still peak, not as a peak as the first one

The gold standard of a remake

this game is a whole lot of nothing

I was initially very negative of this game due to the poor decisions being made at tripwire at the time. I decided to turn a new leaf and tried playing it again especially with the announcement of the newest installation, Killing Floor 3 (in my humble opinion it does not look all that great at the moment). I realize I was very much wrong about my original opinion, the core experience is still the greatest this franchise has seen even if i do have a nostalgia boner for the original game. I simply wanted to see better treatment of this games future than what we got now. Throwing my bitterness aside, it is a great game. 2 Stars --> 4.5 stars

It really shows its age at the 500 hour mark but god do I still love it...

Not much to say other than it's a beautifully crafted game.

This game is nothing short of Spectacular. Even for this games shortcomings like the combat which doesn't pickup until maybe half way through the game. This immediately gets offset by the world's haunting and beautiful atmosphere while also being backed by the excellent soundtrack made by Alexander Brendon, Michiel van de Bos (Unreal Composer) and Dan Gardopee.
This is a masterclass example of developing a grounded and believable world.

Loud, Fast and more importantly Fun