I would rather play this than Super Mario Kart.

Playing as Bowser might've been the most fun I've ever had in a Mario related title.

IT"S SO PRETTY, IT SOUNDS SO GOOD... oh yeah levels are fun too.

Didn't grow up with this one, so forgive me for being wrong. But it was decent, I just didn't love the ending.

I don't really like stacking boxes.

Was promising, didn't really deliver though.

First half is clearly better, but overall, incredible. I don't know if 2D Sonic can even be topped here.

Fun with the level select code.

Great for the DS, but looking back the level curve really does hurt this one.

Mixed characters, I don't really see Chapter 2 being brought up enough. It's pretty eh. Plus we all know how bad Chapter 3 is.

Nagito though? Yeah, there's a reason everybody focuses on him. Incredibly made character.

Kind of gets a bad rap. There's a good story here somewhere. But it's bogged down but a lot of unfunny moments, and awful pacing.

But you know what? I LIKE the gameplay. Once again though, the characters are the best part. That's kind of a theme with Danganronpa, truly.

I can't explain why, but I really do not like the linearity. Great concepts, but I don't get why it's so much... lesser in scale.

Still, it's Mario Galaxy. So yay!