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I still can't believe the most attention this dlc got was because of Aloy kissing another female and not the fact that it is actually a very solid piece of content with a nice new area to explore and a decent amount of content to spend time in.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Leon do be committing rat genocide this time around

Average Marvel writing aside, this game was surprisingly good, deep enough tactically to keep the intrigue throughout combat encounters with a pretty solid story and a great cast of characters with interactions similar to the Mass Effect games. The writing is pretty poo poo though.

V has the best battle theme and I will not accept anything else

Ehh, just did not get me as much as I would've wanted, maybe I'm just too old and sad and bitter to enjoy it cause I'm sure younger me would've adored it.

This is more a look at how good of a remake it is rather than a review of the game itself because by now pretty much everyone knows the last of us is "quite good" but it was certainly controversial for this game to even exist given the remaster for the PS4 was still around and looked great. The remake for PS5 on the other hand, looks even better holy shit man these graphics make me moist. Naughty Dogs presentation is pretty much always sublime so no surprises there. As for the gameplay changes, it's minor but it does make the gameplay smoother, not on par with Part 2 which was brilliantly smooth but certainly noticeable, plus the improvements to the AI was I guess better, companions are still big dumb stupid idiot faces but that would never really change.

Ultimately, it's good, it is still the last of us after all, but when you consider that the remastered version is the price of a tesco meal deal in comparison it makes it harder to justify purchasing this version unless you really like the last of us (literally me) or you wanna see what the PS5 can do.

I won't lie, I really love this game. It's certainly one of my more controversial takes but I really do love it. Yes it's main gameplay loop is mmo side quests to grind for "power" but honestly I didn't even hate this as it allows the beautiful areas to be explored. The main story may be cliche in many regards but it also contains some absolutely brilliant moments and some of the quests are genuinely 10/10 like In Hushed Whispers and especially Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. The companions are also all great with Sera, Cassandra, Dorian and Solas all being brilliant. The combat managed to find a good middle ground between 2 and Origins where it is faster than Origins without being too over the top and still requiring a certain level of skill and thought. I know this game isn't perfect but for me this game could genuinely be a guilty pleasure and I adore it.

It's not perfect, all the complaints about repetitive level design and wave enemies are completely valid, the first act is too long, the third is too short and the middle act feels too climactic. But damn it I still have a soft spot for this game. The combat is arugably improved or made worse depending on your preference of Origins combat , for me it made it more fun to play through and looked a lot more interesting visually with its speed and effects. The story, I would argue, is the best in the trilogy so far with its more personal story on Hawke who is fantastic. The personal focus is the right way to go for the franchise and it also laid down some great groundwork for Inquisition. The companions are also brilliant and Sebastian, with Merrill, Varric, Isabela and Aveline being some of my favourite companions in all of Bioware's games. It really is a shame to see what happened during this game to come out and be received the way it did because had it been given more time, the reception would have been much better, but as it stands its hard to deny it isn't flawed but damn I still enjoyed my time with it.

It's not perfect, all the complaints about repetitive level design and wave enemies are completely valid, the first act is too long, the third is too short and the middle act feels too climactic. But damn it I still have a soft spot for this game. The combat is arugably improved or made worse depending on your preference of Origins combat , for me it made it more fun to play through and looked a lot more interesting visually with its speed and effects. The story, I would argue, is the best in the trilogy so far with its more personal story on Hawke who is fantastic. The personal focus is the right way to go for the franchise and it also laid down some great groundwork for Inquisition. The companions are also brilliant and Sebastian, with Merrill, Varric, Isabela and Aveline being some of my favourite companions in all of Bioware's games. It really is a shame to see what happened during this game to come out and be received the way it did because had it been given more time, the reception would have been much better, but as it stands its hard to deny it isn't flawed but damn I still enjoyed my time with it.

When it comes to debuting a new franchise and a new universe, Dragon Age Origins is one of the best. Ferelden is shown to have so much depth when it comes to its inner tensions between the races within. The Darkspawn are portrayed brilliantly too here and really feel like a big ominous threat that is constantly on your mind. The story is probably the best in the trilogy and really feels like it can be massively affected with the choices you make throughout, especially moments such as the Landsmeet which is absolutely superbly done. As is bioware tradition, its focus on characters helps carry this game too with Alistair, Morrigan and Leliana being some of their best. The combat also requires some decent thought compared to the cover style action of Mass Effect, it is much slower and more methodical here, really the only time it does that in this trilogy. At the same time, the combat isn't perfect and can often feel clunky which can make some of the more annoying fights even worse. Some of the parts during the main quests are also lackluster, even though they are interesting such as the Fade and the Deep Roads, two areas which get better work in the later games. Finally, the game is very buggy especially as it goes later into your playthrough. Ultimately though, Dragon Age Origins is fantastic, a must play rpg and a great beginning to the wonderful dark fantasy world of Thedas

Definitely not on par with Resi 2, it was still a good game to play as someone who didn't play the original. However it definitely felt like the last hour or so dragged the game down and it doesn't have a standout area like the RCPD in Resi 2. Having finished the game in just over 4 hours with little incentive to do a second playthrough also sucks considering the second path of Resi 2. Finally, the nemesis was not all that fun to deal with, rather than the consistent terrifying presence of Mr X, it is more like "spend 5 minutes wasting ammo to eventually proceed to next point" which removed much of the tension from it. At the very least, the gameplay is the same so it is still good even if more action focused and it still looks great, but ultimately I see why this doesn't receive the love that the Resi 2 remake got.

What a great game. Each of the main campaigns are great and varied thanks to different enemy focuses as well as different narratives that are all intriguing with different themes. The stories that get told within a campaign are brilliant too with so many different outcomes that can occur based on a characters relationships, equipment and actions. The combat is simple but never tedious, with it being similar to something like XCOM which allows for a good level of strategy to be employed with your different classes who can all use any weapon. Plus, once you've finished a campaign, you can choose to keep some of your heroes to your legacy to bring into other campaigns which is such a wonderful feature, especially with some of the campaigns wanting you to bring in a legacy hero. It isn't perfect, it does repeat some of the events, the overworld can be a bit boring to do as theres not much to do on it and finally the legacy characters being introduced doesn't feel the most interesting and feels more like any other character being introduced but honestly yeah this was fantastic and one I fully recommend people play.

The point where I gave up on the franchise. I just didn't care for it anymore as it truly felt like they ran out of ideas. Easily the most forgettable AC game of the main series. At least Evie Frye was kinda cool.

The game is kinda mid but honestly more than anything, it is funny to me that Arno is fighting against the revolution when the Assassins seem to be all about freedom against tyranny. Connor was on the side of the patriots in AC3 so why is Arno so decidedly against the revolution, it just looks very funny for Ubisoft to be so fond of the American Revolution but against the French Revolution.