3832 Reviews liked by LavenzaVantas

it's incredible how a game from 1922 has aged so well

How does this game exist? Its been 3 years and it doesn't feel real. It's so good that it feels like its always been there and the concept of being pre-DMC 5 is alien at this point

I'll never forget when I saw Sans in that trailer and Megalovania started playing, holy shit.

Buggy as shit, looks terrible, atrocious average FPS, missing some old QoL features, and yet it's the most fun I've had with a mainline Pokemon game in ages (bar Arceus). The exploration is really fun with each region having lots of unique mons to catch, the progression system is really satisfying and if you stay around the recommended levels, some of the gyms and Team Star bases can prove a bit of challenge, the raids are extremely fun and rewarding, I have had such a good time with this game since it came out and I can easily see myself popping this game on pretty consistently going forward.

gave up on this bc the writing was just so embarrassing. trying to "both sides" jim crow era racism is fucking insane. doesnt help that the gameplay is mid at best

Bioshock Infinite, retrocedendo a fórmula.

Em Bioshock 1 havia uma exploração semiaberta com escolhas inconscientes realizadas pelo jogador, como por exemplo: devo enfrentar aquele Big Daddy mesmo tendo pouca munição ou avanço e volto depois quando estiver mais preparado? Ademais, para complementar o gameplay havia os plasmids, que eram uma parte fundamental da progressão do jogo, servindo tanto para progredir em certas partes como para o combate.

Em Bioshock Infinite, temos um corredor linear onde você vai do ponto A a B lutando contra inimigos genéricos e chatos até chegar no final onde todas as suas escolhas são desconsideradas, o sistema de plasmids tão elogiado em seu antecessor se tornou trivial, em vários momentos me peguei esquecendo de usá-los e sendo avisado pelo jogo para utilizá-los.

O gunplay foi severamente melhorado apesar de ter certas coisas que eu desgosto nele, você já começa o jogo com armas tão boas que podem ser mantidas até o final, nunca falta munição pois a Elizabeth sempre joga mais caso falte, só é possível carregar duas armas de uma vez enquanto no Bioshock 1, você adquirir as armas estava interligado a progressão do jogo, tornando o combate mais balanceado.

Em quesitos técnicos não tenho nada a reclamar, o jogo é bem bonito e a trilha-sonora é maravilhosa, a performance dos dubladores é excelente e em geral é a melhor parte do jogo.

Em conclusão, Bioshock Infinite é um divisor de águas, você pode amar como o jogo desconsidera suas escolhas, ou você pode ser o jogador que se agrada apenas com um bom FPS, independente disso não sou eu que escolho como você se diverte com o jogo, caso tenha gostado, ótimo. 2/5 o Bio não ficou Shock.

I'm not really sure what this game was going for. It feels like the middle child game, the one that is trying so hard to not live in its big brothers shadow that it over corrects and does something else entirely. It definitely qualifies as a Deus Ex game, but it has graphics that are so painfully 2003. I would be willing to replay this game if it had Deus Ex (2000) graphics.

When you walking but you don't know where you walking but you walking.

