What can i say about this one beside it being a masterpiece

Somewhat better than the first game but it feels to safe

I advise you to play it by following viva new vegas modding guide, trust me, it'll run better

"The bottom doesn't have to be all dark and gloomy. If you can stand and look up, you'll see the light of hope up there."
I cried

One of the funniest games that I've recently played. But please dear Devs, don't hesitate to put more complicated stratagems

Technical issues aside, the game was an experience I wasn't prepared for. Kinda rough around the edges for some gameplay elements, but it's part of the experience. This game isn't similar to ohter games of the genre, it's its own thing, and liked it for that.

Undeniable qualities, but the movement felt not great in my taste


Incredible game but fuck the Elysium

Charming, a really good ost, don't be fooled by the artstyle, it's still a really good game at its core

As a non modded game, it's A-OK

Can Lena Raine compose the OST of my life ?

Contains one of my favorite quotes : "Do not mistake my silence for lack of grief". Goes hard

I want to love this game, truly, but its technical aspect just makes me want to rip my eyes out of their orbits