While everyone else was clamoring about how this is a shameless copycat, I was cautiously optimistic of it, thinking that it might still be a competent game at the end of the day.
Well... a fool and his money are soon parted. Bland levels, inconsistent framerates for animations, awkward controls, lacking audio direction, and hellish difficulty in a sort of unfair way. This game fucking sucks.

This is a cute twist on the original Super Mario Bros, but Mushroom Kingdom Fusion stomps it onto the curb so violently that it's kind of hard to watch.

I was ready to give this game 5 stars because it's a miles-deep rabbit hole of content; the ultimate realization of ideas planted by Super Mario Bros Crossover and Smash Melee's adventure mode.
However, going through the first world reminded me of how fucking horrendous autoscrolling levels can be.

I won’t compare this to Nick All-Star Brawl yet because that game’s sequel is still on the way… but it’s better than Smash Ultimate.
I’m not joking. Singleplayer content matters.

It's honestly astounding how far McLeodGaming has come after releasing this piece of shit. I hate to say that, because the game was a big part of my childhood and probably yours too, but it ages worse with each passing day.
Even the atrocity that is Nick All-Star Brawl has polished controls and physics.

The best Smash game, and everyone knows it. Fuck Nintendo.
The only thing that makes this situation less disgusting than Mario Royale is that they didn't steal the game's ideas after they manipulated Twitch into shutting it down. Or maybe it's more disgusting because that means they haven't yet made a Smash game which is anywhere near as good.

The post-N64 content is a bigger blight to this game than the anime content is to Smash Flash 2. Even the developers have since regretted it.
But this is still a banger mod which gives Smash 64 the love it deserves.

I was anticipating this game for a while, but when it launched... I don't think I've ever dropped a Source Engine game so fast in my life before.
Part of it was boredom, the other part was anger towards how the developers disabled custom sprays. If you're going to make a celebration of the Source Engine's quirks, go all the way or fuck off.

This is obviously not as jam-packed with content as TF2 itself, but it's a masterpiece in its own right, being a perfect alternative for people who tire of the base game's cosmetic bloat.
Seriously though, the Jump Pads are so goddamn fun and I badly want them in the base game.

As someone who spent way more time goofing off in minigame or zombie servers than playing the core game modes in Counter-Strike Source, what is the point of comparing it to this?

I can't believe that this very polished and addictive fangame celebrating Hololive conveniently forgot to include Houshou Marine. You know, that one redhead who everyone masturbates to, including motherfucking Toby Fox?

Laura Shigihara's theme for Ancient Egypt is a swan song if I've ever heard one. A tragically beautiful representation of the fate that Plants vs Zombies suffered.

Twice have I tried to click with this game, only to drop out soon after leaving the Great Plateau both times.
You may have noticed from my previous logs that I gravitate towards games with deliberate pacing and setpieces, even if that means they are linear. Open-world games, especially those with reused assets, provide little entertainment to me.
It doesn't help that - unlike Skyrim - managing weapons in this game is an absolute pain in the ass.

An absolute masterclass of "Haha funny numbers go up"... but I can only do it for so long before burning out.

How bold of the developers to fake out with a "forgettable" cartoon bunny shooter, only for the real product to be an actually forgettable realistic shooter.
Think about it; the term for repeatedly jumping to build momentum is "bunny-hopping". The fake game would have unironically been better than this.