this game has some really bad segments but the atmosphere and side content are unmatched by the rest of the series

I got real sick of this game after a hundred hours but those first 50 or so were magical

This is a really solid game, I don't have much else to say on the matter

OG was better but MM is a solid game

This is the coolest game ever made. Not best, but definitely the coolest.

This is one of the funniest games I've ever played

This is one of the most beautiful games I've played

this is one of the best 3D platformers I have ever played

Good game! I got it from PS+ and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of graphics and level design. It also has something really cool happen for its final act that I did not expect at all

This is like watching an episode of Seinfeld except halfway through it George is found dead

This is the greatest atmosphere I have ever seen within a work of fiction and that's why it gets the 100%, that's literally it
Ryukishi idk how you did that

I don't really have as much of a personal connection with this game as I do with other parts of the series, but it is a very solid game. It has really nice graphics and combat, and a pretty solid cast despite how large it is. Most of the characters were also pretty fun to play, which is impressive with a cast this size.
estelle is goated

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this game is ass
in all seriousness it had incredibly high potential with a really good setup from the previous game, but it just fumbled. the "war" has what, 2 on screen casualties? despite multiple important NPCs and party members being directly involved in it. it also feels like the main party has a strange lack of agency, in that everything they do is pretty much at the behest of the imperial army (ur neutral tho). Also the amount of filler is appalling, I know SC had some too but the amount of unnecessarily long dungeons, or even dungeons that didn't need to exist at all, in this game is insane, especially when you get into side quests.
The cast is getting very bloated and few characters have really good moments in this game that don't feel like a forced "ah shit we gotta put ___ in the limelight once before the game ends" type deal. Crow and the soundtrack are the only real reasons this game isn't a 1

This game has good ideas but it got way too obsessed with it's own difficulty reputation. It feels like every enemy and location in this game is obsessed with making you miserable, be it with poison, hiding behind things, setting traps, or being really hard to navigate. I loved Dark Souls 1 but this one lost the spark.