janky mechanics and combat but the I believe the casting and story makes up for this game's shortcomings

A beautiful sandbox of chaos with enriched story telling and beautiful environments. Definitely one of the best CRPG's of the decade that it came out in if not the best.

a game with a lot of charm behind it, and that's all it needs to be. Great fun!

Near perfect experience. Capcom was fully locked when making this game, from the bosses, the wide array of tools for zombie killing, and the story. This was Capcom at their peak.

Gave it a fair shot and was surprised to see that yes, it was indeed fun.

This games idea of difficulty is a motivator and is honestly perfect. It captures and holds your knowledge to a standard which is why it is one of the best in the genre.

for having some of the best flowing combat in this game it runs short in its level design.

Beautifully crafted game with some very visible cracks. Still a very solid and recommendable game.

fun sandbox, nothing else to add