It's weird to see Columns attempt to have a world surrounding it in the same vein as what Puyo Puyo has accomplished. Needless to say it falls flat on its face, of course. But it is an interesting concept. I feel like the post-Dreamcast era of Sega, especially on Game Boy Advance is a very interesting and confusing time. Regardless, this is not a good Columns game. You can definitely do better with the 3 Columns games on Genesis alone.

Honestly such a massive boost compared to Super Mario Land 1. The massive overworld, the greater powerups, the variety of worlds, it's pretty incredible. Plus you know the game that introduces the legend Wario into the main Mario canon can't be bad.

It's so weird that a sequel to what was an iconic title even 30 years ago is just a more concentrated version of Dr. Mario. It's okay, like there's nothing inherently wrong with it, but it feels nowhere near satisfying as the original, or even Dr. Mario. It's just...there.

Pretty good. Some of my favorite Mario stuff is when creators are allowed to go off the beaten path and go wild. And the aesthetic for SML is fucking WILD. Definitely does its job well of having the first portable Mario experience.

I'm officially shelving Ring Fit Adventure only because I rarely have the time to play it anymore. I will never finish the story, but god damn this game is great. It's basically an RPG Wii Fit, without the ability to bullshit your way through it. A genuine treat, and kept me fit and going through the pandemic.

This game is highly mediocre. I'd say it's enjoyable for the first hour or so, and then the rest just feels like grinding. Can barely recommend for One Piece fans, for everyone else it would be a tedious chore.

A legendary title that really pulls you in with its intrigue and keeps you interested long past the credits rolling. As long as you're okay with the path from A to B being the core of the game rather than the filler, this game is definitely for you. It is without a doubt the most fun walking sim I've ever played.

It's a neat version of Tetris, but honestly the legacy of the Genesis version of the game overshadows the game itself. Plus the use of real life photography does make it stand out a bit.

If I had a nickel for every time Omega Force made an AU for a popular Nintendo game this generation, I'd have two nickels.

Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

I've never seen such a charming little demo that really helps embody the magic of the holiday season. It's probably the only demo that I can think of that has such a legacy to it. It's a must play for nearly everyone.

Merry Christmas, Nights. And Merry Christmas, Sega.


Now this is easily a Roguelike I can praise. Because not only is a soild game full of satisfying combat, but every death is a step towards a better run. Actual honest to god progress! Play Hades even if you're not into the genre.

This is a nice bonus verion of Sonic 3D Blast that improved a lot on the slippery, messy, clunky Sonic 3D Blast. It's still the weakest of the Genesis Sonic games, but it's less weak now. I'm still amazed that the original 3D Blast didn't have Super Sonic!

This game is a lovely addition to the Genesis Mini 2. I really appreciate Sega going back to have this game fully released. While I would never actually pay for this game back in 1991, as a bonus game for the mini console, it's pretty nice. And definitely a unique balancing puzzle. If you have a Genesis Mini 2, I would definitely give it a go.

A really great game, the best Pokemon has been since Alola, the issue is the technical problems that come with this entry. It's very clear almost from the getgo that the project was rushed to fit the holiday season. Which is honestly a shame.

I get why they do it, because the Pokemon game has to match up with the toys and the anime and the cards and all the other things that have made Pokemon a multi billion dollar conglomerate. But maybe, just maybe, delay the game for a few months? You could have the anime be an advertisement for the games, like in the old days. Pokemon always has had a winning formula to some degree or another. This one just needed some time in the oven to really optimize performance. But based on sales records, it's pretty clear that people are willing to look past bugs if the game is actually fun.

This collection is brilliant. I love the presentation, the archive of material, ranging from Strategy Guides to comic books, even to show stills. I especially enjoy the drop in playthrough that the game has, letting you drop in any time you like to any part.

But here's the negative. The NES games and most of the Game Boy games suck. You're here for Turtles Arcade, Turtles in Time, or Hyperstone Heist. Everything else is just bleh. It won't deter you, but it does bring down the collection a bit. Other than that I can definitely recommend this without hesitation.