X3 fans be like wow I love backtracking and unbalanced bosses and unfair damage output
But uh, seriously, X3 feels very weak compared to its predecessors. Now, this game was actually made by a different development team from X1/X2 but I'm not gonna let the devs off the hook scott free, no no. Regardless of dev team I expect quality, especially from a Capcom published title.
The presentation of this game is very weak. There's no variety in how the stages look, and they all just feel like bland and generic industrial settings. Compare that to the clearly different and unique stages in the first two games. The music ranges from ok to ear grating, and some tracks are like 15 second loops. It's very disappointing, as this game shares the same composer as Castlevania 1 on NES, and I LOVE that soundtrack. There's also an arranged soundtrack on PS1/Saturn and it ranges from actually pretty good (Toxic Seahorse SLAPS on PS1) to just sounding like lame elevator music.
Game balance was thrown out the window in this one. When playing X3, you either are gonna do the boring route (Weakness order, which requires like 800 hours of backtracking towards the end), or the absolute bs route (least backtracking order, which requires like 800 hours of dying to the bosses that have absurd damage output). Neither of these alternatives are very fun in my opinion. Generally, the level design just feels... uninspired? Honestly I can't even say what stages I liked because they all look almost the same.
Zero makes his playable debut in this game, and my God is it underwhelming. Apparently Zero is so weak that if he dies once, you can't use him ever again for the rest of the game. Yeah. He can't even enter miniboss or boss doors. You'll also need to keep him for the entire game if you want to earn his really cool Z-Saber, but doing so requires prior knowledge and random specifics that you can just find a guide to figure out.
Megaman X3 is not a terrible game, but good lord is it bland and uninspired. I'll revisit this one a couple of times, but it's just not nearly as fun as it's two predecessors, or it's successor which would come out in '97.
EDIT: The Opening theme added for the JP PS1/Saturn version, "One More Chance" is a BANGER.

i think it is utterly hilarious for a game that has one of the least likable or good protagonists in anything has to balls to say "and this guy is YOU! The player!!!!" at the end of it. fucking spectacular

Redditors finally have their Black Panther :')

Human beings worked to make this game

It's an absolutely broken mess of a game but Flame Hyenard boss fight is something that needs to be experienced first-hand, youtube videos don't do this fight justice

to move away from the obvious “yeah this sucks,” i do wanna highlight how there really was a genuine attempt at making a defining title in the series; i can tell the environments wanted to express its predecessor’s tropes in a more unique way, but ultimately beg to be put out of their misery when clashed with unmemorable level design and annoying hazards. i can tell the devs did try and put their all into this but with their lack of knowledge in mega man and the genre, it was inevitably going to miss its mark at least by some margin. to say this is “one of the worst games of all time” is giving X7 way too much recognition. it’s one of those games where i just kinda shrug when it’s over. it’s not offensively bad in a way where i’m left angry. i was probably way more frustrated with games like NMH2 and DmC. X7 is just, disappointing. though i still do question how it ended up like this. the dev team stated they wanted to focus on “getting 3D right,” but any person attuned to games can tell you right off the bat that everything feels off. the controls are sluggish and the inherent satisfaction of landing jumps is completely lost. i wish there was some more documentation of the actual development because it’s almost like another DMC2 situation. devs who were inexperienced with said series and only had the previous game to go off of. i noticed there was some weird fixation with trying to make the game better than X6 at minimum. hindsight is a bitch. i can’t even give X7 funny points because, while yes that one youtube clip you saw screaming BURN was funny out of context, actually playing said clip i found to be quite miserable. did the devs just not care enough to fix it? who playtested this and said ‘yeah i NEED the boss to not only try and kill me but also my eardrums too.’ most of the game is this strange sensory overload both audibly and visually. a damn shame too since the soundtrack is up there as one of my favorites in the franchise. there isn’t a whole lot to be said on X7 at this point but i do think there’s been too much said on it. seriously does not deserve the attention it so comically receives. it’s super funny apparently to talk about and recommended this game when you’re someone who hasn’t played it. it’s just simply a sad game in my eyes.

Oh, you say Capcom made a 3D Megaman X game? Oh, that sounds pretty cool, I could fuck with that! I sure hope it isn't plagued by mindless level design, a lock-on feature that hinders you more than it helps you, unnecessary 2D sections, a significantly nerfed Zero and an X locked behind a fetchquest or until you beat all of the Mavericks which makes Axl the only viable character for most of the game, bosses that pose about as much of a threat as a fly with the sole exception being a boss with a chaotic attack pattern that constantly screams in your ear, a forgettable soundtrack and a laughable plot that all culminates into one of the worst games I'd ever played.

Fingers crossed, though.