This shit is insanely hard, but it also goes insanely hard. The sprite animations are so ahead of their time that it’s not even funny.

Okay, I'll admit I had to look up a Youtube longplay of this and compare it to Game Builder Garage in order to refresh my memory. Giving it a full 5 stars and calling it "Nintendo's own LittleBigPlanet 2" was too generous of me.
But it gives you much more freedom than the Super Mario Maker series, so it's still really good.

I got a lot of mileage out of this, but its slow burn of a tutorial and its online system are fucking agonizing, and it's a prime case study for Nintendo's modern mentality of "Release it now, finish it later with updates/DLC".

I want to give this 4.5 stars because I enjoyed it that much as a kid, but I feel like replaying it as an adult would be a much worse experience.

I spent a lot more time reading the Prima guidebook for this game than actually playing it.
But knowing how horrendous the soundtrack is, how it made Ken Penders throw a tantrum, and how little I remember of my own playthrough, do I really want to give it another chance?

I will not apologize for scoring this game so high. Actually no I'm giving this 3.5 stars now instead of 4, because scoring it above Sonic 2 and Kirby's Return to Dreamland seems insane to me.
It's a disaster compared to Yoshi's Island, but it also has some of the most charming presentation of any Nintendo game ever made, and strongly encourages replayability like Star Fox 64 does.

I know that the original Yoshi's Island is something of a gold standard for 2D platformers, but I think the vitriol against this game is overblown.
Compared to other Yoshi games, this is an acceptable sequel which retains such a high difficulty curve that I quit playing by the end of the fourth world.

This was shorter than I expected going in, but that hardly detracts from how excellent of an expansion it is to an already incredible game.

This may just be a battle simulator with some minigames thrown in, but thinking about it now, it has the love put into it that every mainline game from Generation VI onwards could only dream to have.

I am so glad that I went through this game as a carefree kid instead of a jaded adult, as I may have never picked it up otherwise.

I may not have seen this game through to the end, but I have absolutely no hesitation in claiming Generation V to be the last truly good phase of Pokemon.
As with my feelings on Super Mario Sunshine, fuck the haters.

This is the first and currently only mainline Pokemon game that I put in the effort to finish.
I don't ever want to finish it again.

Give the copy abilities a bit more complex movesets, and have Meta Knight show up somewhere, and I would be happy to treat this as one of the best Kirby games ever.

Not the most original Kirby game out there, but it served its purpose as a throwback to Super Star's gameplay.
I still wish the GCN game wasn't canceled, though.

This has an awful lot in common with Sonic Forces, but it has some decent moments instead of being an absolute embarrassment.