Games Played in 2023 Ranked

I guess Ill rank em as I go. Dont take the specific rankings too seriously, especially those at the top but not in the top 3 and those at the bottom, theyre pretty interchangeable and I could change my mind retroactively

Its alright but so grindy and padded, I just cannot be assed
If: Walls Could Answer
If: Walls Could Answer
regrettably mid puzzler, pretty artstyle but pretentious as all hell
J-Town: A Visual Novel
J-Town: A Visual Novel
Its just a PSA basically, a bit corny but inoffensive
Outcast 1.1
Outcast 1.1
Admittedly only played for 2 hours but man, too much jank and not enough charm to help me get over that. It flopped on release and I am not surprised
Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds
Cool but utterly draining
As we say in Spain : "pasó sin pena ni gloria"
Red Tape
Red Tape
Its a comedy game that didnt make me laugh
Its so disappointing man, starts off as a cute little historical sailing RPG but it just cant sustain itself, the game becomes grindy and shit and the questionable portrayals get more egregious
Season: A Letter to the Future
Season: A Letter to the Future
Wooden acting, overexplains everything
Shape of Mind
Shape of Mind
Idk maybe I am dumb but after a couple halos I just felt kinda frustrated by the process of building new ones
meh, mediocre doom clone. You get to punch neonazis and cops though
The Archipelago
The Archipelago
Just Boring honestly
The Sexy Brutale
The Sexy Brutale
Aurora's Journey and the Pitiful Lackey
Aurora's Journey and the Pitiful Lackey
Certified Kusoge
Sacrificing gameplay for story is all very well until your story is told through the lens of an unlikeable character and the bafflingly written dog companion.
Darkest of Days
Darkest of Days
Somehow, mowing down confederate soldiers with futuristic weaponry just isnt enough to compensate for the tedium and shittiness
Forza Polpo
Forza Polpo
Almost good, but far too aggravating
Frank and Drake
Frank and Drake
get fucked
Haiku, the Robot
Haiku, the Robot
Lovely Planet
Lovely Planet
I saw a review describe Neon White as "Lovely Planet but worse and with anime stuff". I can now say that Lovely Planet is just Neon White but 300% more infuriating
A short game I wish was shorter
Night in the Woods
Night in the Woods
Played it cause Jsawyer cited as the main inspiration for Pentiment but man I do not vibe with this at all. Unlikeable protagonist, awful dialogue and If I wanted to experience what it was like to be a fuckup returning home after dropping out to a town full of people whom I despise but cannot escape from, well the punchline is that that is already my life!
Once Again
Once Again
Trite, forced and manipulative
Great first impression, shame about the rest of the game
Left a sour taste in my mouth, could have been good
Sludge Life
Sludge Life
Wow we are cool and edgy! Strikes cause capitalism amirite?! Shitty controls and tries way too hard to be umurangi.
At odds with itself
That Which Gave Chase
That Which Gave Chase
More like that which sucked balls
The Burrito Quest
The Burrito Quest
Like Frog detective but bad
The Chameleon
The Chameleon
I was halfway enjoying this stealth game (a rare thing for me) when I got softlocked by a bug.
The Solitaire Conspiracy
The Solitaire Conspiracy
Fucking annoying fmv prick, die!
Windfolk: Sky Is Just the Beginning
Windfolk: Sky Is Just the Beginning
Answer These 10 Questions And I'll Tell You What Kind of Lover You Are
Answer These 10 Questions And I'll Tell You What Kind of Lover You Are
Interesting idea, cringe execution
Be A Rock
Be A Rock
low effort
Dark Void
Dark Void
Starts out as a mediocre uncharted clone with some verticality, then it starts to get sort of good but I despise the dogfighting controls and those are apparently the highlight of this game so fuck that
How to Cope with Boredom and Loneliness
How to Cope with Boredom and Loneliness
In Stars and Time
In Stars and Time
Massively disappointing given the prologue
Iron Lung
Iron Lung
worst game with lung in the title Ive played
The Exit 8
The Exit 8
If my adhd meds' dosage hadn't lost their effect, I might have had enough patience to endure this bullshit. Skill issue Im sure, but I just dont care
Abstract Driver
Abstract Driver
low effort, might have been good if it leaned into its hypnotic quality but its just unfinished. Only cost me like less than a dollar so whatever
Demon Turf: Neon Splash
Demon Turf: Neon Splash
More like Demon Turd: Toilet Splash ha gottem
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning
get fucked


Another Pokémon Game
Another Pokémon Game
Not funny, didnt laugh


Again feels odd to rank, but here I guess. Its a short experimental and deeply personal interactive music album about bipolar disorder


Bird Museum
Bird Museum
Where the hell do I even rank this? I liked it I guess but didnt rate it cause why


Chants of Sennaar
Chants of Sennaar
might try again sometime, I think Im just too stupid for this game, it made me sad very quickly.


Dear Future
Dear Future
Again feels odd ranking this. It was a cool experiment


Deus Ex Machina
Deus Ex Machina
Like when I watched Eraserhead : How boring for such a weird thing


End of Edge
End of Edge
Skill issue but fuck off


Fucker Gamer Scum Get Stabbed
Fucker Gamer Scum Get Stabbed
What were they thinking?!


Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
almost feel this game, but I guess not quite enough


He Fucked the Girl Out of Me
He Fucked the Girl Out of Me
I didnt rate this, and I kinda feel bad even ranking it, but I guess Ill put it here near the top


dropped pretty soon, just didnt enjoy solving the puzzles ig


One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
That sure is another purate warriors game!


Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Burns brighter but shorter than most pokemon games. 12 hours and I was done


Idk man in theory I like it but in practice I find the combat kinda annoying



Tetris & Dr. Mario
Tetris & Dr. Mario


The Surge 2
The Surge 2
Meh, cant be assed to play more than an hour. No souls like has impressed me thus far (other than actual souls obviously)


This War of Mine
This War of Mine
Its okay, but its length and almost hobbesian view of humanity just didnt sit right for me. It just feels closer to a zombie apocalypse and human suffering for its own sake rather than how wars of this kind actually go. idk


Torus Trooper
Torus Trooper
Good vibes


TrackMania Turbo
TrackMania Turbo
Good speedrunning stuff but makes me too angry to keep playing


im too impatient for this shit


Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Look, I'll probably play it again at some point, cause I quite liked the first few hours I played, but its so fucking buggy man. Like my ass got trapped at the explosion on the warehouse mission cause a door just wouldnt let me go through even though it was open? There was no way through, it showed a locked icon but the door was open and there were npcs shooting at me. Idk that just really soured me, and I didnt want to start that generally annoying mission all over again


Vesp: a History of Sapphic Scaphism
Vesp: a History of Sapphic Scaphism


1 year ago

Found this list by accident and just wishlisted a bunch of stuff, thanks. =P

1 year ago

@CDX Glad to help

Last updated: