Ryu ga gotoku: Ishin! is finally done after owning this for years. With the 'new version' coming out (I refuse to call it a remake) I wanted to finally finish this as I did with kenzan some time ago.

Ishin is alright overall and the plot of sakamoto ryoma seeking revenge for his foster father being killed was a good driving force for the story but it becomes background noise for what is to become the main plot, changing the face of japan. If you're into japanese history and how things changed back at that point in time you'll probably like this. But honestly the story became kinda boring overall- more so near the end.

The gameplay takes some cues from Yakuza 5 but turns it into this huge grinding mess. Unlike kenzan you really need o grind in order to get anywhere in the game because of how weak you are to start off. I spent 150 hours on this game when the story is probably at most 20 to 30 hours long due to grinding.

I think a number of people overhype this game because they never played it due to being japan only for the longest time and what other people have said. You can really tell this is one of the test games before zero came out.

Again it's alright but I don't think it's amazing or anything either.

Also don't worry as the game has fishing! Which is good because every game should have a fishing mini-game.

Played this when I was a kid and it was the best gameboy game ever and still is.

If you don't play this you're stupid, yes its true!

There is indeed a fishing mini-game in this and it's pretty simple but fun more so because Big the cat is there to chill with you. Shame froggy wasn't there but hey perhaps next time?

The game for sure has some issues but overall it's just a real fun time and put a big ol' smile on my face. From story to gameplay I had a fun time with my 35 hours put into the game and that should tell you something right there, you know? The fact you can sink that much time into a sonic game and not feel like it's dragging.

I would say to pick this up for sure.

To start off with I really don't like this game but I also can't escape it this game either. It's super bizarre and out there but you know what? As I've gotten older I've come to see some charm in the game.

Just like Illbleed and how bizarre that title is which is saying a lot but I will say BlueStinger isn't as confusing as Illbleed. I can still remember getting this x-mas day and how I wanted House of the dead but that was only on saturn.

BlueStinger is something you need to experience to really let things wash over you as words really do fail to convey what sort of feeling you get from this kind of thing. I must have played and beat this game like a dozen times or something now and for some reason I keep coming back even though it's legit not a good game.

There is something about it that just gets you to keep playing- perhaps it's the made up drink Hassy? Perhaps it's the fact there was a music video called 'nePhY-STING Me~' and how there's an english version of the song.

In a way I would have loved to have seen a second game like I heard was planned but ah well. Anyway there is no fishing in this game but there is a part where you enter a bait and tackle shop and kill monster fish because dinosaur island! Also there was a guy who was fishing in BlueStinger outside of that shop and died doing what he loved


Don't want to say to much but the game is really good and the story keeps you going the whole time. The combat was really good I feel and the look is that sweet spot of low ploy and 2D which works super well.

Oh and far as the story goes I think it'll end up like say silent hill for years to come in terms of trying to make sense of it all.

No fishing but I can forgive it this time around.

Still to this day one of the greatest games ever made- you could spend your whole life playing this one single game and never get tried of it.

No fishing sadly but you do get to crush fish like how mario crushes turts

What's there to say? Mario is out here crushing turts all day and doing that grind. Play it

RIGHT! There is no fishing in this which stinks

What a waste of such a cool idea.

This game sort of reminds me of WET from 2009 but at least that game had a cool soundtrack.

Can't believe you didn't even fight any vampire fish.

I beat this and got the platinum on ps4 but figured I'd just write it here because I also played Intergrade as well.

Final fantasy 7 is what got me into JRPGs back in the day when it came out on the playstation and while I don't think the remake is better then the OG game I feel it holds it's own as a fun title.

You know it's odd they had a real chance to add in fishing but didn't? How fucked up is that? Any-who hellhouse was fun to fight as an actual boss and for a good amount of the runtime I was wondering where hellhouse was you know?

Because that's what you should be thinking, feeling, and asking with your VERY soul! Because it's hellhouse! What a fun fight

Also to be real for a moment graphics don't make everything but seeing some moments with the new visuals was pretty cool- like with Motor Ball at the end of the midgar highway or fighting rufus which ended up being one of my top fights in the remakes because of how cool that coin toss was.

Also that 3rd verse on jenova dreamweaver was super fucking cool even if the fight it's self was kinda lame. Oh and not making RedXIII playable did feel like a bit of a copout due to how you did gain control of him in the OG game in the shinra building.

Overall I do think the game has strange pacing issues like during the graveyard bit and how it adds another boss for some reason even though at that point in the story the plate is about to fall so I think it was just to much.

Wall market was fun but I don't its going to be as iconic as the old wall market but that dance was sick.

Any-who not to make this to long the remake is cool but you should really play the OG game as well because it's the whole story even if the next part is going into different story stuff. Well worth the time and like more then half the cost of the remake

Oh and playing as yuffie was a hoot but it did sort of stink just staying in midgar but hey there's always part 2, right?

Not even gonna wait till the end but yes this game has fishing so no worries there!

Legend of legaia is legit one of the best JRPGS on the playstation and if you haven't played it then you're missing out on something amazing. Can't even count how many hours or times I've replayed this game but it's a lot.

The old 3D visuals really add this certain kind of charm you would see in FF7- the neat thing about this game was how when you equip pieces of armor and weapons you actually see the change on the characters and it's also voiced in combat which was sort of rare with jrpgs at the time.

Vahn, Noa, and Gala really do grow on you as the story goes on but I will say the story it's self isn't anything you haven't seen before but it is fun. Also how can you beat the main battle theme? Kinda wish there were more cut scenes but hey

Oh yeah the combat system is an interesting take as I don't believe any other rpg at the time did it but you put inputs in to do combos kind of like a fighting game. What is cool though is that if you happen to know the inputs early in the game you don't need to hit up the people who give you the moves via a book to learn them.

It's what got me into the series in the first place
Took a chance with a 20 dollar purchase and here we are 10 years later and still super into the series.

Oh and there's fishing alright and it's amazing!

The year is almost over and I never put my two cents out there for this game? Insane I tell ya.

Anyway this is easily one of the best games in the last ten years- maybe longer? I dunno something insane like that, like how INSANE this flipping game is!

No fishing but that's alright this time as I'll let it slide you know? It's just that good.

In the famous words of George wood:

"Pizza tower is truly perfect, if you do not get this new generation of pizza tower MADNESS, YOU ARE STUPID! Yes I know that's insulting but it's also the truth!"

No fishing mini game and that's the only real bad thing

I think for the next game samus should really have a way to fish- I mean you fight things underwater and shoot fish but don't actually fish.

Oh yeah also a really amazing game. But the lack of fishing

Pretty alright remake- not everyone's cup of tea but I feel they did a fine enough job and it doesn't make the old version any less worth playing.

After hours and hours of playing I really think it could have used a fishing section to it to help with the downtime. The closest thing you'll get is running away from a giant crocodile and then blowing it up. Not quite up to part with RE4 and how you could 'fish' but what can you do.