As with Super Monkey Ball 2, this is a sequel which vastly improves upon the scope of the original... and yet I don't enjoy it as much.
Maybe it's the backgrounds, which are mostly static instead of being heavily detailed and animated. Maybe it's the soundtrack, which is good but not quite as good as in the original. Maybe it's the level design, which is less interesting than before because it's constrained to an in-game level editor. Something just isn't right here.

This is obviously a pale imitation of Crash Team Racing's magnificence, but that doesn't mean it's terrible. I think it's put together just well enough that I can enjoy it nevertheless.
Huge shoutouts to how its mechanics predate both Mario Kart 8 and Team Sonic Racing by over a decade.

I honestly can't tell you whether Cortex Strikes Back or Warped is better. Their strengths and weaknesses balance each other out.
This game is dragged down by the vehicle and Coco sections, which take away from the solid platforming experience.

I honestly can't tell you whether Cortex Strikes Back or Warped is better. Their strengths and weaknesses balance each other out.
This game is dragged down by the level themes, which aren't as interesting as the ones in Warped.

Crash is definitely one of those franchises which had growing pains to overcome from the start.
Although I much prefer the cohesive map of this game over the warp hubs of its sequels.

Great when you are just screwing around in the playgrounds or playing minigames!
Great when you are finished with your main tasks and can access the Cog headquarters!
Fucking miserable when you are actually trying to finish your main tasks!
I copy-pasted the above sentences from my log of the original Toontown because this version barely does anything to change my stance!

The true peak of Isaac. Repentance might just be this mod with more content, but the original incarnation is better. The Knife Pieces aren't so arduous to get (and there's a third one!), the Mausoleum has an entire back half to explore, there are a few interesting enemies which didn't return in Repentance, and the final boss is much cooler.
Not to mention that Mudeth's OST takes a fat shit over Ridiculon's. Well-deserved payback for throwing Danny Baranowsky out.

I should be very angry with this game, because it's just like Tower Unite where it started as a Garry's Mod game mode before becoming standalone. But as far as I know, Breach was allowed to die peacefully instead of being murdered by its own developers through DMCA takedowns.
Unfortunately, the end product isn't my cup of tea either way.

This is as stellar as you'd expect out of Cuphead, and priced very reasonably too.
But despite how I praised Portal's "short but sweet" nature, is this really worth the agonizing 3.5 year wait I went through?

I had a hard time remembering that this game existed. After all, I am not fond of turn-based RPGs.
Though I couldn’t blame anyone else if they also forgot, even the most diehard FNAF fans.

This couldn't be made today because of Nintendo's iron grip on the Mario universe in recent years. Just having Toadsworth in it would piss them off.
That's what turns an otherwise forgettable spinoff into something remarkable. It helps that I actually enjoyed my time with the game as a kid.

This is a bit too easy (especially with how there are no lives), and sadly Knuckles doesn’t show up for a bonus campaign.
But it’s still really fucking good, anyone who calls themselves a Sonic fan should try it.

This pales in comparison to the LittleBigPlanet series, and Warioware D.I.Y. in relevance to "A beloved IP but now you can make your own [X]", but it's still very enjoyable in its own right.
They really did not need to go so hard with the bonus costumes, but I'm glad they did.

I wasn't expecting anything too special out of this, but it gives quite a formidable challenge, and the finale goes fucking nuts by the standards of a Nintendo game. I'm so glad that I went into it blind.

This isn't a huge jump up from Splatoon 1, except for its Salmon Run mode, which is one of the best co-op experiences I've ever had.