Coming from Skyrim this game feels very empty. I get it's a post-apocalyptic world, but I was really missing some of the liveliness and random encounters in Skyrim. Gave New Vegas a few separate tries but I'm done for good.

I enjoyed this game much more on my second playthrough; did more substories, more Majima Everywhere(which is sorely missed in the other games), and took my time.

Some of the bosses are pretty cheesy, and the story had a bunch of padding nonsense in it, but the game was much more enjoyable for me when I slowed down.

I cut it some slack because it was such an old game and the first on PS3, but it desperately needed a Kiwami.

The combat is a blockathon suckfest, but I really enjoyed the story and characters in this one. We got to see a more human side of Kiryu with the orphanage, so I'm a little more lenient with most of the first half being little orphan kid drama. I'm also a sucker for tropical settings and loved the time spent in Okinawa.

The whole time I was playing this I said that the level design was too ambitious for the controls. Great music and I love the colorful setting, but the controls suck and the levels suck more.

Great kart game, arguably more fun than Mario Kart. The create-a-modes were a huge game changer. I wish this game wasn't left behind on the PS3/PSP.

Not sure if it's nostalgia, but I think Maplestory still holds up as a solid MMO. Although it appears to have lost its social aspect that it used to have, Maplestory has charming and timeless art style and sound design.

I think this is peak Yakuza. Each character’s story was short but managed to still be entertaining, and they all have very different fighting styles, which was fun to play. The way their stories intertwined throughout the game, especially at the finale, was a tremendously satisfying payoff.

You still have your typical Yakuza BS(incredibly convenient “I knew the whole time/I betrayed you and you had no clue” story, cheap boss fights), and I feel that the substories were lacking, but if you know what to expect from a Yakuza game you’ll love this.

Great story, mediocre unoriginal gameplay; par the course for most modern Sony exclusives. I saw a lot of similarities between this game and Ghost of Tsushima. I’m sure I’ll come back to it eventually, but for the time being I’m just not that into it.

Giving it the half star for having such an awesome final level and solid soundtrack throughout the entire game. Besides that, Beautiful Katamari is incredibly short and frustrating.

Almost all the beginning levels are annoying themes(collect “x” type of object) and the time limits are very short. Compared to the first Katamari you really have to “try” a lot more as opposed to simply enjoy the experience. I play Katamari to relax and have mindless fun. On the other hand, if you feel that Katamari is too easy, this may be worth a try.

I wish I played this game in its heyday so I could experience the online multiplayer, it seems like a fun concept.

The game has crazy difficulty spikes throughout each level, but the finale is total bullshit unless you use powerups, which you cannot use for certain achievements.

The ultimate Yakuza experience. Story is hard to follow at points but ALMOST each character has an amazing part. The fighting feels amazing, and the amount of content it has is unmatched; I beat the game in just under 42 hours and my completion rate wasn't even 16%.

To me The Witcher 3 was just boring. I gave it 2 different tries but I couldn't get very far into it. The gritty medieval setting bored me, along with the combat.

It's a somewhat unique idea but a match can turn into a camp fest easily when you go against the right/wrong team. The destruction physics are cool, but the movement feels a little clunky and the character models are ugly as SIN. If I played more I'd drop real money on a mask just to hide their faces.

Like all the other newer Pokemon games, it could be so much better if it had more time to be worked on. I haven't encountered gameplay bugs but the game is just ugly sometimes. Terrible frame rate, objects popping in and out due to the short draw distance... Real shame, considering how ambitious this game was. The open world was promising, and the actual character models look very nice.

I would hold out to see if major patches improve the perfomance, otherwise don't buy it anywhere close to full price.

An awesome party game. I love that each character has a pretty unique moveset, you can tell a lot of thought was put into making this game.