790 Reviews liked by MarlBocks

i could make a review that would take hours to read (not joking, i really could) of this game but honestly who cares no one would actually read it

so all I'll say is
Backloggd should ad an extra 6th star that you can only add to ONE game per acc, cause damn THIS would be THE only 6 Star for me

what can i say but....memories of you

but honestly the only real loss of p3 in this from is the v atmospheric and striking cutcenes...

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I LOVE this game. ill give you a quick P5og opinion rundown but I love palace 1 4 and 6. 2 is great and 8 is pretty fun and decent ending. this game OVERSTAYS its welcome. so much LOL this was one of the first JRPGS I've ever beaten so after playing a lot more JRPGS I definitely see the flaws most other JRPG fans have with this game but still, it sticks out to me, it's really unique and a blast. BUT palace 9???????????? OH MY GOD, I felt l like I was playing the OG game again for the first time. I thought I was really spoiled but I really didn't know shit and I thought it was gonna be mega-ass. But when I got to it and saw what it was about it REALLY hit me hard seeing all of my favorite characters having their tragedies undone and them living like nothing ever happened was so heartbreaking because you knew that it was gonna be undone and things were gonna go back to reality. Also, I really love the message of moving forward with your scars as lessons. Maurki is probably easily the best persona villain to date. Some of the execution is a bit shaky IMO but I think that's in vain for persona 5 because for all the bad there's a lot of good and well-done. Akechi is one of my favorite characters now because of this game.

Easily the most ambitious LEGO game to date. The overhauled new changes to combat is pretty wild, the complete shift to spacious openly lived environments is impressive, and the unlockable characters being massive in sheer size but also cleverly sorted into classes for playstyles is a welcoming touch. Altogether, this creates a very enjoyable experience for people like me to re-experience the movies in a simplistic, child-like, charming format.

This isn’t to say it doesn’t come without its own shortcomings in trying to deliver the definitive Star Wars experience. The developers probably did too good of a job with the open-world like hub worlds because a lot of the actual levels now feel a bit underwhelming by comparison. Episodes 1-3 are probably the best of the bunch in terms of overall enjoyment even if Episode 1 feels very obvious “this was the first level we did”. Episodes 4-6 are very consistently solid but the focus gearing more towards levels than the open environments, or a more constant hub world like Coruscant, leaned back more into the levels feeling less impressive. Episodes 7-9 are arguably the most inconsistent because it felt like it was struggling but trying to make these movies feel as engaging as they can be in a game like this. Throughout my playthrough it did venture into the realm of repetition because of how cinematically scripted some bosses can feel and how the levels feel too linear without much fun LEGO styled puzzle solving to make up for it.

I'm guessing the true enjoyment to be had comes down to the postgame freeplay mode where everything you unlocked or explored becomes your own personal playground to scour hundreds of collectibles with your favorite minifigures. I’m not really a completionist and this isn’t exactly my type of game to try and time sink deep into doing that but I'm glad younger kids or families can find real fun with that.

But hey, at least they made Rise of Skywalker just okay.

nice game. but it has nothing to be glorified. The only feature of the game that can make a difference is that the mood and behaviors of the main character are presented in a movie-like manner. Other than that, it has nothing to impress in the rest of it.

Uma tech demo legal...até o jogo literalmente te forçar a preencher uma cota de colecionáveis para poder progredir. Talvez a Nintendo tenha uma cota mínima de duração pra cada jogo e tiveram que fazer isso, enfim, até isso já dá pra entender oque o jogo quis entregar. Legalzinho

just my favorite Star Wars game...well, Jedi Outcast is too good but, the mods, the story, the lightsabers duels... is so unic

These games separated don't get a 5 stars from me, but all together it's a masterpiece.

Acredito que seja o RPG mais "pessoal" que joguei até então. Possui algumas coisas datadas na forma que o jogador alcança progresso no enredo, mas é surpreendente pra época em que saiu, principalmente pela estrutura narrativa

Persona 4 Golden is my favorite game of all time.

2016. I was a depressed, angry, suicidal teenager who had just graduated the year before and had spent his post high school life wandering aimlessly through life and pushing away everyone he had ever cared about.

I had not felt joy in years and the hobby that had previously brought me comfort now only bored me. A friend of mine convinced me to get a Vita and a copy of this game so I gave it a shot. I was not ready for what I was about to experience.

Persona 4 Golden is a genuine work of art. It is a truly beautiful game... and it saved my life.

Persona 4 Golden is a very long game, but it uses that length to it's advantage by giving the story plenty of time to breathe. You spend a lot of time taking in the sights, exploring the town and talking to its residents. Even more time however is spent getting closer to and learning about your party members and a few select special individuals. You truly learn a lot about these people, and this town and you really get attached. The story itself I will not spoil, but it is a murder mystery with a super natural spin and all the twists and turns are very interesting and keep you engaged from start to finish and for an 80+ hour game that is a major victory.

The SMT series as a whole is constantly revamping the JRPG turn based formula and Persona 4 is no exception. The game is split into two halves. The "real world" where you live your life as a normal high school student, getting closer to your friends working jobs, going to holiday gatherings, and living in this new town and the "shadow world" where you fight the existential horrors of mankind given form. The balance between the two keeps things from getting stale and the actual battles themselves are made ever more engaging with the unique spin on turn based combat that incentivize using the proper moves on the proper enemies to steal turns away. Play your cards right (pun intended) and you can finish fights without even giving your opponent a single turn.

The Persona series is full of amazing music and this game is no exception. Don't even waste your time reading my words talking about it, just go listen to the soundtrack right now even if you don't play the game! Persona music is just simply THAT good!

I love this game so much. It really is one of the most special experiences I have ever had the joy of playing through and I will NEVER forget my time in Inaba. I love the entire series, but this game will always have a special place in my heart as the game that literally saved my life.

Thank you for listening.

I love this game!!

A Lot of people say "oh the Batmobile takes up 60% of the game" First off I still find the Batmobile fun to use and second that is simply not true. The Boy Aqua (I would check his video out) said he recorded his whole 100% playthrough of this game only using it when necessary and it only took up 19% of the game.

Even then, the stealth and the combat are practically flawless, and I still thought it was a damn good story

So choose a color to live by
Your goal, your faith, your virtue
Give it all
Be the best cause nothing less will do

You can rule the world with colors flying high
You know that if you stay true
Green or blue
Red or white
You can't lose
With your colors flying high

BioWare is a company that revolutionized the action RPG genre for the western era. In a time where Japanese RPGs dominated the market, BioWare was sitting in a little studio churning out one of the best RPGs of all time. I remember when I was younger how much of a big hoopla this game was. For someone who didn’t own an Xbox or a PC that could run the game, it still slipped under my radar. I eventually got a chance to rent the game years later on 360 and quickly got bored due to its age. I finally picked it up again on the PC and I am glad I did. The game may feel very dated and old (an entire decade), but there’s no denying the excellent story and well-crafted atmosphere that truly feels genuine in the Star Wars universe.

You play a custom character that has to defeat the evil Sith Lord Darth Malak. He has found some sort of Star Forge to use against the Republic, so you are shadowing his footsteps to find the Star Maps to this Star Forge. This takes you across several planets such as Tatooine, Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban, Kevin, and even Taris. You acquire companions along the way of all types and endure some pretty tough battles and story choices. You have to constantly choose between the light and dark side during choices, and there’s plenty of ways to go about the story.

Firstly, you can choose any world in any order. Each one is roughly laid out the same with a large hub area than an area beyond where your main quest and some side quests lie. I got rather annoyed with the constant similar layouts and wished for variety. Each world has the Star Map area blocked off until you fix some global catastrophe on the planet. Some are so serious that your decision will determine if you are allowed back on later. Besides running around and talking to people to get quests and buy stuff, the combat and customization are fathoms deep; fans will be pleased.

