I’ve never played a Prof.Layton game before but knew what the premise and gameplay was like. What a charming little game it is.

The storyline was slow to properly start due to the amount of puzzles that halt you - but that being said, it is a puzzle game and there are a lot to get your teeth stuck into.

Some of the puzzles I felt however were worded really strange, which made me come to the wrong solution - but maybe that’s the point for some of them?

I would have liked a little more action put into the narrative - but all in all I had a good time playing and some of the puzzle stumped me for a while.

What an unenjoyable basic experience this turned out to be, which is a shame considering the past two titles were an absolute blast to play.

The gameplay is so janky, the A.I is complete garbage. The level design is boring and set out in weird area type fights that end up looking the same. There is hardly much choice in terms of a build to your character.

Maybe I’ll come back to this eventually - I’m just glad I’ve gotten it through a subscription service and didn’t pay full price for this. Just seems like a massive cash grab.

Decided to go back through the Fallout series after watching the TV series, as I’m sure many have.. I’m glad that I did - after playing this years ago on my 360, it’s lost none of its charm.

I was dubious at first with it being streaming only but encountered no issues of frame rates or disconnection. My only gripe was that I couldn’t access the DLC content - that would have been the cherry on the cake.

The music is as always iconic, though I thought there were much more songs then there is. The storyline is great - along with the side missions and stories, I enjoyed it as if it was the first time playing.

It suffered the usual Bethesda style issues - creatures clipping through textures etc. but nothing game breaking at all. The graphics are still good considering the age of the game - I was quite surprised.

Sometimes the movement and gun switching were a bit laggy or janky, but it wasn’t anything too frustrating - just something small I noticed.

Next stop - Vegas!

The nostalgia trip continues - another game I spent many hours on as a child and I still remember the levels and bosses.

It’s such a step up from the previous game - better level design and enemy designs. The music is also a lot better and catchier.

Still quite short but it’s to be expected of a game from that era and console. But still a great gaming experience.

What an odd playing experience coming back to this after so many years ago putting numerous hours into the game as a child.

The music instantly took me back and I remembered some of the weirder looking enemies. I don’t remember it being as short as it is however.

The difficulty spikes were intense; playing games nowadays with so many checkpoints and saves - I sort of take them for granted.

Identical to Pokémon Red but with slight changes to catchable Pokémon and other aspects.

Still a great nostalgia fix - decided to go through with different Pokémon to the ones I used in Red.

Dated graphics which is understandable from its release - but still a very enjoyable experience.

What a nostalgia trip - I played this when it first came out all those years ago and it still has a charm to me.

The graphics are obviously very dated and some of the Pokémon designs look like nightmare fuel.

The music is still memorable and going through it using Pokémon I haven’t really used before kept it a little fresh. It’s surprising how much I still remembered.

Not the greatest game out there and wasn’t what I was expecting but worth a go if you have PS Plus.

I didn’t really follow the story, but the combat was okay - nothing really stand out and it did get a bit janky at times.

Upgrades were very sparse and the traversal got a bit annoying also. But the environments were good at times.

Basically Far Cry with an Avatar skin on it - I did end up quite enjoying the game, though it did take me a bit of time to get into it.

The scenery and world is beautiful in terms of plant life and colour. However sometimes it was hard to see what was going on due to too much plants being in the camera.

The story wasn’t anything new, follows the typical arch that Ubisoft games seem to have. Did have a few surprises - but I wasn’t totally engrossed.

The combat did get really fun after managing to upgrade my character - you can go in guns blazing but be prepared to lose health fast if you choose that over stealth.

A fast paced story driven shooter that told me I could “play my own way” in terms of upgrades and weapons - boy was that wrong.

The story wasn’t anything to really shout home about; had a few twists but sometimes was hard to keep up at times with how much lore there is to the story and characters.

Gameplay got very complicated - for me anyway. It was nice to have a wide variety of spells, but then creating enemies that could only be damaged by certain ones just made the combat turn into chaos.

Nothing really stood out - but I wouldn’t say it’s an overly bad game either. Worth a play if you have PS Plus.

Being a fan of puzzle games I thought I’d give this a try since it was on PS Plus - I really wished I hadn’t.

The puzzles were just repetitive throughout with a mix matched difficulty, by that I mean there is no slight tweaks to keep the puzzles feeling fresh. The story wasn’t engaging at all for me either.

Well after first giving up on this when it first released, I’m glad I went back and gave it another chance.

Putting aside some of the cheesy dialogue - I actually found it to be a lot of fun with a really good storyline.

The combat won’t be for everyone, turn based with a card based loot box system. But once you get to grips with the mechanics it’s great putting together an attack deck with your favourite marvel heroes.

There were a few game glitches and crashes - but no overall game bugs that stopped progression. If you have the opportunity I’d really advise playing the DLC packs too.

Great potential of a survival horror that just felt a bit flat due to bugs and glitches - which are numerous and sometimes game breaking..

I did enjoy the story and the leading roles played by Jodie Comer and David Harbour. Exploration was great and I enjoyed the old school puzzles.

That being said - the script was real lacklustre.. with conversations seeming really out of place or just no character awareness of what was happening around them at times.

Strangely addictive and relaxing to play, was a nice break after coming from a heavy RPG (FF: Rebirth)

The name pretty much speaks for itself in terms of gameplay - has a nice variation of different buildings and vehicles to clean. Ended up zoning out whilst listening to podcasts and playing this.

Has a few free packs too - Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy VII levels.

A cool and quirky puzzle game based around organisation and sorting items. The puzzles work well with some having multiple solutions and also a nice soothing soundtrack to relax to.

Nothing overly exciting and it has a small vague storyline - but if you’re after a puzzle based game then I’d definitely recommend this one.