Another game I feel has been critiqued too harshly and is subsequently being slept on.

Games like these I usually struggle with, but after getting used to the combat mechanics and abilities I really had a blast playing it. The storyline was a bit too predictable so the twists and the reveals were a little lost on me.

The music was amazing and one of my favourite parts about the game, it gave NieR vibes and each track had a distinct vibe and beat that made each area feel unique.

The main character was cool, though at times over sexualised. The enemy design was really good too, having unique ways and attacks to keep combat fresh throughout.

My gripe with the game is the traversal mechanics. At times it felt like the character was stuck on the floor - leading me to over estimate jumps. At times trying to control her in mid air was impossible as it was janky knowing where she was going to land.

What an odd playing experience coming back to this after so many years ago putting numerous hours into the game as a child.

The music instantly took me back and I remembered some of the weirder looking enemies. I don’t remember it being as short as it is however.

The difficulty spikes were intense; playing games nowadays with so many checkpoints and saves - I sort of take them for granted.

The nostalgia trip continues - another game I spent many hours on as a child and I still remember the levels and bosses.

It’s such a step up from the previous game - better level design and enemy designs. The music is also a lot better and catchier.

Still quite short but it’s to be expected of a game from that era and console. But still a great gaming experience.

A cool and quirky puzzle game based around organisation and sorting items. The puzzles work well with some having multiple solutions and also a nice soothing soundtrack to relax to.

Nothing overly exciting and it has a small vague storyline - but if you’re after a puzzle based game then I’d definitely recommend this one.

Well after first giving up on this when it first released, I’m glad I went back and gave it another chance.

Putting aside some of the cheesy dialogue - I actually found it to be a lot of fun with a really good storyline.

The combat won’t be for everyone, turn based with a card based loot box system. But once you get to grips with the mechanics it’s great putting together an attack deck with your favourite marvel heroes.

There were a few game glitches and crashes - but no overall game bugs that stopped progression. If you have the opportunity I’d really advise playing the DLC packs too.

What a great continuation from the previous instalment that not only improved in more fluid combat but also incredible graphics. I'd stopped a few times whilst exploring to just look out around from the big view points of certain areas.
Whilst the story was a little predictable in places - it had me hooked into knowing what would happen next, giving emotional conclusions to certain character and story arcs.
The puzzle sections were of similar style to the previous with certain tweaks involving the new items at the players disposal.
My one gripe from the game was the way the player developed certain skill tress, whilst it made it different from the previous title - it just felt an odd choice and was hard to know how to properly develop skill trees.

What an unenjoyable basic experience this turned out to be, which is a shame considering the past two titles were an absolute blast to play.

The gameplay is so janky, the A.I is complete garbage. The level design is boring and set out in weird area type fights that end up looking the same. There is hardly much choice in terms of a build to your character.

Maybe I’ll come back to this eventually - I’m just glad I’ve gotten it through a subscription service and didn’t pay full price for this. Just seems like a massive cash grab.

Great potential of a survival horror that just felt a bit flat due to bugs and glitches - which are numerous and sometimes game breaking..

I did enjoy the story and the leading roles played by Jodie Comer and David Harbour. Exploration was great and I enjoyed the old school puzzles.

That being said - the script was real lacklustre.. with conversations seeming really out of place or just no character awareness of what was happening around them at times.

I’d bought this on sale a few months back and it stayed in my back log until today - I was pleasantly surprised - although I did manage to finish it in one sitting so the game isn’t that long.

The soundtrack was incredible - the various songs and themes gave me Life is Strange vibes.

The story was okay - nothing really amazing and sometimes it was a struggle to follow the different character arcs.

Having this game on my playlist for so long, I’m glad I finally got round to playing it.
The tone of the game is present throughout - making good use of narrative elements and gameplay elements to have that feeling of unease passed onto the player.
The combat does get a little clunky at times - but still feels fluid with a few different style enemies to fight.
The story got a little complicated to follow at times - but the voice acting was great and the overall plot was emotional and had me gripped to find out more.
Can’t wait to play the sequel later in the year.

I admit I almost shelved the game a couple of times out of frustration from a few gameplay design choices, but I’m glad I didn’t as the more I played, the more I found myself wanting to continue.
Some points of the game did feel like they were unsure on what type of game they wanting it to be - the first half was very linear, then became more open and exploration based in the second half.
I feel the game could have benefitted having a tutorial sooner on how to handle aspects of the robots in the open world, but once that was discovered it wasn’t so much of a hassle combat wise and the frustrations went away.
The story had me pretty confused at parts, but was soon over looked by the combat and exploration side of the game and by the end of the game everything connected.
I would have liked more diversity when it came to the powers and weapons - but there was elements of customising.
All in all I'm glad I stuck out the small dips and found myself actually quite enjoying the game upon completion.

Strangely addictive and relaxing to play, was a nice break after coming from a heavy RPG (FF: Rebirth)

The name pretty much speaks for itself in terms of gameplay - has a nice variation of different buildings and vehicles to clean. Ended up zoning out whilst listening to podcasts and playing this.

Has a few free packs too - Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy VII levels.

Needed a filler whilst I waited for Rebirth to release and considering I’d just finish P5R I thought I’d give this rhythm based game a go.

The storyline wasn’t really that gripping but I expected as such coming from the genre of game and the character interactions weren’t really that engaging.

However - the music is some of my favourite from any game series. So playing through and listening again to some of the great music made it enjoyable to me.

Self explanatory but the game would only appeal to fans of the series. Not that you’d need a review to tell you that.

This review contains spoilers

Well what can I say? The wait was worth it and the game is phenomenal. The storyline still had enough twists and surprises to keep it fresh whilst also keeping to the narrative of the original.

The game wasn’t without its flaws - there are slight graphical issues and textures that fail to load, not to mention the traversal can be a bit janky in parts of map. These are the only reasons I couldn’t give it a full five stars.

The character relationships is just how imagined them being form the original, the emotions are there - the comedy parts land when they need to. The music is also outstanding and improves on pieces from remake.

The mini-games are abundant and some of them control wise are a bit tedious - but I’d rather there be too many then not enough.

Easily taken into my top 3 games of all time - can’t wait to see the conclusion when it eventually drops.

The game started well in terms of setting up the creepiness, but very quickly fell flat with the cat and mouse style chasing sequences.
Staying true to Silent Hill games - the story had me questioning what was real and had me putting together the narrative clues to discover the bigger picture.
I can’t complain too much with it being a free game, I just wish there were more puzzles involved and the story overall felt less disjointed.