A game that is much better when you're just trying to reach the credits rather than seeking to 100% it, or even just unlocking the post-game levels.

A lackluster game when considering the large strides that later installments took.
However, given the lack of dangerous items in singleplayer (no Blue Shells!) and how the A.I. compensates for it by aggressively rubber-banding, it's a Mario Kart game like no other and might actually be my favorite of them all.

I avoided replaying this game for a long time because I just wasn't fond of the dual character system, as well as the lack of a "standard" kart unlike all other installments in the series.
Then I actually replayed it, ate shit because of the unorthodox drifting, and yep I don't like it.

You might think that I've given this game a 7/10 as a joke, but that's my honest take. A perfectly fine and standard installment of the series which I was very comfortable playing until Mario Kart 8 came out.
But why did Metal Mario need to come back for that game?

Just like my take on Mario Kart 7, my 8/10 score for this game isn't a joke. It might have been a 9/10 if the Booster Pass didn't fuck over its quality with those half-assed courses.

I really do not like the hovercraft, and the plane is only slightly better... but who in their right mind would call this game worse than Mario Kart 64?

The champion of kart racers, standing tall as many opponents (even its own sequel, Nitro Kart) tried and failed to take its throne. Nothing came close to its drifting mechanics and in-depth singleplayer content.
But a new challenger, Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers, is prepping to enter the arena. Can it do the impossible and win against CTR? Stay tuned!

This is an extreme rarity in the modern state of the video game industry; a remake which is actually so good that the original is obsolete. At least it would be, if the game was ported to PC with its loading times and 30FPS cap fixed.
God damn it.

Mario Kart 64 this, Diddy Kong Racing that... meanwhile a kid like me grew up to also love this game, even if the voices are so obnoxious that you might want to turn them off.

Outrageously overpriced compared to Hollow Knight. You've read that sentence a thousand times, but it's not made any less true by your annoyance.
A very solid game and welcome return for Metroid, never the less.

Lario hasn't quite surpassed Super Meat Boy as the most raw 2D platformer I've ever played, but it has rightfully earned second place. It's enjoyable every step of the way, and I was wowed all over again when the Noise campaign eventually dropped.

This game has been legally declared dead ever since the update which introduced chat reporting. I have not played any version released after that, and still refuse to.
But I can always go back to an older version, mod some things, and kick back as "Sweden" wistfully plays in the background...

As the series equivalent to Sonic Mania, this is the best Pac-Man game under the maze formula. It's not even close.


This game will very likely make you say "Holy shit, I could have just done that the whole time?" more than once. Your first playthrough will be very different from subsequent ones, and you should take pride in that.
...though I'll admit I dropped off when the second half began. The combat was just that frustrating for me.

Super Meat Boy, but as an FPS, with an actually innovative use of cards, and featuring the bombshell that is Violet. Needless to say, I love it.
But maybe the soundtrack was overhyped, and maaaybe I turned off the voices as soon as the first cutscene ended.