandma could play it
🔲 Easy
☑️ Normal
🔲 Hard
🔲 Dark Souls


🔲 MS Paint
🔲 Bad
🔲 Meh
🔲 Graphics dont matter in this game
☑️ Good
🔲 Beautiful
🔲 Masterpiece


🔲 Bad
🔲 Not special
🔲 Good
☑️ Beautiful


🔲 This game has no story
☑️ It's there for the people who want it
🔲 Well written
🔲 Epic story
🔲 You choose your fate


🔲 Free
🔲 Underpriced
🔲 Perfect Price
🔲 Could be cheaper
🔲 Overpriced
☑️ Complete waste of money


🔲 You can run it on a microwave
☑️ Average
🔲 High end
🔲 NASA computer


🔲 Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
🔲 Short (3 - 15 hours)
☑️ Average (15-50 hours)
🔲 Long (50-90 hours)
🔲 Extremely long (90-110 hours)
🔲 No ending

~ FUN ~

☑️ I'd rather watch paint dry
🔲 Hard to enjoy
🔲 Repetitive
🔲 Actually pretty amusing
🔲 Ride of your life


🔲 It's a one-time experience
🔲 Only for achievements
☑️ If you wait a few months/years
🔲 Definitely
🔲 Infinitely replayable


☑️ No
🔲 Wait for sale
🔲 Yes

This game is so good I am genuinely, really, really fucking tired of praising it

Xen is such an amazing level man

This feels like a story I will grow on to cherish for eons, its sheer earnestness kinda blew me away and I had a tear running down my cheek during the entire last stretch, which is my favourite ever. Absolutely what I needed to hear.

Bazett is truly the Joker for VN readers.

Spoilers //

Special note has to go to its handling of Shirou's legacy and how the entire thing is essentially about a protagonist who was inspired by his deeds, which is incredibly fitting from a meta perspective for an epilogue like this one.

whoever designed the final boss deserves to die alone but besides that it's my favourite souls game and probably the best game i've ever played, the sense of discovery is unparalleled, i simply NEVER got tired of exploring even after more than 130 hours

The more removed I get from my playthrough of 3rd the more I realize Kevin is a singularly amazing protagonist. I miss him so much.

Despite this only being the second game in the Crossbell arc, Azure feels like it's paying off a saga's worth of plot threads in the state. Contains one of the longest climaxes I've seen in anything and every second of it was worth it. KeA top 1.

P.S. Anyone who thinks the antagonists are lackluster is illiterate.