This is a weird game for me to think about, because while I enjoyed the hell out of the Creature stage, my interest dropped like a rock in every other stage.
And this was all in my childhood, when I was unaware of the game’s tragic development cycle.


Sometimes, a game doesn't need to be innovative in order to be good.

Imagine making a game which perfectly represents the movies where Godzilla and bunch of other kaiju fight each other, but forgetting to make Mothra playable.

I shouldn't be scoring a mobile game this high, but it has much more love put into it than you would usually expect out of a mobile game, earning its status as a childhood classic of mine.

As someone who went through a good few dozen arcades as a kid, this is a nice recreation of the experience, and I might score it higher whenever the multiplayer comes out.

...at least it wasn't quite as searing of a burn, nor as much of a money sink, as Nick All-Star Brawl.

Mad props to this game for doing what few other platform fighters do by providing a platforming Adventure Mode.

Fucking reprehensible, and sadly this wasn't the first time that an indie crossover platform fighter got on my nerves.
I wanted to give this a full star, but maybe... just maybe... Nick All-Star Brawl is a little better.

Janky as all fuck. And yet, I could declare it as the best official 3D Sonic game.
Says a lot about this series, doesn't it?

A solid game in its own right, but also a massive fuckup of a sequel. The story isn't coherently mixed with Doom 2016, the gameplay is fundamentally broken because bosses have to spawn fodder enemies for ammo, Mick Gordon got the composer curse, Snapmap and traditional Deathmatch were removed to the detriment of replay value, and the Invasion mode was canceled for good measure.

Underrated as hell, with just enough challenge for a ball-rolling game and a much better soundtrack than it had any right to feature.
Seriously, I went through the game again on Dolphin, using an Xbox controller instead of a Wii remote, and I still enjoyed myself.

Yeah, I'm another person who praises Tanks and cares much less about the other minigames. Carry on.

This is not something I would often come back to, but it did its job as a console launch title quite well.

I'm not so knowledgeable about sports games to call this the best of them all, but I think it would come real fucking close.
Island Flyover, Swordsplay Showdown and so many other addicting minigames, all under the wonderful immersion of Wuhu Island.

Great when you are just screwing around in the playgrounds or playing minigames!
Great when you are finished with your main tasks and can access the Cog headquarters!
Fucking miserable when you are actually trying to finish your main tasks!