7 reviews liked by Madfiend00231



started like 5 am ish

just finished level 2 barely by fucking running away as soon as the last big ass demon spawned right in front of the exit door, i ran away, got teleported and teleported the 2 cacodemons there away as well, ran all the way around and ran past the big ass demon to get to the exit door without taking damage, when i was wondering if I'd even have enough ammo to actually kill each demon...

this shit is goddamn amazing im playing it on ultraviolence

20/10 most futuristic platformer released in a long time

almost endless amounts of depth and ways you can traverse levels or deal with anything

absolutely godly

I really like what they did with the movement. It is technically a lot more lenient than JSR's movement, which I personally still loved a lot. A lot of the difficulty in JSR's movement is the raw precision in when you jump to land on something with raw good depth perception. BRC makes that really easy, you attach to rails really easy almost like having magnet hands to grab onto ledges in the new smash's compared to melee. However, BRC still also increases the skillgap by giving you more moves in your moveset. You can airdash, you're way more rewarded for riding in "manual" in fact a lot of parts require it and keeping that score streak going, drifting left or right depending on which direction a rail bends, and having to combine all of these with way more wall jumping in this game than JSR means this game is more input intensive. I love that it does this instead of strictly making it an easier and more lenient JSR, which they could've easily done since a lot of people talk about how "bad" the controls are in JSR (I disagree).

I do wish the tagging was a little more challenging or something though. You can tag literally by just moving your stick in a circle until it finishes, no opportunity to fail at all, which is just less fun than it is in JSR.

Beat it 12:00 PM:

That was pretty cool. The last 2 cities were really fun and felt truly elevated above what JSR was able to do with its areas. I wish there were more like that because it felt kinda over before I knew it.

I overall wish they were able to do some more with the game, I was expecting the game to become more difficult than it did, overall expected the game to kinda evolve more than it did as it went on and it kinda didn't besides the last 2 areas themselves, but not your movement or difficulty so much. I think they did very well for what they had, there isn't a lot of games like this, I'd really love to see this built on because this was a pretty great experience for what it was

i love how all the characters have a dark upper lip

First, we wanted to draw attention to the fact that this game is a true successor to the Shin Megami Tensei series. III, however, is not only a continuation, but also a new Shin Megami Tensei, completely different from its predecessors, so we added the subtitle to imply that this is the beginning of a new Shin Megami Tensei.
- Okadu Kouji, on the title of Nocturne

It's interesting how much of the perception of the Shin Megami Tensei stems from Nocturne. When you ask the average JRPG fan what they think SMT is like, they'll usually bring up a lot of tropes from nocturne. Ideas like “the games don’t really have a story”, or “the characters aren’t important”, and potentially most infamously, “megaten so hard matador red capote dante lol”. The last one isn’t really important right now, but the first two are curious (and I think, detrimental) statements because they just aren’t true.
For all intents and purposes, Nocturne is a black sheep within the mainline smt pantheon. That’s not to say it’s a bad game, far from it, but what I mean is that it’s pretty far removed from its peers in a lot of ways. It really was a new Shin Megami Tensei, tearing down what was before in order to be reborn. It was the franchise’s own conception.

So, Kouji and Kaneko were not lying, Nocturne really is a whole different beast from its predecessors. Everything you knew about the series with demon recruitment, alignment, non fantasy setting, throw it all out. Nocturne instead takes the franchise in a bold new direction as a puzzle game. An odd choice, but not a bad one.
Instead of a human main character, you play as a demon. You’re trapped in a maze in which you need to push blocks around and into holes in order to escape. The graphics couldn’t be simpler, but they’re a great adaptation of the super nintendo game’s aesthetic in 3D. While the premise couldn’t be more simple, the puzzles become quite taxing very quickly, with many citing the game’s difficulty as one of the core parts of its identity. I think the difficulty is an artistic decision, with the playable Jack O’ Lantern’s unfailing determination serves almost to the player. He cannot ever die, and he can always rewind his mistakes. Though wordless, it is a powerful story about the unshakable will of life, and how it will always prevail in one way or another. No matter how difficult, Jack O’ Lantern’s, and by extension, the player’s victory is only a matter of time.
There’s also a weird minigame that’s some turn based crap but I don’t think anyone really cares about that. I barely played it lol.

What i hate is people calling this game tryhard or wannabe edgy. Is it so hard to believe some people are just cool? Am I supposed to hate my awesome life like everyone else? No. I think i'm awesome, i think awesome things are awesome, and im not joking at all. pisses me off. The game is so cool All the guns feel awesome, i love it very much. It has a lot of personality and you can feel zane's real personality slipping in every corner. also learned this is a spinoff of a game called hypnospace outlaw and ill definitely play that too after this. I love the s blade as well as the glass shotgun, which is a very unique way of getting the player to focus on the environment and not just run through it all.

Sexy both on AND offline!

Todo lo que es el juego (historia, cinemáticas, voz, enemigos...) como lo que hay fuera de él ("Zane" respondiendo mensajes en los foros de steam del juego, por ejemplo) hacen que este juego simplemente parezca un gran shitpost (en gran parte lo es), pudiendo llegar a empañar cosas legítimamente buenas como la jugabilidad o el diseño de niveles.

Lo recomiendo como idea de un boomer shooter que te haría un adolescente flipao en los 90 y que ahora con 40 sigue igual (BWL BWL BWL). No es necesario haber jugado Hypnospace Outlaw (pero es recomendable tanto por lore como porque el juego es la ostia).