Every single pixel of this game reeks of style, charm and artistic beauty. Combat can be a bit tough to get used to specially for people wanting to check out SG's works prior to Hades due to its much more strategic nature but I appreciated the change of pace and learned to adapt to it nontheless. Amazing game

You know those out of the left field bangers you see every now and then ? ....... This is one of 'em

Great on all fronts; narrative, atmosphere, voice acting and gameplay as usual with the boundlessly creative minds at Remedy. Flashlight mechanic adds an extra layer of tension in an already very tense game. Only issue I have is its bad habit of bombarding you with waves of enemies left and right and center which made gameplay scenarios samey and predictable, I can't count how many times I was moving in the woods from point A to B while camera is zooming out to show the enemies then zooming back in. If they spread out those combat encounters and doubled down on environmental storytelling like the stuff with TVs and Radio, this would've been an easy 10/10.


What a beast of a game, its addictive gameplay and variety of builds hooked me in and never let up. I never was a fan of the Roguelike concept as I vastly prefer the traditional game structure but this game's boon system adds this unpredictable flavor that makes every run feel fresh and exciting as you never know when you gonna get THAT busted build and such. Story is perfectly curated for a rogue system with some superb voice acting but that comes with some restrictions since story didn't really move forward in any significant way until my first clear 21 attempts in and up until that point dialogue was usually like "oh you got killed by this X thing ?, perhaps you should do Y next time" or some character yapping about random shit and when it finally decided to move forward, it just wanted to give you a reason as to why you should try to escape over and over again. Game's overall carried by the super solid gameplay and stellar voice acting. Even if you don't like Rogue games, you should give this a try at least.

Props to this game for trying out new ideas and concepts that I haven't seen other 2d games tackle before. Fun, entertaining and doesn't overstay its welcome

This was a really special meal no doubt. Just needed a bit more salt......and some sauce........and French Fries on the side would've been nice too !

A masterpiece. I don't have too many words

Had a blast with it all the way through despite some repetitive encounters and missions plus a lack of level variety. Must play for 2D action platformers enthusiasts

Very intense and action packed with more open levels and much more emphasis on physics-based puzzles. Fantastic enemy variety and some really clever combat encounters that make full use of the Gravity Gun. Also an amazing set-up to Half Life 3, am I right Gabe ? xDDDDD

Everybody gangsta til Gravity Gun turns to blue

Cuphead is simply in a league of its own ; from the incredible art direction to the addictively challenging bossfights to the beautiful hand drawn old cartoon style animation, all come together to create one generational experience.

Additional note : fuck Grim Matchstick

3 life facts :
1- Death
2- Taxes
3- Lucas Pope never stops being original

Disco Elysium X Blade Runner is the crossover I never knew I needed. Just wished for a bit more focused and clear direction instead of its very chaotic structure