65 reviews liked by Monty

I didn't finish it, but I came very close to the end. I don't know where all this deep writing people talk of is. If it's somehow all stuck behind the endings, that's bad. What I saw of the writing was very mediocre and didn't lead anywhere. Many characters have no purpose to exist. I also don't buy the "lots of hidden symbolism" thing because it genuinely feels like SH2 fans online thought far deeper than the actual writers did.

And, unlike the first game, it was either great fun or really boring gameplay wise. Has some amazing areas but some which are absolute snoozefests. Not even talking in regards to the horror factor. Many areas just were really bland. The amazing areas make up for it, but I prefer how Silent Hill 1 was more consistent in terms of keeping my attention.

Don’t be fooled by how little of an impact it left and how derivative it ultimately is; this is the best of the Castlevanialikes

Never played but obligated to give it a 10/10 because of how much enjoyment I get from joining a new MegaTen server, making a joke about how Persona 3 was the first Persona game, turning notifications on my phone, and then shoving it up my ass

Played the enhanced edition, and man i feel so mixed on this game, as a massive fan of old survival horror the level design is generally pretty great, although the combat is pathetically easy and they shower you with so many heals and ammo that it makes saving anything useless. The main issues i have with this game come in the formatting of the story, i truly do not understand the massive praise this game has for tackling emotional issues, it seems like it correlates vagueness with any amount of depth or maturity, and it especially felt insulting towards the arc with angela and the abstract daddy, the voice acting was especially abysmal and not even for the time, the original silent hill had better voice acting than this.

Bro do you seriously expect me to find a guy with a triangle for a head scary? Mascot horror is such a joke

Tried to give this game another chance since I felt maybe I was too hard on it but no, it’s even worse. It is glitchy to the point of being unplayable with Link being barely controllable, areas not loading correctly, and a statue from later in the game randomly showing up everywhere and blocking the way. Appalled at Nintendo for releasing a game in this state.

... just ... holy fuck. Jesus Christ.

How many good things can you flush down the toilet?

This game has amazing characters, a unique style and premise and an extremely powerful story and plot.
Aaaand it ruins all of that with some of the worst design blunders I have ever seen in my life. It simply beggars belief.

Let's start with the fact that this game has the pacing of a glacier. The beginning up to the first dungeon is particularily bad.
How was this acceptible?

Another one of the worst offenders is actually that some of the best characters in the game (Shinji, Akihiko, Aegis, Junpei) DO NOT HAVE A FUCKING SOCIAL LINK! WHY?!? It makes absolutely no sense and egregiously prevents these great characters from having the same impact and screentime as the characters that do have social links.
Some that do are actually not only just... bad social links, but also bland characters, like Kenji, who is just a complete bufoon and his social link is so cringe I actually had to force myself to finish it.

Oh, and the backtracker-dungeon, the so called Tartarus is a gigantic grindfest that constantly interrupts the storys momentum and your immersion and it TAKES ON FOREVER! WHO MADE THIS?!?!? AND WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA AND SHOULD BE KEPT IN THE GAME?!?

... what else? Oh yeah, you... can't... control your party members directly... like... ever. They are always NPCs and you just have to hope that they make the correct decision.
... just... wow. Like... seriously??? Who programmed this shit?

This is basically what's wrong with this... thing. There is some other stuff you can critizise but it just pales in comparision to the monumental blunders I have just listed. They make this game impossible to enjoy and impossible to appreciate everything it does well.

Don't play it. At least not this version.
Try out the PSP Version or some certain... questionable version (not FES, that's also pretty bad).

Playing Disco Elysium for the first time. This is like… literature or something. I like it.

Update: Sensing hints of commie bullshit

Bro this Revengeance spin-off is so fucking lame. The gameplay sucks, it’s not as funny, the soundtrack is a clear downgrade, and Raiden is a pussy ass bitch now.