It's the Little Things

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Battle Mania Daiginjou
Battle Mania Daiginjou
MagneticBurn -
Characters Vibing in the Sound Test
Ex: Battle Mania 2's sound test where the characters play instruments in sync with the music
Nex Machina
Nex Machina
True Final Boss
Ex: Nex Machina's final boss that requires you to reach the end with 1CC
Devil Daggers
Devil Daggers
Just the One Achievement
Ex: Devil Dagger's sole achievement
Thief: The Dark Project
Thief: The Dark Project
Diegetic Map
Ex: Thief 1's map drawn by Garrett according to the intel he manages to collect
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage
Degraded Boss
Ex: Streets of Rage's 1st boss shows up as a regular enemy later on
Ninja Gaiden Black
Ninja Gaiden Black
Easy Mode Mockery
Ex: Ninja Gaiden's pink ribbon if you choose Easy mode
Useless Fun Ability to Fill the Dead Air
Ex: Dusk's R command that just makes your weapons twirl
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Diegetic Out of Bounds
Ex: Jak and Daxter's monster fish that kills you if you go too far into the ocean
Diegetic Save Point
Ex: ICO's save point couch
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Playable Credits
Ex: Devil May Cry 3's credits challenge
The World Ends with You
The World Ends with You
Midrulean -
Evolving Shopkeeper Dialogue
Ex: The World Ends With You's shopkeeper that gets new dialogue with each purchase
Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls
Hopeless Boss Fight is Actually Beatable
Ex: Demon's Souls tutorial boss is meant to kill you but it's actually possible to beat him if you are good enough
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Idle Animations
Ex: Sonic's foot tapping while looking at the player
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
Diegetic Loading
Ex: Shadow of the Colossus loading screens after beating a colossi
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
BeachEpisode -
Secret Song
Ex: Symphony of the Night's fairy summon that sings a song when Alucard sits on a chair
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Evolving Title Screen
Ex: Metal Gear Solid 2's title screen after beating the Tanker chapter
The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II
Hot_Anarcocoa -
Camera Reflects State of Mind
Ex: Last Of Us Part II's camera vertigo effect that reflects character's acrophobia
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Pkshyguy -
Real Signs of Damage
Ex: Odyssey's cactus that leaves Mario with spikes on his nose if he gets hit


1 year ago

the way Sonic kills himself in Sonic CD is a brilliant evolution of the original game's idle animation. Introducing genuine system consequences into the mix is nothing short of incredible, and it truly pushes the game over-the-top into being among the most morally ambiguous Sonic games.

1 year ago

a couple other things: the title screen will change in Jet Force Gemini a lot. I'm sure it's still not the first game to do that but it is an appreciated effort for such a small element of the game.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma features a boss that's supposed to kill you, but you can beat it and unlock higher difficulties early. The way it's done early in the game bares similarity to Demon's Souls. The same concept would reappear in Devil May Cry 5 too, pretty much identical in execution to Sigma.

1 year ago

thats an interesting interpretation of sonic cd lol. Yeah, im aware of the ninja gaiden and dmc5 beatable hopeless boss battles, cool stuff.

1 year ago

battlemania 2 has the lead characters playing instruments in the sound test, and they're synced to each individual FM channel's timing
TWEWY shopkeepers' dialogue changing as you buy more stuff from them and get friendlier with them

1 year ago

Mario with spikes on his nose after taking damage from a cactus in Super Mario Odyssey

1 year ago

good recs, im gonna add them

1 year ago

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Having the fairy summon out while Alucard sits idly on a chair will eventually cause her to start singing a song.
The vertigo effect to show Abby's acrophobia in The Last of Us Part II.

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