You can customize your character with a plethora of items such as implants, shields, different weapons from lightsabers, blasters, vibroblades, belts, armor, robes, headgear, and I haven’t even started on leveling up. You should pick your character based on how you’re going to fight. I chose to use melee weapons because you eventually go through Jedi training and get your first lightsaber. I have to say that this brought a smile to my face when I inserted my crystals and watched my character whip around those sabers with the classic lightsaber sounds. Nothing can top that.

The game allows you to customize all your items by inserting upgrades that you find or buy. This is mandatory because there really isn’t a “most powerful weapon in the game”. You just get a powerful weapon and you have to upgrade it or it won’t do you much good. Other than this there is the deep leveling system. You can choose an attribute, feat, power, and skill. Feats effect what you use physically in combat and what combat attacks you can use. Powers are force powers and there are plenty of them. All light and dark powers you can possibly think of are here. I had a lot of fun using them in combat and getting an edge over certain enemies. The level cap is at 20, but most people probably won’t even hit that by the end. I finished at level 18 and didn’t have too hard of a time finishing it. You can even choose how your companions level up because you can control them too! This is great for people who like a variety and can’t have every skill available for your character.

Combat is turned based with dice rolling behind the scenes. I really would have like real-time combat, but what’s here is exciting and fun on its own. There are tons of different enemies to fight on each planet, and some are harder than others. I found the game really hard at first, but after a while, you will level up and find the game very balanced. There are some issues in combat that just really annoyed me. There seems to be a targeting problem in small areas. When you click your action you want the characters will get stuck in an endlessly looping animation if there is someone in their way. This can cause you a battle because you have to disengage and restart the attack or move around the obtrusion. This happened quite a lot, but you will learn to just live with it.

While the story is interesting and choosing how dialog will change it is fun, there are some issues here. Instead of your choice being final, some dialog trees will allow you to go back and change your answer or no matter how you persuade or force persuade neither will work and you can’t continue the dialog. This is usually on side missions, but I have never seen the persuade option fail so much in a BioWare game. No matter how much I leveled up my persuasion attribute I failed an awful lot. Other than this, though, my other issue is that some dialog just drags on way too long. I found myself skipping a lot of it or just reading ahead of the voices. These, again, are just minor issues that can be overlooked.

The graphics in the game look old and terrible these days, but back in the day, they looked amazing. I can see why it looked so good then, but you can still feel the Star Wars atmosphere and that’s what counts the most. The character models and animations are stiff, blocky, and repeat a lot, but overall it works. Even some of the voice acting is spotty at best, but overall it is pretty good.

KotOR is an amazing Star Wars experience, but the age may turn a lot of people off. My biggest issue of all is that the game doesn’t give any clues on where to go ever. You get no hints and are left on your own to just figure out what to do. I had to use a walkthrough through most of the game because I had no idea where to go, or some quests were very cryptic. This is a huge no-no for me and really hurt the score the most. Overall, this is an amazing Star Wars game and any Star Wars fan will love this game.

Este aqui é dito por muitos como o jogo mais influente dessa geração, e ao finalizar...passei a concordar. Que mundo aberto magnífico e supreendentemente interativo. É incrível poder solucionar tantas coisas diferentes por tantos métodos e ordens diferentes...Uma pena que isso veio ao custo de um conteúdo que acaba se tornando maçante caso você seja um tanto quanto complecionista, acredito que o número de templos poderia ser cortado para ter apenas um terço da quantidade que existe enquanto ocorresse a inclusão de DUNGEONS mais trabalhadas e instanciadas. Cito a palavra instância pois esse jogo tenta não te isolar do mundo o máximo que pode, o fazendo em pouquíssimas ocasiões, mas diria que isso foi um erro, afinal foi o fator que ...bem... retirou uma das características principais dos jogos da franquia, o que foi ousado no mínimo. TL DR: Jogasso revolucionário que sacrificou algumas coisas intrínsecas da franquia no processo com o objetivo de inovar e ser único.

Boring game ever made
Graphics are good but thats all.
characters, dialogues are sucks
cutscenes are cringe af
combat is boring n repetetive after 5 min
If you like this game, most probably you haven't played any souls, zelda, fallout, divinity, dmc games yet.