Kind of boring. Story is very meh, combat is ok but not fun. Very generic RPG.

In general - very good game, better in every aspect than previous one. Story is well written and mature, combat is engaging.

Surprisely well crafted 3D platformer and great introduction to ps5.

Great game with sadly wasted potential to be masterpiece. On medium difficulty it's too easy in the second half. Mechanics are great, so great that as player I wanted more dungeons to explore, more buildings to construct . Idea of this title is interesting, execution is also decent. I would complain on lack of content if it would be full priced but it is not so I simple recommend to buy it. Sincerely waiting for continuation.

Played on Steam Deck, fps were between 50-60.

One of the best metroidvania i have ever played. Completed on switch and steam deck. 10/10.


Relaxing mix of adventure and 3D platformer game. Simple story, interesting idea. Not too long, not too short.

Addictive as cocaine. Gameplay loop makes you feel godlike. One of the best indies of 2022.

Experimental game-movie. Very interesting concept, good plot. Strange. Unique. Not for everyone but overall great experience.


Decent platformer with simple puzzles.

First part of the game is really fun but too easy. Exploration is great, zelda like feeling.

Second part sucks. Game becomes souls like with unresponsive control. Exploration is mostly gone, you fight boss after boss after boss.

Great game. Fun puzzles, great fighting and world. It was fun experience

Gameplay is really good - dynamic but also tactic. Good characters, interesting world. It should be shorter because there are parts that feels dull.

Nevertheless, thumb up.

Unique experience, story is really great. Kind of Art

Unique in terms of narrative. Funny. Deep in good way. Also very funny.

On first take i was not impressed. Second approach was different - really unique take on open world genre. This game is like big adventure with your best friend. Great interactivity.