Awesome STG with excellent saturn style graphics, banging soundtrack and a great learning curve that motivates you to get better while you unlock both game modifiers like continues to artwork and the whole original game soundtrack and graphics, highly recommended gem.

Kinda rough the more open world design of this second part, on one hand it has an amazing variety of activities and mini-games with some real highlights, and on the other it feels like too much if you wanna get into in and not just mainline it.
Gotta admit I was ready to finish it about 30 hours before the 113 I did before finishing the game, so I recommend sticking to just the parts you are enjoying, as theres too much it can be dificult to know.
Production values are really high and while some parts will look last gen at best, others will amaze you and make you fall in love with the world and cast all over again, the characters are the best part for me honestly, love them all. I played through it all on Quality Mode as o thought the game deserved to be experienced in all its splendor and honestly after a while you dont notice the framerate, its well paced, and the performance modes take a real hit to the visuals, I did switch some times and sure feels smooth but as a performance first player, I didnt miss it on this game, specially with the compromises.
I do finish my playthrough a little tired and confused as hell with the story, but damn this is definitely GOTY 2024 material and really look forward to the conclusion.

Excellent metroidvania all around with great movement and combat. Looks and runs beautiful specially on a PS5 at 120fps, the cutscenes and speciall powers are some anime levels of hype. This is the good Ubisoft we need and deserve.

One of the best DLC out there and maybe the best of a FromSoftware game, great level design and bosses as well as a variety of new weapons to wield.

FromSoftware greatness all around only brought down a little by poor performance, not enough to ruin the excellent journey as a Hunter through Yharnam and beyond the Nightmare, loved the unique trick weapons and the lovecraftian style. The Old Hunters is a great DLC to top it all off.

Definitely dont skip this if you want to play Rebirth, gives you not only a glimpse into Yuffie's story but a bit more lore into Shinra, pretty emotional at times and fun combat encounters.

An idea and themes that could have been done way better, as it is its too on the nose (specially for Silent Hill) and annoying, the chase scenes make this longer than it needs too and almost made me quit this already short game. Worth it maybe for the new Akira Yamaoka music.

When the series jumped from amateur passion project to a intro the metroidvania classics pantheon.
Even darker and clearly inspired by Fromsoft Souls series, everything hot overhaul with beautiful big sprites and animations. The levels can be a bit too dark at times and not as detailed in those instances but its still a joy to playtrough.

Back to the original game´s more level based design, still with some exploration to find a few secrets. The most polished so far on the series with very pretty pixel art, monsters and character designs.

Better than the original it takes its first steps into the Metroidvania genre if very simple with even less tools than the original, still a more polished and satisfying experience overall.

A good start for rdein's gaming career, worth looking back to it after the culmination with Moonlit Farewell in 2024.
Decent arcade style side scroller with a good challenge without getting too tough. A little hard to navigate the levels as sometimes you can't tell if you can go though some parts or are actually platforms.

Substantial and surprisingly good (FREE!?) DLC, a good epilogue to Kratos in general and very combat focused with the rogue like element a good enough reason to come back when you crave that visceral combat until the next one comes out.

A visual novel worth experiencing blind, don't expect anything, don't need to be a fan of the genre, just jump in and don't read absolutely anything about it until you do at least 1 playthrough. It's short too so dont worry, just know you have to do some reading.

Beautiful experience all around, as long as it needs to be.
Admitedly played it "late" so didnt get the multiplayer experience but it still manages to get its point across.

A good closure if you didnt know how long the sequel would take, but for this remaster its ok.
Pretty interesting use again for the light words in combat.