Dragon Age Inquisition currently I have over 600+ hours across all runs and consoles (PC and PS4) and in this run as a Rogue Lavellan who romanced Solas I have over 102 hours in this and I 100% it a grueling task and a lot of break from what was originally started in February to now well, it was hard but I did it!

For positives I would say that I really like the story and the late game elements of it, I think the writers shines the most in this regard because while I never really liked Corypheus and I think outside from the 2 dlc he was in this game makes him look so incompetent and I think he was a boring villain all around I did like a lot of this game’s story and the characters the writing in each character is strong and I like participating the journey it has led and the heartbreaks with Solas hurts me at the end of the Trespasser dlc and I will never love a bald man again. Joking aside this game is pretty solid and I would say the game is worth it for the story alone but it is a long game so be prepared for that. Another point I like in this game is the combat, personally I don’t like how it felt more of a MMORPG that focuses on getting the damage numbers up and I hope that Veilguard will change that but I have a specific build that I made that pretty much makes me solo everything with relative ease with my Rogue and since I’m playing it on Nightmare it did help me out a lot.

Negatives. A lot of the negatives is the fact that this game even at its current state is a buggy mess especially when the frostbite engine wasn’t made for an action rpg game that feels more like a mmo and it shows, the game has a lot of glitches that still wasn’t patched and bugs that gives me a hard time, some areas look wonky and overall it needed more time in the oven to be more ready and compared to Veilguard which is using the same engine but more upgrade, I have high hopes that it will do better. Another issue is the combat itself and while I did sing my praises, it still bugs me that it focuses more on increasing g damage numbers for the sake of it and the said build was explicitly made for that reason and while I did have fun I can understand why people won’t like it.

Now Corypheus, I like it when we don’t know much about him in 2’s dlc and he was an interesting villain for that dlc but to make him a full fledge villain for Inquisition’s story is an odd choice and I originally wanted to see how it goes but the more I play the game the more I just find him so boring, he is such a one note villain that I genuinely prefer the Araashok from 2 who was the villain of the game’s chapter 2 to be way more interesting and complex than he ever was. Compared to the other main villains of the series he just falls flat because I prefer Loghain and Merideth more than this magister darkspawn.

Overall I believe this game is good for those who are open minded about this game but I do understand why not a lot of people will like this one much. Either way my run with the series is complete and I am so excited for Dragon Age The Veilguard to come out this fall by the time I wrote this

Mass Effect 1. I will admit I wasn’t much of a fan of this series when I heard BioWare was making this but it was only when I played the first game is when I was hooked on this game from start to finish.

This game is special, aged but special there’s a lot of things to like about this game from the sci-fi power fantasy it provides to the amazing story that it gives and the lore of the aliens and planets you visit to, this game has a lot of love and care put into it. There are moments where the game’s age has shown itself whether it’s by the generic combat, clunky physics and the semi open areas that the planets provide is a negative for me but I still enjoyed my time with it and even have a platinum trophy because of how easy this game can be in Insanity by using Adept.

The story in this game is good while not perfect I believe it hooked me enough for me to play the sequels of the series and they do not disappoint. This has my seal of approval to play as it has a charm to it

Same game as the first with improvements but still having the same issues as the first but it’s even longer. Same deal, a one and done game

The game has aged horribly. Being in a system outdated that I would say experience this game once and never again

Final Fantasy 7 Remake and it’s dlc are pretty fun and I throughly enjoyed my time with it with a few caviats but for now I’ll stick with the positives.

The story and gameplay loop are a blast to do and since this time around it’s a new twist of the original story and added bits that weren’t there from the original, I think they did it right although if this were the case calling the first part of a 3 part game Remake is misleading but I digress. For an ARPG, it really is fun to try out new mechanics and while Classic mode exists it tends to take a ling time to finish a battle so I recommend people to play it how it’s meant to be played. Playing as Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Yuffie were a blast especially with Yuffie sho’s own game mechanic is the best among the 5 and since I haven’t played Rebirth yet I wish sorely miss it because I have more fun with Intergrade’s gameplay loop comparative to the main story. With the positives done I have to go through the negatives.

The only issues that I have with this game is with it’s pacing and level design, with the mew story bits added to the game and the reimagining of Midgar there are going to be issues for having what is a 5 hour long chapter of the original game into a 30+ hour reimagining of the game there will be padding and wonky level design and that’s the case for it here. There are a lot of unnecessary story bits such as the train graveyard and the later parts of Hojo’s lab have unnecessary padding to it as it does break the pacing of the game of what it’s suppose to be time sensitive and major event events that noticing it can make it a drag to play on repeated runs and some of the level designs of the game felt as if it is meant to pad the game time and it does show through the sewer sections of the game and Shinra’s tower as a whole. I forgot to mention it but the side quest (if you could even call it that) are outright boring but at least with Intergrade I do love the little mini game side quests.

I believe that this game for what it is, a very good game that a lot people both old and new fans of Final Fantasy 7 can enjoy this game and I’m very excited to play Rebirth

This game is amazing and a faithful remake of Persona 3 and I had a blast and couple in the quality of life updates that other persona games has and this is with confidence the best version of Persona 3 and worth your time.

I want to start off with this review saying that this game has aged both poorly and badly, some parts of the game is clunky and some parts work fine. The game is so poorly optimize that I have to go look for a 4gb patch to prevent more memory leaks where especially at Ostagar and Denerim where it uses a lot of memory ends up crashing my game at multiple occasions and other bugs that halt my progress aside I can only give it 4 stars for this reason.

