Can't go back to replay it all, not having as much fun, but the first playthrough was just fucking magical. Just pure joy from start to finish, and by finish I mean having 999 moons in the ship and doing a loooot of balloon hunting.
It's a game that I won't replay as much as Galaxy 1&2 or Sunshine, but it's the one that left me the most in awe during the first playthrough.
Just yet another instance of Nintendo EPD being the absolute kings of this industry.

The best thing about this game is that, the more you play it, the more you get to actually know each of the characters. You'll understand who they are when they are humans, and what they are when they are gnosia, given that each of those characters become something else when being gnosia. By the end of it, you'll feel like being the best werewolf player ever and will constantly win, it feels great.
Also, the story is great and the true ending is soooo satisfying !!!

How did they make this on N64 it's fucking insane. Bless Nintendo forever for deciding to release it worldwide on Virtual Console back then, AND to bring back Treasure to make a sequel. Most based Nintendo move ever probably. Especially since it probably made 0 sense market wise ?

People always meme about Nintendo "they don't know what they're doing, always making stupid decisions", but no one ever give them credit whenever they make those insane market decisions by greenlighting based games that appeal to like 5 people. (That would require said people who meme about Nintendo's decisions to care about anything that isn't Zelda or Mario, but still)
Nintendo knew no one would give a fuck about that game, but they still went so fucking in with it and I'm thankful for it. Treasure's best game, definitely.

We don't make em like this anymore. A masterpiece.

Mid game, plays like a parody of an action character game. But the boss fights are so fucking hype.

Unfortunately, inbetween you have to make your way through boring landscapes, not fun spongy ennemies, and a not so good story.

The love story is cool though, and the characters are GREAT. And it just makes you wonder... Why the fuck doesn't it work like any other Final Fantasy game ? The uncle, Mid, the prince... Just have them join the party ! And why the fuck is Jill not in the party for like half the missions ? Final Fantasy is all about friendship and group effort. This was my biggest disappointment with this game. The characters are so fucking great and it would make for a top tier FF party.

They did it again.

So bad that most of the wonder from BOTW is gone since you're mostly exploring the same world. It makes for an overall less memorable experience. (It won't stick with you as long as BOTW did)
But even like that, the whole playthrough is just fucking magical. (And way, way longer than BOTW. A mastodont of content)

Super fun to play, great mechanics, fantastic jobs, incredible world... And a beautiful storyline. A must play for all FF fans. Don't be affraid of its MMO component, it's baby's first MMO unless you go into the super hard, optional, challenges.

To this day (before Dawntrail's release), still my favorite expansion of FF14.

The best story, a beautiful road trip within lands that haven't welcome men for centuries. A story of overcoming differences and struggles, and of acceptation. Absolutely beautiful, this is truly Final Fantasy at its best.

Not as good as the others, even if the political writting is extremely well done.

But this expansion suffers from bad pacing. Still it has its moments, and is fun to play as always. Cool regions though.

The most emotion part of FF14. Beautiful story, even if it suffers from bad pacing at some points.

An insanely good and hype climax, and most importantly, one of the best Final Fantasy villain ever.

Some really bad pacing at some points, but it succeeds to get the biggest hype inducing climax a Final Fantasy ever had. Tired of defeating God at the end of every Final Fantasy ?
Well, how about fighting a multiverse-ending God at the edge of the universe ? Some Gurren Lagann type of climax, incredible.

Overall, a good story that rewards the players for having read hundreds of hours of texts in the whole game.

Was surprised to see how much this holds up. Lots of cute villages, a basic storyline that totally gets the job done for when it released, and some good (if not a bit basic) ennemy designs.

Obviously the music is already wonderful.