The 'ALL OF 2023' Rapidfire

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It's quirky - but with a dark SECRET!! OooOOOOOoooOOooooohh!!

JaFAR, there's TWO of me
JaFAR, this actually IS the better one!
Mercs players :handshake emoji: Overwatch players

"Fuck Tanks"
Dig dig a tunnel, quick before the hyena come
The courage macaroni bit but with platforming and combat
Man they should make one of these with nothing but sidescrolling, there's no way they could screw that up
It ain't even tetris!!!
THIS right here is the peak of video games. No structure, no consistency, no playtesting, just you and 100 goofy-looking guys on a parallax background
My man Mario, you're cool, but you're bringing too much of your bing-bing-wahoo to my golf, maybe tone it down
the pink girl is cute
Mega > Super
I got a scope on my yoshi (it sucks)
I don't remember if I actually sincerely liked this or if Yoshi's Safari left me all vulnerable and frail, oh heavens
Get your ass back in the mid mines, stupid
A GOOD Euroshmup????!? Groovy!!!!
This sucked, why did I give it a 5???
Curse you anti-rental corporate scum!
It's good! It's damn good!! It deserves more credit!!
roguelike (derogatory)
This could've been a new fav if not for like, 2-3 horrible maze levels and the worst boss rush in a game I've played in a while
It exists, lord knows I don't have any attachment to this incarnation of Pinocchio on a gameplay projection level
It fucking sucks DICK

But Yousuke Yasui, oh my god, Yousuke Yasui, you always, always deliver
It had potential, only feels like SEGA scrapped it cause it would compete with their own SOR1.
Did you know popular games are popular because they are good?
Dogshit (but has a good vibe)
Great start to one of the best series I got into this year, wish I knew about mech spam first time I played it
Cool progenitor to a whole Japanese genre, don't have any interest in coming back to it
Never forgiving the nintentubers for what they did to this game's price
You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you never considered whether or not you should
Damn good, one of the better SNES things I played this year
The 2nd most I've ever sweated playing a video game (behind DDR)
Gorgeous, ambient, but not something I'd return to probably
?????????? when the fuck did i play this
Even as Bass this plays horribly, Inafune was on something
Mid (affectionate-pending)
Accidental kino
Mid (unaffectionate)
Pretty underwhelming, remember not feeling very warm about it
After so many countless accolades from PC-E-heads (including Kanye???), I was blown away that this was identical to every other Compile game but maybe a little worse.
This and Zero Wing continue proving that whenever Toaplan tries to do art direction, horrible game design isn't far beyond the corner
Fantastic sequel in about every respect and peak of the series
Mid iirc but the music was good
PC-Engine shmups are dime a dozen but the ones with name-brand recognition really are something special, great game
It did the 'rescue your player character with a second player character' thing years before anyone else, pretty mid otherwise
Behind every cool/cute PC-E anime character is a dogshit kusoge
Behind every cool/cute PC-E anime character is a dogshit kusoge
Behind every cool/cute PC-E anime character is... a suite of nice cutscenes with no gameplay???
It was mid when I played it but I know it's the kind of brainmulch I would rot myself on if I had hardware to play it on
I didn't like how this played especially, but it's Lords of Thunder, it's metal, that's all that matters y'know?
Jenny and I discovered the guy that made this lives somewhat close to me I need to get in touch with him somehow
Dogshit but the shield mechanic deserves a second attempt
this is what people think altered beast is (they're half-right)
Stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
Stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
Peak of the entire PC-E Hu-Card library

But seriously seriously stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
Boobs?!?!?? I mean, Dogshit
Very good handheld port, probably one of the best GG games (not a high bar)
Good Darius 1 port, but not as good as MD Extra Version
This was really solid when in the spots where it wasn't obviously unfinished. I really wish I didn't have to say that about every new Sonic game.
This is great for like the first 2 cups and then it keeps going and going. Good roster tho
Abominable, downright rancid balancing, thoroughly miserable, weakest of the Advance games, but still had some cool moments
I'm sorry Jenny
The Blowjob Brothers
I'm sorry Maradona
Gradius is kinda like a bad sexual partner. Keeps pumping and pumping, and then once he blows his load, totally useless
A very tender and well-considered introspection into the vicious cycle of loneliness and intrusive thinking and how it takes us away from people who need help just as much as we do

But the gameplay sucks lmao
Easy argument for the best kart-style racer if it didn't have such overbearing CPU difficulty
Rareware fans are the only acceptable developer fans to mock. Actually that's not true, there's many others. But it's fun excluding rareware fans. Fuck rareware.
Very unique structure and vibes, definitely recommended for MS/GG-heads
Mid, arguably dogshit, but it has Pastel and the Moai
Mid. Did you know someone's making a fan sequel to this for MD with ripped sprites from other games? Very cool.
The better half of the MS library is unfortunately still mid. Heard this is better on MSX?
This was awful, I was way too generous to this just on merit of novelty
This was also bad but more in a 'baby game with no meat on its bones' kind of way
We need more steampunkish halcyon shmups... made by anyone but the british
Why did they port this to GG? Just to flex I guess
A good, different direction for the series to end on, but it's poorly balanced in the exact opposite way every other AW game is. Very odd.
Mid but it gave us Stepmania so I'm still winning
It's just bad NBA Jam!
It's just bad NBA Jam!
When I played this at 6 years old it rocked my world, 3D on handheld that went above and beyond its console sibling titles blew my mind. And it's still great today!
Tetris for indie devs?
Honestly? This is the best Sonic game to come out of the post-DC era until Mania
This is one of the worst sequels I've played in my life
A big mixed bag but worth a look if you like MKDS
Ridiculous and very cool
My first self-published game, I look back on it with a lot of bitterness, but doesn't everyone do that to their first big project? Learned a lot from the mistakes I made here as I look ahead to my next game
Incredibly based for confirming that Amy is, in fact, a white woman
Why did everyone gas this up so hard? This is the middest of the mid


5 months ago

Tee hee, plane of existence I get it.

5 months ago


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