While the negatives I have are out of the way this game is really amazing and I truly love it, it is an rpg in its truest form and I had a lot of fun playing it in the replay in anticipation of Dreadwolf and throughout the run I took the liberty to read every entry (yes and it took a while) and I feel like my knowledge of the game is up to snuff. Lord entry aside I played as a Mage warden and after many runs with human warrior and elven rogue, Mage class was truly overpowered to the point where by the time I went to Ostagar I could easily solo the game and this is on hard difficulty, the game really does make you feel very powerful in this game as a mage that it is a shame that they are needed by the subsequent entries.

Outside of gameplay I do love the story and the companions you can talk through in the game, they are the strong point in the series much like the choices you make and it does ends up being so great that I even neglected my health because I was too invested at some points, I love everyone and yes even the perverted drunk Oghren and Loghain and they’re all good characters. The story is amazing and I do love some of the visuals we have here although I don’t like that the majority of said visuals are on a different shade of brown much like the times where it is a common occurrence in most games released around this time. It is truly a great game I do recommend people to play it, I had a blast and it’s worth your time when it took me over 145 hours and yes that is the reading included.

As for my choices I went pretty dark here:
-Killed a child
-Templars as my war asset
-Branka with the anvil not destroyed
-Alistair king while Loghain lives
- Wynne left (I didn’t like the old bat anyways)
-Vigils Keep saved, Amaranthine fallen

These are just the few choices I decided to change from a normal run I had previously but it is an interesting change of pace nonetheless

The game is great and even better at some points in the other games and I had a fun time but I have some gripes with it, the reliance of the Batmobile, while I ah e no issues with it, can be very clunky at times and with me being bad at driving in video games this is amplified to a higher degree meaning that I have to restart my games at points because I was either glitched out of the game or it won’t let get out of being in a stuck position which happened a lot.

The story is great and a nice conclusion to Batman but since I did t collect all the Riddler trophies I was satisfied enough to watch a YouTube video for the complete ending and I have issues when the complete and true ending is relegated into 100% the game that has collectibles and I do not have the time in my life to waste i to doing it otherwise it’s a great game overall

A great game in all aspects, in both story and gameplay I had a wonderful experience with the game as this is the last time I’ll play it since I have achieved 100% completion and it’s worth my time. I feel in love with the first game and this one definitely set my standards up high in terms of what a game should be.

I love the story of Arthur Morgan and the gang, this game is very beautifully meticulous in the details and the interaction of the environment is a neat touch but it does wore off its welcome but otherwise this game is beautiful that I couldn’t explain it in words. Definitely try this game out it’s a blast to go through

Remedy out did themselves with this game. With heavy inspirations of the SCP foundation and the connected universe of all Remedy game, Control is a very enjoyable game to play despite its sometimes hard difficult spikes occurring from time to time, this game perfectly balanced the lore and mystery the SCP foundation has and made better as I was drawn in from the get go and the game is really fun, at times I feel like I’m Darth Vader with a gun and powerful force abilities as the gameplay loop is more polished and refined compared to Quantum Break the previous game before it. This game is spectacular in terms of atmosphere, horror and science fiction and i reccomend to anyone who has a kindling interest in this game, definitely worth your time especially since this is the last game I need to play before Alan Wake 2

This game is very ambitious but it does has tons of flaws, I love the game and the story it presents and I do love the concept of using time powers to the combat but there are issues that comes around to how the game was unpolished in certain areas. The platforming and combat are very clunky and at times infuriating as I feel like I’m playing with cinderblocks on my controller but I even have a huge issue with the acting in the live action segments that isn’t Hatch or Paul, it felt like it was made by the CW at how weird the direction went. While it is a decent game with very interesting concepts the polish of the game is left much to be desired but overall a fun yet sometimes infuriating experience

Alan Wake what’s more to even say about this game that hasn’t been said already? I personally have a blast playing through it all under 6 hours (according to my ps5 hours played) and throughout the game I’ve experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows and I feel like this game is perfect for those who love horror, mystery and a novel in video game format.

I have a lot of praises towards the game, the opening parts of the game starts off really strong as it draws the player in, as the game continues past those opening hours you can immediately tell that the strong points of the game is in its horror elements, atmosphere and presentation. The game itself has similar vibes to one of my favorite tv shows Twin Peaks where the mysteries of this game captivated the player into uncovering what happened to Alan’s wife? Why are the enemies attacking you and what is the darkness that controls them? These questions of the mysteries is what drew me in the game as I always love a mystery novel and this game fits the description of being a mystery novel in video game format.

The game itself is almost perfect and by almost perfect I mean that there are problems that I have towards this game that has affected my replay of it and it’s primarily the gameplay loop and platform of elements. It sucks, it is very bad and clunky but it isn’t horrible as the game finds a balance between the 2 sections but there are moments when playing the game where it’s own mechanics has screwed me over more than once.

I find it pretty interesting that Alan Wake’s novel Alex Casey is similar to Max Payne’s development past since this is the game after 2 before Take Two Interactive bought the licenses for the series and I find this as Sam Lake’s presentation of what he feels when making Alan Wake since Alan Wake himself struggled to move on and didn’t know where to start and for Remedy, this game is their “Departure”.

Overall I had a blast playing THSI game but the most I can give it is 4 stars. While the story is what make me go through this game, the gameplay hinders that experience but in order for people to know anything about Alan Wake 2 this game is decent at covering that story and play Control as well since Alan Wake makes an appearance there

Great game, very bloated to the point I have to take breaks and FUCK Park that’s all

An amazing game that much like the last 2 games was an awesome experience I definitely reccomend people to play it I have so much fun with it despite completing it in a day but very worth it regardless