Most 7/10 Game of All Time. Yakumo fans rise up

1 star for komaeda and tokomaru lesbianism, the rest is ass

booo we hate your pussy but it gave us ryuki so it balances out

edelgard meow meow compilation

my first smt game. one of the best video game soundtracks ever and great atmosphere. isabeau my beloved<3

i didnt like goro until royal released now im insane. one time i started crying at fanart of him at a grocery store because i wished to see him in a peaceful mundane situation

this was good when i was in middle school idk

watched the cutscenes and didnt suffer w the gameplay so its perfect to me lol

dancer of the boreal valley oiled up

lady maria holds ur hand and beats the shit out of u 10/10

latino icon carlos oliveira is in this what more do u want

um i could write a long review but i dont feel like it rn basically this is the peak of the series. kazuma asougi is my favorite manic pixie dream girl subversion. god bless