I'm sorry, but briefly playing this game made me remember that running across an enormous map and then dying to an enemy I couldn't see from hundreds of feet away is why I never played a Battlefield game in my life. Or a battle royale shooter, for that matter.

I don't want to participate in review bombing over current events surrounding games I haven't played, but I suppose this is the best time for me to give some two cents:
Abandoning the artstyle of Lobotomy Corporation (with an in-universe justification for it) was a mistake, and the whole shitshow with this game might be divine punishment.

Another home-run for lewd fanart, topped with the game itself having a very appealing chibi artstyle.
I promise I won’t keep bloating my list of 5-star games, this should be the last time I score an anime gacha that high.

This game takes one forward, one step back. It’s much better than Pikmin 2, but then there’s the limit of three surface Pikmin types, the automatic lock-on, the popups and loading screens, the unreliable Pikmin A.I, the unnecessarily large areas, the weak soundtrack... I could keep going.
The biggest takeaway is that the "perfect" Pikmin game has yet to exist, and people will continue to argue over which installment is the best. Pikmin 3 might still be my favorite at the end of the day.


The reboot where Gris looks like she came from Cult of the Lamb and is wielding a katana to fuck shit up is gonna be great, I'm sure of it.

I'm still waiting for the actual game, the one that's supposed to be a Drawn Together sort of adventure starring Princess Charm and her friends.
Whoever is working on that had better not fuck it up.

I don't usually make multiple logs for a game. I mentioned "a certain Youtube creator" last time; that was Schaffrillas. He recently changed his Pikmin 2 video from "The Weakest One" to "My Least Favorite One". He's evidently being harassed like how haters of Rio 2 got on his nerves.
I agree with his opinion, and I'm not amused by this behavior. I hope that Pikmin 4 ends up being so much better that people become more reluctant to defend this game.

Only the hardcore Angry Birds fans would recognize this as the true follow-up to the original game, improving the formula and giving it an original twist.

I don’t know about the game itself, but the fanart which came from it is a 5-star experience of its own.
Pass down the Sex.

This is what truly ruined Team Fortress 2, as that game would go on to copy its contracts, cases, weapon skins, rarity tiers, and ultimately the irreparable disaster that was matchmaking.
As a result, I fucking despise its mere existence, almost as much as Tower Unite.

"Those are some angry birds." - Free Birds (2013)
Anyway yeah, this is a certified childhood classic and Rovio are idiots for taking it down, what else do you want me to say?

I pity the people who grew up using their phones to play Flappy Bird instead of this.

I could just dismiss this as a cheap mobile game and move on, but the truth is that I used to spend dozens of hours on it, experimenting with the many different ways to abuse the pygmies.
My score is not just childhood nostalgia, I think the game truly deserves it with the amount of content it has.

I haven't actually played this, but it has earned 5 stars for featuring what might be the best soundtrack from a video game that I have ever heard.

A content-rich game that is tailor-made to not be fun, with the many ways it can trick you during platforming challenges.
So why did I give Rain World and Lobotomy Corporation high scores, when those games are also stupidly hard with lots of trial-and-error? Because of thematic purpose. Life is some scary shit, so you have to adapt to survive as a wild animal, or to contain SCP-like entities with little-to-no employee casualties. This game just beats you down for the sake of it.