It's the only Halo game I've played so far and I can already tell it's going to be my favorite one.

Goated game already, can't wait for chapters 2 & 3

Basically just the first game again, but I like the environments of this one better. Tails was a cool addition but I think I only actually used him once.

Good 3d platformer, great movement, a lil short tho, could have used more abilities.

An ight beat em up. Nothing special.

I hate the look of this game, way too much going on at all times. The backgrounds are too detailed but still ugly at the same time. Gameplay is aight but its just the 1st game again.

Sonic go fast, but not really that fast honestly

Good start to the HD era of Mortal Kombat. Really cool that the story goes back through the first few games because the story in those games really felt like an after thought.

It's good but the whole time I just wished I was playing Opposing Force instead. The ties to Half-Life 1 are really cool though.

My favorite Half-Life game. Yeah, I said it.

It's pretty good. The gameplay loop basically stays the same from the very beginning of the game so it starts to drag a bit by the end. But I still enjoyed it and played it to the end.

I think it's more enjoyable than the first game was, but it hurts that its so short, by the time I decided I wanted to 100% the game I was already at like 85%.

Praying Spider-Man 2 comes to PC someday.

I'm glad I waited so long to play it as the devs fixed nearly every issue I heard people complain about at release. It's honestly an amazing game that sucked me in from moment 1. I think I encountered 2 glitches my entire playthrough and they were both funny enough that I didn't care.

I see why so many people say it's their favorite AC game, but it's just not for me. There's aspects I enjoy but I turned it off the second I reached the credits.

It's an aight DLC, basically just a mini version of the main game.